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HTGUY Mon, May-15-17 09:43

What is your typical daily menu?
I am just wondering what others eat on a daily basis. I have found that I am snacking a bit more now as I did last month, but really not that much more. However when I say snacking, I mean a stick of pepperoni, a handful of nuts in the afternoon and a few more deserts. I really do not count calories or carbs, but I read labels and I follow what is on the list. Somedays I do not eat at all till dinner. Maybe just grab a stick of Pepperoni in the morning and that is it.

I usually have bacon and eggs for breakfast or just an early lunch. Maybe 2 cans of Tuna with a table spoon of mayo and add some Romaine and veggies. My other favorite is Salami and cream cheese with Banana Pepper rings. Sometimes I have a skillet Pizza with Pepperoni, they are just the best!! I cheat and add a tablespoon of my low carb, low sugar Pizza sauce. Skillet Pizza and Cauliflower Pizza have really saved me. I may not have made it if we could not have any kind of Pizza. Saturday my wife and daughter ordered out Pizza and I made a Cauliflower and I did not miss a thing.. :yum:

Maybe a small snack during the afternoon

Then dinner. We have set a weekly menu right now which is Crackslaw on Monday, Chix Parm on Tuesday and Sausage and Peppers on Wednesday and we go out or find other things towards the weekend. I usually make a cauliflower Pizza on weekend for a treat. Maybe Chicken wings if I go out. I have been getting Fish when I go out or Scallops. Salmon is my goto if they have it on the menu.

My problem now is I have been making whip cream and jello for desert. I use a cup of whipping cream with a few drops of liquid surculose and vanilla and I use the Knox and koolaid. Black Cherry koolaid is the best!!! Another thing I have is my 4C powder fruit punch mix (Splenda). I usually have one 33oz bottle of water and 4C mix a day. Really keeps my cravings down. I have a serious sweet tooth and the fruit punch has really helped me.

But anyway, want to see what others are doing. Maybe get some ideas.

bkloots Mon, May-15-17 10:02

Hello, HTGUY. Responses to this post will be all over the map. Everybody who aims for long-term success finds out what works best for them, and you will, too.

My personal requirements:
--Quit the snack habit.
--Quit the sweets habit.
Overdoing it with nuts and desserts eventually unravels my commitment.
Just sayin'

Sounds like you've found some tasty favorites for various meals. Keep going!

GRB5111 Mon, May-15-17 10:24

HT - you appear to have it together, and the real indicator is when your results show progress and consistency. So, my eating routine may or may not be meaningful to you. That being said, I'll list a general idea of what and when I'm eating for a typical week:

Weekdays and Weekends
Breakfast: Nothing. I may have 1 cup of coffee with HWC on days when I'm not fasting. On days when I'm fasting, tea and water only.
Lunch: Eggs and bacon or sausage. Grass fed cow butter (usually Kerry Gold salted) OR Salad with or without protein, typically I'm using Arugula (Roquette) with avocado sometimes and I might add sardines, and/or left over protein from previous night OR I might just have a cold cut and cheese roll up with mustard and some pickles or olives if I'm busy and don't have much time.
- NY Steak or Ribeye with either lightly steamed broccoli, butter, and lemon juice OR salad with dressing made with EVO and ACV (olive oil and apple cider vinegar Braggs).
- Note that my protein can vary each night, and if I grill a steak, I usually get two meals out of it and vary the veggies.
- Protein choices are beef, chicken (fatty parts), pork usually shoulder w/more fat, sausages, bacon, salmon, shrimp, sardines. If I grill burgers, I usually add some cheddar cheese and sliced tomatoes with mustard, horseradish, etc. NO ketchup!
- Lots of times I'll take some leftover protein and do a stir fry with veggies and make it Asian or something else. Lots of flavors to choose from. Crack slaw is a good "go to" here.
Every Day when not fasting
- Fats - Animal fats, coconut oil, olive oil, fish oil, HWC (some days), butter (some days)
- Supplements: Magnesium, Vitamin K2, D3, NA R-Lipoic Acid (some are fat soluble, so I take these with coffee & HWC or with a meal)

Note: I fast every day about 18 - 20 hours with a 4-6 hour eating window. Some of my IFs vary from 24, 36, 48 to 72 hours depending on my schedule. I consume no calories during fasting.

