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NANCI B Wed, Nov-12-03 14:30

$15.00 for a chuck roast !
I just got back from the supermarket. I needed some meat.....(of course) and while browsing in the beef section, I noticed that the prices were outrageous. I was looking at a crummy chuck roast, that wasnt even 5 lbs and the price was $15.00. I said out loud something like Holy Crap.......$15 for chuck roast! A woman that was near me said "you can thank all those nuts that only eat meat for that" I guess I looked simple or something because she started in on how those meat fad diets are making beef scarce. I absolutely stood there with my mouth hanging open......... Maybe I did look simple.......I couldnt think of one word to say. (not much like me) By this time there are several women agreeing with her and in general griping about the price of beef. I got the heck out of there. It smelled like a lynchin' party starting up.

Are meat eaters driving up the price of meat? Can this be true?

I didnt buy the beef..........pork and chicken are still reasonable


coco2 Wed, Nov-12-03 14:52


I just posted something about this in my journal yesterday when I heard a newsguy say wholesale beef prices are up 50% because they can't keep up with the demand. Conversely, the sugar and flour people are are crying that sales are down.

We as consumers can't win. Two years ago there was a draught and we were told to cut back on our water use. A couple months later the water company applied to the public utilities commission for a rate increase. The reason? they lost money because we used less water. :lol:

maryc Wed, Nov-12-03 15:00

Hey we could all go buy turkeys! they are on sale now for thanksgiving. :)

JYounginer Thu, Nov-13-03 07:31

I heard about this on the news the other day too. I thought it was rediculous when I heard about it. Yeah, low carbers are buying more meat and less sugar and flour, but so what! Excuse us for trying to be healthy. Isn't it messed up that we live in a world where it's cheaper to eat "all the wrong foods" than not anyways? I remember my mom using that excuse several times when I was a kid, when it came to her wanting to go on a diet. She would always say that it was too expensive to eat healthy as she was baking up some cornbread with rice and beans.

As that guy on 60 minutes says, "GIVE ME A BREAK!"

Have a great day!

LCchickFL Thu, Nov-13-03 07:35

It's just a shift going on right now. The lowfat/low calorie people had the cattle industry losing money for YEARS so they cut back on production. Now that people are eating meat again, it's hard to keep up with the demand. Things will even out again as production is increased and some people inevitably give up this WOL.

Tedmom Thu, Nov-13-03 10:48

Wow! And I thought I overpaid when I got a 4 pound rolled chuck roast for $8 while shopping this week. I hope the beef prices go back down, otherwise the demand for chicken and turkey as a replacement will likely cause a price inflation on those items as well.

just4fun Thu, Nov-13-03 13:08

Hold on gang!

I saw something on the news the other day that explained the higher prices. Because of all the mad cow disease we in the states are not able to get beef from Canada these days. Yes, there is a higher demand these days becasue of all the people doing low-carb, high protein WOE, but the main reseason there is a shortage is beacuse of other reasons (not us!). They said the restrictions would be easing soon and hopefully by the first of the year the prices will start dropping.


BelmontLil Thu, Nov-13-03 13:16

This article sites both the mad cow disease and lo carbers for the increase:

Diana D Thu, Nov-13-03 14:15

I think just4fun is right - although it was 1 fricken cow that was afflicted, not the entire country's cattle.... And it is rumoured it didn't even COME from Canada.. But let's not go off on that rant.... :bash: (I'm sure you Brits know what I'm saying...)

I feel for my fellow Americans, who had no part in the banning of our exports. :( I have to agree, those prices are INSANE! I got a 3 KG (around 6.5 pounds) SIRLOIN TIP roast this past week for $10.00 Canadian. And it's usually only around $13-$15. :spin:

Maybe you yanks can rattle the cages of the people in charge down there so we can start importing our meat again? Hrmmmm...


pd42 Thu, Nov-13-03 14:28

My son-in-law (who lives in Germany and just started atkins a couple weeks ago) said that his mom who works in a meat packing plant in Texas told him last week that they actually ran out of cows to butcher!!! But I agree with other posters that eventually production will keep up with demand.

gawdess Thu, Nov-13-03 14:49

Well fortunately I really dont eat much beef...I buy mostly chicken and pork to eat. I plan on buying turkeys while prices are low too!! At least eggs arent 10 buck a dozen yet!

maryc Thu, Nov-13-03 15:07

Speaking of eggs. My Wal-mart has large eggs up to 1.16 a dozen. I used to buy largs ones but now the Medium ones are .84 cents a dozen so I get them instead. :)

NANCI B Thu, Nov-13-03 15:54

My good old ma just came in to visit. She had an agenda.... as usual. She wanted to know if I had seen all the press about the price of beef. Then she wanted to know if I was going to eat like a regular person again. I said that before I would eat like a "regular" person again, I would exaust the neighborhood of stray dogs and cats if I couldnt afford beef.

That old gal still pulls my strings. It is one of the reasons I have an issue with food in the first place.

Wynter Thu, Nov-13-03 16:15

Originally Posted by NANCI B
I said that before I would eat like a "regular" person again, I would exaust the neighborhood of stray dogs and cats if I couldnt afford beef.


May I say I actually shot water out my nose when I read that?


Tina3 Thu, Nov-13-03 17:41

what is LMAO?

I just bought lots of beef at Meijer and it was very low priced. Of course, I only buy what is on sale. Guess it will be turkey for awhile! Thank goodness for freezers! Tina

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