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CValentine Thu, Jul-05-07 13:37

Blood, Sweat & Tears...The Valentine Story
Gym Log Day 1....

Here I am & here I go...

15# dumbbells(db)

30 minutes min. ~ 3x a week

Weight & measure every 5 days...

And Begin!

Dust off your weights & get ready to rock! Worked a good 30 min's this morning. General 15# dumbbells(db). 3x military db press, 3x alt. db raises, 3x db flyes, 3x db rows, 3x skullcrushers, 3x overhead db extensions, 3x db kickbacks, 3x 10 db lunges(work those thighs!!)(killers!) & 3x 10 reverse crunches. I am feeling it!! Esp. in the thighs...db lunges hurt like he%& !! ~ Cheryl

greenshamr Thu, Jul-05-07 23:27

Work it girl! Work it! Put Jane Fonda to shame!! Rock on wif ur bad self!!

CValentine Fri, Jul-06-07 23:14

3 day rotation...
No, I'm not slacking...!
I'm rotating every other day for maximum healing time of bodyparts between workouts! Comes out to 3 days a week. Working on my form, peak contractions & breathing with lighter weights. About 2 weeks is good... I've been trained before! Getting the peak muscle contraction for maximum results is the hardest for me. My last trainer & I worked with a touch method. He would watch where I was in the exercise & touch the muscle at the time I was to begin contracting and hold it til I was to release the contraction. My inhale/exhale matched his. Then, I was a sculpted 147#, 5'9". Not bulky, but had 'showy' muscles. My legs were gorgeous!

I'm currently at 153.5#, all my measurements can be viewed in my PLAN under the weight category. I update on every +5 days of the month. Weigh & measure... it gives me a routine I'm comfortable with. I also look at my PLAN monthly view to see how I'm eating C/P/F % wise, and comparing them with the other weeks where I was losing or stalled. I try to eat whole foods & keep them simple. You can view what I'm eating in the PLAN also. I welcome any comments or suggestions.

There are alot of great tools here on this forum & I would encourage those who might be following my journey to start their own! Working with, supporting & challenging each other...We can achieve our goals together!

Let's do it! ~Cheryl Ann

CValentine Sat, Jul-07-07 23:09

Welcome Valentine's Gym where we love to make you sweat!

Enough of the intro, I seriously pushed myself today. Form, Breathing, Peak Contraction...still a lighter weight, but Full Form. And it goes like this:

3x Military db press 10-10-10
3x concentration curls 10-10-10
3x lat db raises 10-8-6
3x db flyes 10-8-6
3x db rows 10-10-10
3x skullcrushers 10-10-10
3x db kickbacks 10-10-10
3x db pullovers 10-10-10
3x db lunges 10-10-10 (ow)
3x reverse crunches w/db 15-15-15 (double ow!)

My legs are gonna need some muscle rub tonight! Bought some magnesium tabs, I figured I need it after maowing on a spinach yesterday & today. Took some Iron to counterbalance the bruising I have going on.

Supplements look like this:
B-complex 150
C-500 2x
A & D softgel
Fish oil 1000mg
Co Q-10 200mg
Chromium Pico 200mg
7-Keto(women's DHEA)
Liquid Amino's

So I too can be like Arnold!! Well, not that muscular, but well-defined!
Calling it a night now...
Tune in on Sunday for the next exciting episode of: Blood, Sweat & Tears... The Valentine Story! ~Cheryl

CValentine Sun, Jul-08-07 20:15


Got in a long swim & took a good walk today! Did 3x 10 standing db lateral raises, tired of that 'loose feeling' under the arms!

See you tomorrow! ~Cheryl

CValentine Mon, Jul-09-07 23:00

Day 3 in the weight room...
'Lo Gym rats!!

I can barely type, my hands are shaking from the intensity of the work-out.
What I pushed out today:

3x10 db chest press
3x10 db flyes
3x10 double-handed db pullovers

3x10 standing db lateral raises
3x12/10/10 db rows
3x10/8/8 seated db press

3x10/8/8 overhead db extensions
3x10 skullcrushers
3x10 db kickbacks

2x 15/18exh. db lunges

3x15 weighted reverse crunches

My legs had to be stretched out 2ce & a muscle rub down to get the workout done. I was hurting before, but have the blood coursing through me right now! What a pump! I'm gonna feel it in the morning! Thinking about soaking in the pool, just 'laxing out. Wish I had my BP machine. Heart rate is 98 b/m. Feeling a little better now. Gonna grab a little protein, scan the journals & hit the sack! Luv you guys!, Cheryl

CValentine Wed, Jul-11-07 23:00

Left cheek damage!!
Owww....butt cramp! Left cheek, too many lunges!!

All righty then, here's what happened today in Mr. Roger's neighborhood (gym):

3x10 seated military db press
3x10 db chest press
3x10 db flyes
3x10 db pullovers

3x10 standing db lateral raises
3x12 db rows
3x10 seated db press

3x12 overhead db extensions
3x12 skullcrushers
3x10 db kickbacks

2x20/10exh. db lunges(CRAMP)

3X10 weighted leg lifts

3x15 weighted reverse crunches

Then I had to do some of my sun-salutation yoga routine to stretch out my butt cheek. It lined up my back pretty well too!
Well, I think I'll post my workout music here tomorrow.