Snacks: I don't typically snack anymore. In rare circumstances, I go with some nuts or pork rinds. I'm not prone to being hungry between eatings.

I find this approach to be very flexible, and I keep it real simple. When cooking, I'll usually make enough for multiple meals and then serve it in different ways.

Hope this helps.

robynsnest Mon, May-15-17 10:26

Eggs and some meat for breakfast
Some leftover meat and salad for lunch
Meat or fish with crunchy veggies for supper
I too enjoy jello, I have found "creme fresh" with a bit Splenda is a real craving blocker for me...

barb712 Mon, May-15-17 11:00

I think bkloots said it in a nutshell. If you find yourself snowballing with the sweets/snacks cravings, it's best to consciously limit if not eliminate the artificial sweeteners. I follow Atkins in a paleo-ish way, but in order for me to stay on track I include some Splenda-sweetened bubbly drinks for a treat and add a packet of Sweet 'N' Low to my unsweetened tea when I go out to eat. It saves me from far worse habits, but I keep a close eye and just stay away from them for a few days at a time to reset my palate. I've been adding a pinch of cinnamon to my coffee lately for sweetness. Funny, when you get away from the overpowering tastes, the more subtle ones begin to satisfy.

thud123 Mon, May-15-17 13:04

Originally Posted by HTGUY
I am just wondering what others eat on a daily basis...

Barbara nailed it, you'll see varied replies to this. For me it's changing over time. I eat WAY less food than I did before in my early months. I also ate more frequently then. There has been no real PLAN or PROCESS that I've consciously followed. It's grown organically from reading, participating and experimenting from a few books and on this forum.

What I eat now:

One Meal A Day during the week (FuD pronounced food):

And on the weekend Low Carb ad lib (Avoid Grains, Potatoes and Sugar):

What I ate in the vary beginning (from the first page of my journal):

Weeks 1 - 4
Weeks 5 - 8
Weeks 9 - 12
Weeks 13 - 16
Weeks 16 - 19
Weeks 20 - 23

etc, etc, etc...

Maybe helpful, maybe not.

HTGUY Mon, May-15-17 15:34

Originally Posted by thud123
Barbara nailed it, you'll see varied replies to this. For me it's changing over time. I eat WAY less food than I did before in my early months. I also ate more frequently then. There has been no real PLAN or PROCESS that I've consciously followed. It's grown organically from reading, participating and experimenting from a few books and on this forum.

What I eat now:

One Meal A Day during the week (FuD pronounced food):

And on the weekend Low Carb ad lib (Avoid Grains, Potatoes and Sugar):

What I ate in the vary beginning (from the first page of my journal):

Weeks 1 - 4
Weeks 5 - 8
Weeks 9 - 12
Weeks 13 - 16
Weeks 16 - 19
Weeks 20 - 23

etc, etc, etc...

Maybe helpful, maybe not.
Wow, one meal a day? I think I could do that, but it would be rough. There are somedays I have a handful of nuts in the morning and that is it till dinner. I will say one meal a day is rough. Also it is helpful because I am curious what others are doing. I have pretty much remained on Induction as I am really two meals and a handful of snacks here and there. Always looking for new ideas for dinner.

Giterdone9 Tue, May-16-17 07:17

When I first started, I ate way, way more than now. Breakfast is just coffee for me, I never could eat early in the morning. And lunch now just winds up being a piece of cheese, sometimes a pepperoni. I have no desire for the snacks anymore. But my dinner, I try to be creative and create something yummy, steak,burger,wings are my favourite. If I am craving something sweet, my go to is whipped cream cheese with a bit of Splenda and whip cream blended till its smooth with a generous squirt of lime juice, reminds me of cheesecake. Yum!! All I can say about me is the more I eat low carb, the less I desire to eat.
In the beginning I was actually afraid of giving up the carbs, for some reason I thought it might just kill me or something...omg can you believe that ha ha ha 😂 Now I wish I would have tried low carb years ago.

thud123 Tue, May-16-17 08:10

Originally Posted by HTGUY
Wow, one meal a day? I think I could do that, but it would be rough. There are somedays I have a handful of nuts in the morning and that is it till dinner. I will say one meal a day is rough. Also it is helpful because I am curious what others are doing. I have pretty much remained on Induction as I am really two meals and a handful of snacks here and there. Always looking for new ideas for dinner.

