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brarlsteve Wed, Jul-02-03 07:54

BEEEEEEEER! and my leptin utopian fantasy
Hi I am a new boy , oh yes , hi everybody

managed to lose 14-16 lbs , had a stall after 3-4 weeks and went on a drunken rampage one evening where i consumed 6 pints of strong british lager ( not the american strength watery stuff) a chicken tikka massala , pilau rice and a fantastically stodgy naan bread. mmmmmmm

i was soooooooo ashamed but to sloshed at the time to care

when i woke up the next morning i felt really guilty about my sins

anyway , i got back on the straight and narrow and a few days later on the monday i weighed myself to find that I had lost 3 pounds

i carried on losing at around 2-3 a week and now I am stuck again

I have read the info and ideas about refeeding and leptin levels

Is this what happened to me ? diet my beer/curry bender take my body out of survival mode ?and if so is beer and naan bread a good idea ?

anybody know what a good refeed diet should be like ?

this is amazing , if all I have to do is drink beer everynow and again and stay as I am under 20 carbs a day then this is truly the worlds easiest diet.

I am going to try my crazy theory tonight by consuming several bottles of delicious nastro peroni italian beer.

any ideas/comments/suggestions will be greatfully appreciated

lots of love from deepest darkest Wales


brarlsteve Fri, Jul-04-03 04:33

fair enough
didnt realize this forum was so cliquey

thanks for the entheusiasm

I did a days worth of carbing yesterday
just gained 2 lbs to be expected
ate a baguette - some rice and 3 pints of beer.

going 0 carb for 3 days to get back into ketosis

I wonder if this works ?

will post back on tuesday with the results if anybody gives a flying toss

DarkLotus Fri, Jul-04-03 09:19

If you do a search and type "refeed" there are several people who have tried this. I know Natrushka and Skamito both have. Also looking under the CKD forum might help too.

wordlady Sun, Jul-06-03 06:51

This is an awesome forum, but here's the thing. Some parts are extremely busy, (Atkins), and some are very slow, (exercise is like...dead). So it's not your popularity, it's the topic and where you post.

The other thing is that you'll post something, say for example in the Atkins section, and then if it's anything to do with tips or stalls, they scoot your thread over here...(sometimes to die a slow death).

Paleoanth Sun, Jul-06-03 07:36


Sometimes these things work for some people and others it doesn't. I am looking forward to your results on Tuesday.

We really aren't cliquey-more than likely people just missed your post. Some days posts come so fast around here it is almost impossible to keep up.

brarlsteve Wed, Jul-09-03 07:43

Hi all thanks for the replies
I feel less lonley now !

result - it worked

I gained 2-3 in the following days then from monday started steadily losing , I am now past my stall , lost the few pounds I gained because of my naughty day and am back on a good rate of weight loss , in the 5 days since the reefeed day I am now down 2 lbs from my original weight

I did notice that loss of all appetite feeling that you get in the start of ketosis in induction hit me on the 3rd day - bang on the money !

so I am a happy chap because I reckon by my experience anyway that a good carbing/beering will help those who are on dead stop.

all !


Groggy60 Wed, Jul-09-03 11:17

Sadly, refeeds should be lot-fat and beer does not qualify very well that regard. The naan and rice are good. Potatoes, bread, pasta, rice, fruit juice, kids cereals, candy, soft-drinks are all good refeed foods. Some foods like beer and ice cream just don't seem to fit in anywhere when trying to loose weight.

I did planned weekly refeeds with great success to lose weight. Now I find that summer brings many unplanned refeeds, like Christmas.

brarlsteve Thu, Jul-10-03 06:03

no fat in beer groggy
just sugar/carbs

I love beer


now Ice cream , yeah granted full of fat

but all i can say is that its worked twice for me

bbo4 Thu, Jul-10-03 06:50


I did "almost" the same thing last weekend and it worked for me also.
I ate the same (under 20 carbs) but over the weekend I drank a ton of beer (bachelor party in Montreal). At the time I left for Montreal I was in a 2 week stall. One week from the date of the bachelor party I weighed myself and I was down 6 more lbs and I didn't gain anything!

brarlsteve Thu, Jul-10-03 08:49

cheers bb0 ,

it seems hard to believe ,but It must work :

sudden intoduction of glucose to the system in liquid form !

I am missing guiness too , ill try that on next time.

brarlsteve Fri, Jul-11-03 06:56

had to tell someone
its really kicking in now
just dropped 4lbs in 2 days !


bbo4 Fri, Jul-11-03 07:21

Awesome! Did you drink recently??? If so, how much and what?
I am thinking about hitting the beers this weekend.

shelmaker Fri, Jul-11-03 08:03

It does work...for some
Just have to say, I did something real similar to this last Sat/Sun. I drank rum/diet coke all night Sat and woke up with a HORRIBLE hangover Sun. Didn't really feel like doing l/c when I felt sooo wretched so I opted for a double cheeseburger and fries from Wendy's...mmmm. Then later that night I topped the evening off with a PBP from Dairy Queen. It's Friday, and I'm down 4 pounds! Whooohoooo....only two more to go....I feel a craving for a rum/diet coke coming on!!

bbo4 Mon, Jul-14-03 13:06

I decided to eat some pizza to break the latest 5 day stall and it worked. I had pizza Friday, weighed myself Monday and lost 2lbs.
Better than beer, no hangover!


tasche Tue, Jul-22-03 12:04

It there any scientific reason why this "refeeding" works. It sounds intresting but flies in the way about what you think about when dieting

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