Catch you then...~Cheryl

CValentine Thu, Jul-12-07 07:36

The fine musical collection from Cheryl's workout, complements of Napster:

Roni Size & Reprazesnt - Idi Banashapen
BT - Dominic's Story
The Chemical Brothers - Block rockin' beats
Razed In Black - Starfu&%^rs, Inc, NIN Tribute
White Zombie - Supercharger Heaven
Korn - Trash
White Zombie - Thunder Kiss '65
Korn - Here To Stay
White Zombie - Electric Head, Pt. 2
Korn - Right Now
Rammstein - Bang, Bang

Repeat 2x....motivating & fast paced enough to stay inspirational.(For now)
Like to mix it up quite a bit. Too tame? Thank Napster's timidity. When I used to have KAZAA - whoah! Everything :-P~~!! Enjoy!

If you want a Napster link, or want to give a link, PM me! ~Cheryl

HerbNurse Thu, Jul-12-07 10:01

P2P created hidden problems with my comuter and they weren't worth having...for me. DS had them too and had to strip his computer down and then reload everything. Be careful with these services.

I have an Ipod and use that when I work out. I have either copied some CD's to my Ipod or downloaded some music from I can't give you any suggestions.

Good job on the workout. I hear ya about the sore butt cheek. My entire lower body is screaming today. I thought I would be a big s**t and walk/hike the 3.5 mile trail. Yowza!!! I hope I can walk later. I have taken mega doses of l-glutamine so we shall see.


CValentine Sat, Jul-14-07 00:12

In Depeche Mode!
Knocked it out!!

1 hr 10min. Whew...!!

Got a Depeche Mode mix going on...playlist posting tomorrow!

The work-out:

3x10 db chest press
3x10 db flyes
3x10 db pullovers

3x10 standing db lateral raises
3x12 db rows
3x10 seated db press

3x12 overhead db extensions
3x12 skullcrushers
3x10 db kickbacks


3X10 stiff-legged db deadlifts
3x8 db lunges(Not pushing my luck today)

3x12 weighted reverse crunches

All done for the week. Gonna have some beef/spinach soup for after-burn feeding. Then prayers, Proverbs & hit the sack! ~Cheryl

CValentine Sat, Jul-14-07 10:13

Playlist: Depeche Mode...
Yesterday's Playlist:

Depeche Mode

Was a good mix...not super crazy about 'World in my Eyes' or 'Master & Servant', was trying to get 1x through work out with no repeats. Cannot find Rammstein's version of 'Stripped', it's very good.

The attachment below shows the playlist. If you'd like to hear it & have Napster, look up chebaby77. Enjoy! ~Cheryl

CValentine Sun, Jul-15-07 22:28

All kinds of working out today! ;-)
Well troopers,

Besides the weight workout today & a good day in the pool, my DH came home after 31 days in the Mohave Desert in sunny, beautiful California. So plenty of my favorite kinda exercise ;-)P~~

3x12 seated military db press
3x12 db flyes
3x12 db pullovers

3x10 standing db lateral raises
3x12 db rows
3x12 seated db press

3x12 overhead db extensions
3x12 skullcrushers
3x12 db kickbacks


3x12 stiff-legged db deadlifts
3x8 db lunges

3x12 weighted reverse crunches

2 Push-ups(I really suck at these!)

Had some jumpin' '80's old school Hip-Hop goin'! Post it tomorrow. Gonna go soak my feet in the pool & have a beer with the Old Man! Catch ya later!, ~Cheryl

CValentine Mon, Jul-16-07 10:45

7/15/07 Playlist!
Hip-hoppin' it!

Just my custom mix. Kept me pushing through. Not as well organized as I'd wanted, but still Fun!

Later!, ~Cheryl

CValentine Thu, Jul-19-07 07:46

Catching up!!
Sorry so behind!

DH, Steve came home from 'the box'. Catching up with him & the kids & settling into a routine again! Been doing alot of swimming & walking. Not so much on the weights. DH is making sure I get my cardio workout!! He keeps me fit in that dept., let me tell you! ;)

Will be going onto full weight workouts, working 2 - body parts + ab's every other day. Ready to (re)build some muscle! Complete with workout tunes to inspire growth potential!

Catch you all tonight! ~Cheryl Ann

CValentine Thu, Jul-19-07 20:17

Upped the weights!
Well here it is!----> THE WORKOUT!!!

Chest: 20#db's
3x10/8/6 seated military db press
3x10/8/6 db flyes
3x10/8/6 db pullovers

Triceps: 20#db's
3x10/8/6 overhead db extensions
3x10/8/6 skullcrushers
3x10/8/6 db kickbacks

Abs: 20#db
3x10 weighted reverse crunches

Yes a bit more weight. That little bit more was a killer!
Not so much on the Ab's, buth the kickbacks, extensions & pullovers, Augh!

Feeling shot down. Gonna post my music tomorrow, had some kickin' country!

~Cheryl Ann

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