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Bonnie Fri, May-25-01 04:22

The Sweetner Stevia
I have tried Stevia in the individual packets for beverage sweetners but have not baked with it..have a few questions and hope that someone can answer basic knowldge on Stevia is this ," the Stevia leaf has been known by the indigenous Indians in the forests of Paraguay as the "honey" leaf.... Stevia has also been incorporated into many Indian traditional healing and dietary practices.... Stevia comes from plantations maintained by the Guarani Indians in Paraguay, who cultivate some of the best tasting whole leaf Stevia available. .. The Stevia leaf contains a compound, stevioside, which is two hundred or more times sweeter than sugar. It is used throughout the world, particularly in Japan, as a noncaloric sweetener. Stevia has virtually no calories. It dissolves easily in water and mixes well with all other sweeteners... " how does liquid Stevia compare with liquid Splenda in regards to carbs and has anyone used this product to bake with instead of granular Splenda and if so what proportions does one use :confused: :confused: anyone know of any informative websites to answer these questions? ....


:) Bonnie

tamarian Fri, May-25-01 07:42

Hi Bonnie,

Stevia is so concentrated that it's hard to tell the equivelancy, it's like 1 Tsp (or 10 drops) for a cup of Splenda, but each manufacturer may extract differently to dilute it. I prefer liquid as I can measure the drops. Not sure about the carb count, but must be very low.

I've baked with it and love it. But many can't get used to it's taste.

Here are a few stevia links:

Bonnie Fri, May-25-01 08:05

RE: Stevia and Uses

:) Thanks so much Wa'il ;) am off to do some investigating

Just one more there a particular brand that is purer than another...


tamarian Fri, May-25-01 08:27

I wouldn't worry about purity, not much need to be added to stevia, and you always want to dilute it, to make it easier to measure.

I think the brand "NOW" is very popular, they have both powdered and liqudi forms. The powder is very concentrated, and some use the powder to make their own liquid stevia, combining 1/4 teaspoon with 2 Tbs water to fill a small bottle, it's very tricky to dilute, and must be refrigirated and will stay good for a couple of weeks. The first link, "Paul on sweetners" explains how to do this. I've been using a tiny bottle for a year, and it's half full. :)


IslandGirl Fri, May-25-01 22:24

more stevia 'bits'
Bonnie, to add to Wa'il's excellent info:
- Make sure you get the white 'stevia extract' powder, not the powdered green (dried whole) leaf;
- Now brand and Stevina brand (white extract) are both available out here on this coast, usually in the HFS;
- my recipe for making the liquid 'working solution', as provided by the Now folks (I think) is 1 tsp white powder to 3 tbsp filtered water, which I also keep in a 2 fl oz dropper or squeeze bottle.

1 tsp of this mixture is roughly equivalent to 1 cup of sugar in sweetness (so 1/3 tsp is supposed to be about that sweet too) BUT... since the strength of the white powder can vary quite a bit, as can the aftertaste (faintly licorice). If you use too much stevia, the aftertaste gets really strong. Always best to err on the side of caution and start with small measures.

The premixed liquid stevia is 0-calorie as long as no glycerine is used as the base (water is usually the base). The packets are most often 'fillered' with maltodextrin, just like the AS, so the packets have carbs. If the 'filler' is FOS, then it's about 85% soluble fiber filler so very low carb.

Hope this helps?

Bonnie Sat, May-26-01 09:18

RE: More Stevia bits:
Thanks for all the helpful info Judi...exactly what I was looking for....

:) Bonnie

lowcarbjo Tue, Oct-02-01 16:28

Hi Folks... all this talk about alternate sugars has me thinking. I use Splenda from time to time but the best stuff I have found is Stevia. It's an all natural root, can be bought in drops or powder and a little wee bit goes a long long way. I also bake with it!! As far as I know there are no carbs!! It's also recomended by Dr. Atkins diet!! It does not alter my level of Ketosis. I usually buy it in health food stores but today I found it in Super Store!! Also, it is priced reasonably. If there is any carb - conflicting info, please let me know! Thanks. Jo. :D

tamarian Tue, Oct-02-01 17:17

Hi Jo,

No conflicting info on Stevia. It is natural, sweet, almost calori and carb free (like 0.001 grams). Enjoy it. It is my favorite sweetner.

I've heard reports from one diabetic that it raises his insulin, but he's biased since he's a manufacturer using maltitol ;)


IslandGirl Mon, Oct-08-01 20:40

absolutely great stuff, isn't it?
I can't remember if there is anything about it in Doreen's fabulous Sweeteners article BUT .... since my machine is so dang slow, I'll just add a wee bit to this subject:

Stevia is actually extracted and processed from the leaf of the Stevia plant not the root, and it's "available" in 3 forms, green leaf (strong aftertaste though), white purified powder extract and ready-to-use liquid (which is the powder in water or glycerine or alcohol). I make my own liquid from the white powder, most economical and controls the strength. I use 1 Tsp white powder to 3 Tbsp filtered water and put it in a little dropper bottle (found great ones at the dollar store); 1 Tsp of this liquid is *approximately* equal to 1 Cup of sugar in sweetness, though this can vary with the batch of powder and should ALWAYS be *under* measured in recipes until sure. Too much stevia, like any sweetener, can produce a dreadful aftertaste...


Bellla63 Sun, Nov-04-01 13:23

I just finished ordering some liquid Stevia online. I am really looking forward to receiving it. I avoid Equal, and other sweeteners like the plague...but my morning cup of coffee( now decaf) has not been the same. :( I'll update when I receive it. Oh, and everything that I read about it seems positive, it's natural, it's non-glycemic and NO CARBS!! Whoo hooooooo!!! :D

itsjoyful Sun, Nov-04-01 13:34

me, too!!
started using stevia on monday or tuesday. i am a believer. the taste is quite different for me, but i think i am used to it. since i am trying to go as natural as possible this is a great alternative. thanks for the post!! :D

jesdorka Sun, Nov-04-01 18:55

re liquid stevia
I've been trying to kick the Equal, Sugar Twin, Sweet n Low habit for some time and have been very interested in the posts re Stevia so after reading lowcarbjo's post this morning I went to Superstore and found liquid Stevia.
My question is-once the bottle has been opened does it need to be kept in the fridge or is that only if you mix your own from powder? thanks for any info.

itsjoyful Sun, Nov-04-01 22:46

pretty sure the liquid goes in the fridge. mine says to do that right on the lable.
brenda :)

lowcarbjo Mon, Nov-05-01 12:33

I don't think it has to stay in the fridge as I have a small bottle that I keep in my purse for when I go out. The lady at the health food store stated it would be safe. Have not had any problems and I've carried around the same bottle for a couple months now. I think that it has to stay out of direct light or else it breaks down... hence the dark bottle,or solid bottles it come in. :spin:

DesertRose Sun, Nov-11-01 21:28

Stevia Fan
Hi lowcarbjo

I use the Stevia powder. It has less than 1 gram per packet.
I use it for everything!

:rose: DesertRose

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