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Dumbletore Thu, Feb-03-05 14:37

2005 Patricks Day Challenge
As Today is exactly 6 weeks away to St. Patricks day enough time to a challenge and atain a mini goall on our way to success. In time 6 weeks I'd like to be tipping the scales at the 235 lb mark. :daze:

Anyone else want take the challenge just leave your Target weight and report here with how the weight loss is going.

Best of Luck Everyone :clap:

Gagalina Fri, Feb-04-05 10:20

Hi Dumbletore,

I'm in.

Start weight: 75 kg (165)
Goal weight: 72 kg (158)

It works at at around a pound a week, so hopefully I can get this to work. Alternatively, I managed to loose 6 pounds yesterday by placing my scales in different locations ;-) The first time I stood on the scales yesterday, I was down about 4 pounds and I thought aliens had come in the middle of the night and taken a kidney, liver and hopefully some fat ;-) But alas, all organs still intakt and fat still in place ;-(

And then when I put the scales back to the normal place, the weight was also back to normal...

Have a good weekend everybody!!

Dumbletore Sat, Feb-05-05 05:38

Originally Posted by Gagalina
The first time I stood on the scales yesterday, I was down about 4 pounds and I thought aliens had come in the middle of the night and taken a kidney, liver and hopefully some fat ;-) But alas, all organs still intakt and fat still in place ;-(

And then when I put the scales back to the normal place, the weight was also back to no

O know, that sounds like the dreaded scales senario, I has it last year, the scale I had was a few years old and would chage every time I weighed my self and would I keep getting up and down on it untill I was the desired weight, then its started acting really wonky, and I changed the batteries but still not working properly so I bought a new scales!.

Paid about €50 euro for it, it was and still is a very good scale but first time I weighed my self I was 6 pounds heavier :( then before and no matter how many times I weighed myself the weight never changed, so be prepared if you buy a new weighing scale.

Best of luck with the challenge!
I'm off on holidays, back next week.

Rebecca A Sun, Feb-06-05 19:33

I will take you up on the St. Patty's Day challenge here in the USA. I have about 50 pounds to lose by June 11, my daughter's (only child) wedding. Don't think I'll make the 50 mark, but I'll try to lose 10 by St. Patrick's Day. Next year, when it's on a Friday and then the next year, on Saturday, I plan to have a party at my house. Got lots of Irishmen in my family and hubby's, though for some reason his family isn't as proud as my family is, maybe because my late father was so proud of his Irish heritige. How can you NOT be proud of being IRISH????? I'm sure you all understand that. That's why I've seeked you all out. (Hey, do we have any Dillon's out there? That was my maiden name.)

I do Atkins, so tomorrow I'm looking to get back with my diet plan. WIll check in with everyone soon. Good luck to all!!!!!!!

Gagalina Wed, Feb-09-05 10:32

Hey Dumbletore,

these already are my new scales.... so at the moment everytime I weigh myself, I do it about 5 or 6 times in different locations and take the average of the weights that I get, but normally there is only a pound difference between the highest and the lowest, so hopefully wont get a shock like that again ;-)

Have a lovely holiday!! Its spain you're going to isn't it??

Hi Rebecca,
I like being Irish ;-) I'm also half German and because of our rather bad history with Hitler we were never really "allowed" to be proud to be German because that was always seen as being proud of Hitler - which we are obviously not, so as a nation we do not really have a great or strong identity - so its grand to be able to fall back on the Irish heritage!!

Rebecca A Sun, Feb-13-05 19:01

I too am half German, but love being Irish the best and am the most proud of that heritage. After all, who can hate people that have little leprachans running around them??? Why isn't anyone posting to this site, I thought we were going to take a St. Patty's Day challenge, did I miss it? Has it passed? Here in the USA, tomorrow is Valentine's Day, I thought St. Patty's Day came AFTER Valentines Day. Come on people, lets do this.

Terranova Sun, Feb-13-05 19:07

I am new here and not sure how a challenge works.

My current weight is 327. In 6 weeks I hope to weigh 315lbs. That's a 2lb a week loss and should be doable for me.
I accept your challenge!

Terranova Mon, Feb-14-05 23:12

Due to my new scale I need to amend my challenge:
I'd like to weigh 345 by St Patrick's Day.


