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Whofan Thu, Apr-12-12 11:14

What's the worst/unhealthiest thing you've ever eaten
Reading something on another thread jogged my memory. I once had a sugar craving so bad that I went to the 24-hour supermarket during the night and bought a large can of sweetened condensed milk and a huge slab of marzipan, big enough to cover a small wedding cake. Then I went home, got into bed, ate the milk from the can with a spoon, and followed it with the entire slab of marzipan. At the time I felt sooo guilty. Now I'm low-carbing it made me smile to remember it. Does anyone else have a worst food moment?

Labhrain Thu, Apr-12-12 11:17

Eating the way you described was pretty commonplace for me. So, I guess my "worst" was rather regular. It was not at all uncommon for me to eat most of a box of Triscuits with cheese, along with a LARGE hunk of frosted cake and a LARGE candy bar for a meal. Sometimes I would eat a pint of Ben and Jerry's for dinner, and top that off with biscuits. I felt I was eating "healthy" if I actually included some meat and veggies in a meal sometimes. Yeah....severe junk food junkie.

RubySpider Thu, Apr-12-12 11:30

I use to made up a recipe for a one crust pie, but shaped it into sticks and bake them. Then I'd eat the pie crust sticks with a can of Coke-cola. Normally, I'd drink Pepsi, but I thought the crust sticks tasted better with Coke. Nothing but carbs, baby! Zero nutrients! :lol:

Oh, my favorite/easy/bad meals was pork ramon soup with french bread for dipping. Poor man's french dip, as it were. Very cheap,very easy, very carby and again-zero of those pesky nutrients needed for life. "Guess who's anemic? -That's right! I am!!!" :p

IvannaBFit Thu, Apr-12-12 11:33

Oh god, that's nothing. I'm a professional when it comes to binge eating. The funny thing is, my binges make me so sick now that I'm LC, that they're relatively tame. What used to be thousands of calories worth of sugar is now maybe 100 carbs -- yes that's still a hell of a lot of carbs, but believe me... I used to be WAY worse. Binges that'd last DAYS.

IvannaBFit Thu, Apr-12-12 11:34

I've eaten half a pizza in one sitting, 3/4 cake etc. 20 chocolate bars. 10 cheeseburgers. 12 drinks. Etc etc.

ICDogg Thu, Apr-12-12 15:28

I got kicked out of a buffet once.

RachelBB Thu, Apr-12-12 15:31

I was just thinking a few weeks ago, how now when I go off plan and "binge", it's still WAY less than a usual day's intake used to be. I wasn't a huge binger, as such, but every day I ate a huge amount of horrible food. Maybe every day was a binge, lol. I truely feel low carbing has saved my life, and is making my life worth living.

Labhrain Thu, Apr-12-12 15:42

Originally Posted by RachelBB
I was just thinking a few weeks ago, how now when I go off plan and "binge", it's still WAY less than a usual day's intake used to be.

My binges now, which most often consist of protein and fat instead of carbs (and even if carbs are involved, it's typically nuts and berries,) are far less in volume/kcals than my pre-low carb binges. I still don't like them. They bother me and do impede my progress, but they are much better in that they are smaller and in that they consist of real, healthful food instead of junk. So, it's definitely an improvement.

WereBear Thu, Apr-12-12 16:19

I had two "lowest points."

I was an emergency babysitter. Between the stress and the binge disorder, I ate a whole box of pop-tarts; unable to help myself.

I still remember the withering scorn that the bratty kids, desperate parents, and despairing friend poured on me. Cripes, I ate a box of Pop-Tarts! Sue me!

The stupidest thing I ever ate was a can of pineapple slices with Cool Whip layered over them. It wasn't even good!

sephine Thu, Apr-12-12 20:16

a whole pizza AND a cake AND a jar of nuttella ugh ><

Wutsupdoc Thu, Apr-12-12 21:47

I remember going to taco bell and getting several items, then following that up with store bought carrot cake.

indie Thu, Apr-12-12 22:23

oh dear...

mine is a whole bag of BBQ fritos.

Consumed with diet coke (like really? a diet coke?)

Equinox Fri, Apr-13-12 00:12

Two come to mind...

My favourite chocolate bar ever was Dime. If you've never had it, it's a slab of croquant (hard, glass-brittle caramel with maybe a little fine-ground nuts in), covered in ripple-y milk chocolate. Could hardly be more decadent, I suppose, solid browned sugar at the centre, and then thick milk chocolate on the outside! I would scrape, borrow, steal money, because my allowance was already gone usually, and then buy like three double bars at a time. I preferred them frozen, probably since I'd hidden them in the freezer at some point, so I would pop two of them and half the first one in there, and start eating the first half sitting on my bed, usually reading a comic book. I had a specific way I had to fold the duvet behind my back and got stressed out if everything wasn't perfect. Once the first half bar was gone I had to immediately go and get the second half, even though it wouldn't have had time to freeze all the way yet. It didn't matter to the sugar monster in me demanding FOOD. NOW. Once I'd finished that one the others would be cold and stiff enough to shatter when bent. Lovely. I would finish the second whole bar, and then start panicking because there was only one double bar left, and after that one I would have NOTHING! Though of course, that one followed the first two in short order, and then I started plotting how to get more money for more chocolate next time.

The second also involved milk chocolate, come to think of it. I was a teenager by then. I'd discovered that plain milk chocolate came in 200 gram bars, and that it tasted lovely if mixed with a little fat (actually I mostly used margarine, not even butter, *sigh*...), and then frozen. Yes, developing a theme here! I would then sit in front of the TV with a litre measuring cup filled with a solid block of chocolate and hack out chunks with a butter knife until the block was all gone.

I have others, but these were the most guilt-inducing.

Blackstone Fri, Apr-13-12 01:16

This thread is cracking me up! Sounds like we all have our ways of chowing down! I can't recall one single time that really takes the cake, no pun intended. But I have been know to take a loaded home made pizza with more cheese on it than you can imagine..along with other toppings, and figuring that isn't enough so I would take a dish of mayo with hot sauce or any other kind of mix to stir in. I would dip my pizza into this sauce! As if the pizza needed a sauce?!? Really?? I've also taken microwave popcorn, added extra butter and dumped brown sugar on top of it. In the sugar department I have taken cake and put it in the microwave for a few seconds and then slathered it with butter AND pour half n half or heavy whipping cream on top of it! Dear Lord!! Help me!

leemack Fri, Apr-13-12 04:02

I'd get a large bowl, pour a cm thick layer of granulated sugar all over the bottom, pour loads frosted cornflakes on top, then a mixture of cream and milk, and a final topping of sugar. On a bad day I could eat 3-4 large bowls. :o I dread to think what this did to my liver.


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