One meal a day is a recent experiment for me since about Jan this year. I'm not sure if it would have worked early on. Also, it's not rough at all if by rough you mean that there's excessive hunger involved. I call it easy as there is no hunger nor excessive dishes to do each day.

I'm lazy. I will always try to find an easy, softer way ;)

teaser Tue, May-16-17 08:50

8 ounces (by weight) heavy cream
4 ounces butter
6 ounces meat or cheese
10 ounces spinach
1 large egg
6 grams of cashew nuts (this is how I enter sugar free cashew "milk" into fitday).

This is pretty typical. The spinach is in there pretty much every day because it seems to be the best veggie for soaking up butter, but often it'll be about half that much spinach and the other 5 ounces some other low carb veggies. Once or twice a week there'll be some sort of social eating, that drives my protein intake up for those days. Other days if the planned food leaves me hungry, I'll have some extra heavy cream with cocoa powder or some hot flax seed cereal, to keep the fat ratio high.

Might seem a little orthorexic, but a few years ago when I first tried a more structured form of ketogenic diet, I stopped having auditory hallucinations I always had when using loud machinery. So I guess, pick your crazy. :lol:

GRB5111 Tue, May-16-17 09:47

HT - as mentioned by Barbara and others, the responses vary based on how long one has maintained a WOE protocol. One meal a day was something I didn't attempt until I was fully fat adapted and understood the difference between real hunger and hunger sensations due to me being programmed to eat at specific times during the day. You're making progress and are becoming fat adapted, AND it takes some time to be fully comfortable with all this. I knew I was there when I didn't want to snack, stuck to my meal times, eliminated breakfast because it's not the most important meal of the day, and could go without lunch or dinner without cravings if there was nothing to eat that was in my plan.

Stay consistent and enjoy the journey, as it gets easier and becomes a way of life due to this consistency. There are many with entries in the Journals/Bootcamp forum who are excellent examples of this approach. The ones that realize the most progress are the ones disciplined enough to eliminate deviations and stay with what works day in and day out.

Phantomess Fri, May-19-17 11:48

Hi! I've been doing Atkins induction for 2 months. I started out eating hard boiled eggs and bacon for breakfast, then switched to low carb shakes because I felt like I was forcing myself to eat in the morning. I get hungry, but I don't like to eat. Unfortunately the shakes were not good for my stomach. I decided to try skipping breakfast. I started doing this just a few days ago and it's going well. At the same time, I started putting almond milk and coconut oil in my coffee. I think the coconut oil is what really helps me get through until lunch.

For lunch, I will either have a salad with hard boiled eggs, or a cheeseburger or 2 without the bun with lettuce, onion, and mayo. Sometimes I'll take leftover meat & veggies to work.

For dinner, I will eat some meat, usually steak, lamb, or pork chops, with vegetables if I hadn't had any for lunch.

If I'm still hungry before bed I will have some cheddar cheese or peanut butter on almond bread.

I'm really interested in this cauliflower pizza, I'm going to have to try it sometime!

Grav Sat, May-20-17 19:57

For me..

Breakfast is usually sausages and eggs, or a cheese and tuna filled omelette if I have time.

Lunch during the week I get by on whatever the lowest carb options there are at the workplace cafeteria, usually some some of meat and veges. Weekends I don't usually lunch at all.

Dinner will be more meat and veges, ideally a different combination from what I had at lunchtime. Common options include bunless burgers, fake spaghetti bolognaise (using zoodles), salmon and spinach, stir fry chicken, or steak with mushrooms and caulimash.

Snacks are rarely necessary, but options include macadamia nuts, slices of cheese or spam, also cherry tomatoes.

Drinks are either water or diluted cranberry/blackcurrant juice (low sugar varieties of course).

Sunsea Sat, May-20-17 20:10

I have been doing:
coffee in the morning til noonish
then couple of boiled eggs...if I want--I eat some chicken or turkey
dinner is ground beef, steak, chicken or tuna salad
salad with dressing
snacks are some spicy pork rinds or the parmesan crisps from Costco or persian cucumber slices.
Lots of water, iced tea and some coffee.

madeyna Thu, May-25-17 10:03

Mine has changed over time. I started out just keeping it low carb . Now I have one serving of meat, a salad or other low carb serving of veggie a cheese stick and a 1/2 up of sf jello with whip cream.That is Monday threw Friday. On the weekends I up the cals and carbs but eat about the same kind of food just adding lunch

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