Gagalina Tue, Feb-15-05 03:33

Hey everybody,

I'm still here, it was just a bit busy here at work and also with the Chinese New Year there was a lot of stuff happening.

Did anybody go to the Chinatown Festival at the National Museum in Dublin?? I was there saturday and sunday since we had a demonstration on with Kung Fu on the main stage. Also got to see Bertie, but it was funny, just before he came on, we had to put all the weapons in the car ;-) as if we would attack Bertie....

There was also a really good Lion Dance Team from Hong Kong over. They were very very good!!

I also endulged in a few too many carbs. Its was absolutely freezing and sooo windy!! And the guy who organised it had told us the wrong time, so there was a lot of standing around in the cold and there was all this chinese food around so I just had some. Afterwards we all went to the "Good World" on George Street - my absolute favorite restaurant, so had "normal" food there also since I didn't want to miss the meal. And then there were some chinese cookies afterwards...

But back on track since this monday morning, and not going to indulge again!!!

I was back down to weight before Christmas on Friday, but because of the weekend, I didn't step on the scales yesterday, but today I was at 168, so put on a little bit over hte weekend.

Oh my Terranova, there must have been a huge difference between your old and new scales then??? Welcome to the challenge anyway.

I was lucky, my new scales made me loose 4 pounds in a flash ;-)

Terranova Tue, Feb-15-05 08:40

Originally Posted by Gagalina
Oh my Terranova, there must have been a huge difference between your old and new scales then??? Welcome to the challenge anyway.

I was lucky, my new scales made me loose 4 pounds in a flash ;-)

Yes, my scale was like 10+ years old. My hubby and I both weigh over 300lbs. 30lbs is only a 10% descrepancy at the highest end of capacity-- not really too bad for a 10 year old scale but certainly an emotional set back for me =/.

Gagalina Thu, Feb-17-05 17:16

Hey everybody,

how are ye all getting on?? I had yesterday off and keept nibbeling on nuts - so that wasnt that great - and all the things I planned to do fell in the water - the credit union of course is always closed on wednesdays and I was missing one little piece of paper for my car tax - there I was willing to hand over money and they wouldn' take it ;-)

Hey Terranova,

maybe just test a second pair of scales just to make the ones you have now aren't incorrect??
Is your hubby on Atkins aswell?

Rebecca A Fri, Feb-25-05 22:44

Is this post dying out? It's not even St. Patty's day yet. Heck, i'm in Ohio in the good ol' US of A and I'm looking forward to THE holiday. I'm about the same weight wise, but the past two days I've gotten my head turned around, I think. Anyone else still out there trugging through life? Let's converse and not let this post die out before March 17!!!

Gagalina Tue, Mar-01-05 10:12

I'm still here..

17 days to go and I'm at 166, so actually put on one pound.... mh, not really what I was hoping for ;-)

Well, there was Chinese New Year weekend when I ate carbs, but a pound isn't that bad.

I'm going to germany on friday for 10 days and no way in the world am I going to stick with Atkins while I'm in the country with the best bread in the world ;-)

My mum is going to bake me a "Striezel" ;-) Rebecca, do you know this bread? Its a sweet yeast bread that is normally baked for new years and the dough is plaited. Really yummy with butter and honey or jam...

I'll be home for hte weekend and then off to Hannover for the Cebit (big electronics fair) with work so there is no way in can do LC while I am there... but I don't mind. I told myself that I'm off Atkins, but I'm not going to go mad on sweets and things like that. If I'm going to eat carbs, they have to be high quality carbs, so my mum's Striezel (with white flour and sugar) doesnt really qualify, but if I eat it in moderation, I should be ok. And then might just have a few treats here and there of foods that would only really be available in Germany and not in Ireland.
And then as soon as I get back to Ireland, its back to Induction for me, so I have 3 days to get back into the challenge ;-)

So how is everybody else keeping?

Anybody have to work on Paddy's day??? I do ;-(

connokra Thu, Mar-03-05 09:47

I don't know about the rest of you but i can't weigh myself anymore, i'm always get too down in the dumps when i go up a bit even though i've tried really hard. so i'm settin other challenges for myself rather than pounds. i have these pants that i recently stopped being able to fit into so if i can fit back into them by paddy's day then i'll be happy. it's only a small thing but i only have two weeks to do it so here's hopin

connokra Thu, Mar-03-05 09:48

oh and don't feel bad gagalina, i have to work paddys day too
: (

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