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McGirl Mon, Sep-29-03 17:34

McGirl's workout without wimping out.
O.k. I've decided to start a gym log, this way it gives me insentive to continue working out, right?! lol.
I have been a long time couch potato and I thinks it's high time I've changed my attitude along with my eating habbits. :)
Hubby pulled out the manual treadmill (It was cheaper than a motorized one, you have to work harder to make it go, and it's fairly easy to fix if it and we pulled out my old power rider, bought it back when they were only available in the states and paid over 600$ can. to get it here, I think it's time I get my monies worth out of it, don't you?
And I'm thinking of checking out the gym in town (curbs) for week ends, not sure if I can do it though, but my faithfull buddies will sure do the trick for me if I don't have time for the gym. I use my tread mill for a warm up and cool down as well, works great!

Tonight I did streches, 15 mintues on the tread and 300 reps on the PR. I wanted to do 400 but since I have to get up for 3am and be at work tomorrow for 4am. (3 hours overtime before shift) I thought it best I only do 300 with the tread and not kill myself tomorrow. lol. Hey, I bet I'll sleep good tonight. I find if I do my exercise before bed I sleep great, excluding when the leg cramps kick in. ;)

So, I'll try to continue this log, hopefully with my journal and the fast pace that everything else in my life is running at these days I'll be up to it.

McGirl Tue, Sep-30-03 18:10

well, after getting up at 3 and running at work all day I am so tired I am skipping my work out tonight and going straight to bed. But I did do some strenous things today, I piled some wood and unpiled some wood at work. Where I work we put pieces of furniture on a belt and have so many seconds to put so many pieces on and today was a large entertainment stand so the pieces had to be put in place really quickly and there was only 2 of us to keep the line going (usually 3 people) so we were running so much we where both sweating and losing our breath. lol, had to be there, but we definately got a work out of some sort. I also did a thigh exersize 25 reps per thigh. Not sure what it is called. Lieing on the floor on one side and lifting the leg up about 30degrees for 25 reps then switched sides. I hate those! lol.

McGirl Thu, Oct-02-03 18:12

alright, I was too busy yesterday to get to do any type of work out. Did do some leg ups before bed but not much. Basically no work out for the day.
But today I did 1/2 a kilometer on my tread mill (it's always set at up hill because it is manual) in less than 12 mintues. I also did some streches, 25 squats and 400 reps on the power rider. Guess I was trying to make up for yesterday. lol. Anyway, I'll see how my back is tomorrow. I've been having back pain since before I started Atkins. I have fasset joint syndrome (it's caused from a lot of twisting and turning and bending wrong, had it even when I was thin) I guess it is inflamed but the pills the doc. gave didn't work this time. Mostly bothers me to move, walk, and definately lift, from the time I get up till around 11a.m. but I work with it and eventually it goes away till the next moring. lol. Gets worse when I lift alot or do alot of strenuous things. Hopefully I haven't over done it. I'm hoping all the excersize will help strengthen the muscels in my back and lesson this problem. According to the doc, when I was a teen I have barely any back muscles (very weak) and this is part of the problem.
But enough of my babbling. I must be tired. Going to hit the showers and off to bed. Hopefully tomorrow will be another great day! :yay:

McGirl Fri, Oct-03-03 18:51

well, woke up a few times during the night and got up this morning with a sore back. Big bummer! I have been sore all day so I didn't do any exercise today unless you call unpilling wood at work some. lol, I thought my back was going to break! But I though it out daily and by lunch it's so numb I don't feel it. lol. Hopefully tomorrow will be a better day.

McGirl Sat, Oct-04-03 17:40

well, looks like I will only be doing some mild exersize for the next few days, doc gave me a few perscriptions and some exersizes to do for my back to get my muscles back up to strength. I can still use my treadmill a bit though. :)

McGirl Sun, Oct-05-03 15:08

a few streches and 5 minutes of walking on the tread mill.

McGirl Mon, Oct-06-03 17:51

I did some streches this morning before work, about 3 minutes.
Did another 5 minutes of streches (mostly for my back) tonight, and 10 minutes of brisk walking up hill on the tread mill.

McGirl Wed, Oct-08-03 17:41

I missed posting for yesterday but I did do some exercize. My back is starting to feel better. I did streches, 10 minutes on the tread mill and 100 reps on the PR, last night.

Tonight I did streches, 10 minutes on the treadmill, 200 reps on the PR, and more streches with a mild arobic exersize. about 40-45 minutes all together.
I'll see how my back holds up in the morning ;)
I think my biggest problem is I needed to strech more than I was.

Oh, and I also have an appointment on Friday after work to check out Curves. I am thinking of joining if I can get a babysitter for my daughter on the nights hubby works late. :) It's only 30minute work outs so I don't think it will be a problem. :wiggle: :yay: :agree:

McGirl Thu, Oct-09-03 18:18

Tonight I did a floor warm up, 10 minutes on the tread mill, 200 reps on the PR, and then a cool down on the floor. Now it's off to the showers and a good nights rest. :)

It's so nice, since I started Atkins' and exercising I find myself tired at an earlier hour. I'm in bed by 9 the latest where I used to go to bed at 10:30 or 11 and not feel tired, wake up several times during the night and then feel tired during the day. Now I fall asleep rather quickly and have a restful night. It feels so good, just had to share. ;)

McGirl Fri, Oct-10-03 14:24

well, tonight is the night I have my curves appointment. I will see if this is a good gym for me. I'm rather shy around other people especially things like this, so knowing that it is all women is a big plus for me. ;)
I also ran so much at work today it was almost an arobic work out. lol, my face was beat red and I was out of breath along with my partener. The benifits of assembly line work. lol.
I'll get back to you with my decision about curves.

McGirl Fri, Oct-10-03 18:19

Well, I did it! Man that hurt the wallet! I wasn't expecting it to be so dear. I just hope it is worth it. I have my first work out on Tuesday so they can show me the ropes. :) I can't wait to get started! Ha, never thought I'd hear myself say

McGirl Sat, Oct-11-03 20:44

didn't get to do my work out today, although I did get a lot of walking in. We headed for Ottawa in the a.m. and didn't get back till a little after 8pm. We were shopping all day and walking a lot. Got some early xmas presents done and some reptile supplies for my business. ;)

McGirl Mon, Oct-13-03 16:34

Not much today but 5 minutes on the tread and running up and down 2 flights of steps doing the laundry. ;)

McGirl Tue, Oct-14-03 17:40

went to curves after work and had my first work out there. It was fun. Really packed in there when I first got there. lol. It's definately vigorating. I felt like I had so much energy when I came out of there that I came home and cleaned the kitchen, finished folding my laundry and did the dishes. ;) I am planning on going back tomorrow night when my daughter is at girl guides. Now I know what I am doing there so it will be easier. :yay:

McGirl Wed, Oct-15-03 16:59

did my curves work out tonight. It really gives me energy. I thought I'd be really tired when I come out but I have all this energy, it's great. Last night I came home after a work out and folded 3 loads of laundry that was sitting there from the night before, did my dishes, and cleaned my kitchen. :)

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