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Suemi Wed, Aug-16-17 20:15

Short little HI
Spending time reading around your site, preparing to start LC (Atkins) on Monday after grocery shopping this weekend. I've done it in the past but was never fully committed. I'd be 100% committed during the week but then gave myself the weekend to cheat a little. Not ice cream sundae kind of cheats, but 2 days of even healthy carb heavy cheats were sabotaging what I accomplished during the week!

Lately, I really feel like crap when I eat poorly, so I think I am in the right frame of mind to just DO IT. Not "half way"; but 100% COMMIT. Guess time will tell. Type II diabetic and if nothing else, following LC lowers my A1C incredibly.

I have always lost weight at the speed of a turtle stuck in quicksand and it really gets discouraging. I am determined to make this year my year of change.

Anyhow, thought I'd say HI since I'll be lurking around your site reading in the evenings when I get that urge to munch. LOL

robynsnest Wed, Aug-16-17 20:23

Welcome! Looking forward to sharing this journey

Rosebud Thu, Aug-17-17 00:01

Hi Sue, and welcome. :)

You really can do this. It took me a long time to get there, but hey, if I can do it (and keep the weight off for more than two and a half years now), ANYONE can!

JEY100 Thu, Aug-17-17 05:04

Welcome Sue :wave:
You have found a great support forum, maybe joining a Buddy group or starting a journal will help you commit this time...whatever fits your personality. Check out the Diabetes forum for tips Look through the recipes to get the foods that will help youre-start. There are some good "second time around" articles in the Newbie Advice too.
All the best,

Suemi Fri, Aug-18-17 18:51

Getting my shopping list all set for tomorrow. Need a little work on the snack things since I can't have my mid-morning apple.

I'm having a hard time believing I can lose if I eat fats, but I've read a ton around here and clearly it's working for all of you! That was the hardest part about trying LC and LF diets. I have no problem with meat and veggies; but if you can't also have a little butter or a little cream, etc. with them, they get BORING. When it gets boring, I quit. SIGH. That's what made me come turn back to Atkins.

Off to read to see what good ideas you guys have for snacks... :)

Suemi Fri, Aug-18-17 20:29

Janet --Thanks for the tip on starting a journal. It just might keep me motivated and at least a way to hold myself accountable.

Rosebud & Robyn - Hi and thanks for the welcome.

I've been reading here, there and everywhere around the forums the past few days and I am truly amazed at how much success all of you have had!! The little stats showing start/current/goal is really motivating when you see that it truly does work if you stick with it.

JEY100 Sat, Aug-19-17 03:20

That is a darn cute bunny :) haven't seen that one before with the celery...but no "rabbit food" needed here. On this forum, you can even snack on bacon if you wish. Btw, I was raised in CT and still visit family and friends.

You also might want to aim for a goal of eliminating "snacks". Everytime you eat, that will raise BG and insulin. Dr Bernstein and other diabetes focused doctors want you to eat enough at meals to not be hungry in between, Give your pancreas a rest. Dr. B. suggests 4-5 hours between meals. His video playlist is an amazing archive of his years of treating diabetes knowledge.

Dr. Westman's guidelines are
Eat when you are hungry, stop when you are full The diet works best on a “demand feeding” basis—that is, eat whenever you are hungry; try not to eat more than what will satisfy you. Learn to listen to your body. A low-carbohydrate diet has a natural appetite-reduction effect to ease you into the consumption of smaller and smaller quantities comfortably. Therefore, do not eat everything on your plate just because it’s there. On the other hand, don’t go hungry! You are not counting calories. Enjoy losing weight comfortably, without hunger or cravings. It is recommended that you start your day with a nutritious low-carbohydrate meal. Note that many medications and nutritional supplements need to be taken with food at each meal, or three times per day

If you are on medications, Read the Caution sticky at top of Diabetes forum!

Suemi Sat, Aug-19-17 20:22

Thanks Janet. And I visit my son down in NC. Wish I could move down there!! He lives just north of Charlotte and loves it.

Interesting that you say no snacks. DR has always told me smaller meals and healthy snacks - like a piece of fruit or celery sticks - between meals. Of course, he wasn't talking about the Atkins type of LC meals either. The purpose of the smaller meals with snacks was to level off the blood sugar spikes. So the spikes would be lower and stay more level throughout the day.

We'll see. Today was day one and no snacks. So we'll see how this LCHF feels after a few days.

JEY100 Sun, Aug-20-17 03:34

Depending on what foods you have been eating, you may transition easily to LC or have a few side effects. List and what to do about them here:

I followed the NANY instructions to have a cup of broth mid-morning and afternoon for the salt, and drink plenty of water both helps dehydration and constipation, and had no problems. Almost no calories in broth so that is not a snack, but a way to replenish the salt you are losing along with the water. You can eat salt off your hand or in plain water, but broth is tastier and a warm liquid somewhat "filling". I had no problems and by day five was well into ketosis and full of energy. Be prepared for switching from burning sugar to your own body fat for energy and you will do fine.

Suemi Sun, Aug-20-17 10:52

Broth is a great tip.......thanks

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