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droppin Thu, Aug-09-07 20:23

I started a ice cream shop and it ruined me
I have been low carbing for awhile and I started a ice cream shop and I gained all my weight back plus some it breaks my heart I hate myself so badly right now that As on this Saturday the 11th I am selling my shop

My health is more important to me then that stupid shop

Wish m,e luck on getting back to the way I should of stayed with my low carb

Froggiebro Thu, Aug-09-07 20:25

Good luck! Too bad you didn't specialize in low carb ice cream.

droppin Thu, Aug-09-07 20:26

thanks and no kidding but I am determed to get back on track and this time there is no stopping me

justkatel Thu, Aug-09-07 20:58

good luck!!!

erinleigh Thu, Aug-09-07 21:10

So Sorry to hear that! But you are right very right...your health is much more important!!!

You've done a fantastic job losing so far!!! Keep up the great work!!!!

:cheer: :cheer:

Happy Lc'ing!!!

CVH Thu, Aug-09-07 22:08

Since no one ever says it, I have to.

You have a shop and you were around ice cream all the time which is why you gained weight, because you couldn't control your cravings, as I understood from you post.

And know you say you're gonna sell the shop, to lose weight, and nothing's gonna stop you know, correct?

I find that hard to believe, it seems the shop is not the real reason why you went off, it was a factor, but not the main one, what if you have a party or kids around, you've been losing weight and you decide, hey 1 bowl won't hurt me! ok 1 1/2???

And it starts all over again, that's just one example.

If you feel the shop is the ONLY reason, go ahead sell it, but honestly, I don't think the shop is the main problem.

I'm not saying you have to be perfect and do it 100% all the time, some people can, the majority can't, if you want to cheat once in a very long time just to satisfy your cravings, against what I believe but go ahead, but you have learn how to deal with these cravings because situations where everything you miss will surround you and the same thing is bound to happen.

But if that is really the only reason, then sell it and good luck.

droppin Fri, Aug-10-07 02:41

How would you know what I Have done, It is impossible to stay on my low carb and have a ice cream shop so before you just me read what I wrote and I didnt come here to get critisized I came here for support

Gypsybyrd Fri, Aug-10-07 08:52

Hi Tonya ... first, don't beat yourself up. It happens to the best of us. Look around the forum - there are many of us who have slipped, gained back, and return to LC. Look at the positive - you saw the problem and are fixing it.

Also, I don't think CVH was trying to criticize you. Maybe I'm way off base - but your post made it seem like you were (sorta) sad to be selling the shop but felt you had no choice. I read CVH's post to you to mean that maybe you could still LC and have the shop - if there were some underlying reason for going off LC. You didn't post exactly why you can't have the shop and LC ... maybe if it was stress causing HC then maybe going to the gym would be an alternate way to handle the stress? Or if you had a lack of time to eat properly maybe cut back the hours the store is open or something similar so you have time to prepare LC food/snacks ahead of time. Obviously I don't know the specifics of your situation. It just seemed as if you don't really want to sell the shop but that you feel the need to do so because of the weight gain.

I'm sure you've thought this through. Just my two cents ... good luck tomorrow with the sale. Out of curiousity - were you making the ice cream yourself or selling pre-made?

And this forum is a good place for support - I suspect you know that or you wouldn't have post here.

KvonM Fri, Aug-10-07 09:44

Originally Posted by droppin
How would you know what I Have done, It is impossible to stay on my low carb and have a ice cream shop so before you just me read what I wrote and I didnt come here to get critisized I came here for support

CVH was trying to help, and honestly i got the same impression from your original post that he did. and of all the bad foods out there, ice cream is by far my achilles heel.

i have first-hand experience trying to low-carb around masses of high-sugar and high-carb foods. i worked in a place where muffins, bagels, cookies, cheesecake, and brownies came through at least twice a week, with 2 weeks in the summer where we got COMPLETELY swamped with it. you know what i did? i became immune to it. i told myself that those items were no longer food, and i kept low-carb alternatives stocked around me. if i absolutely had to eat something high carb, for a tasting or something, then i took a taste and spit it out.

by doing that, i lost 70lbs. i'm only here a second time because i went off low-carb when i got pregnant with twins.

at this point i realize that it's far too late to convince you that selling the shop isn't going to solve your problem, and if you're in a financial situation where you can live comfortably whether you have the shop or not, then more power to you. personally, i think anyone can overcome any circumstances as long as they put their mind to it.

did the ice cream leap out of the containers, tie you up in the freezer, and shove itself down your throat scoop by scoop? no. if it were me, i would have seen the shop as an INCREDIBLE opportunity to start creating and marketing low-carb and sugar-free ice creams. i make my own at home, with absolutely rave reviews. however, you've made your decision, and that's fine. it's your life, it's your shop.

let us know how you're doing after the shop is gone, and how you tackle any other cravings and temptations that come your way. you might find that someday you'll be able to open up another ice cream shop without any temptation at all. good luck!

ElleH Fri, Aug-10-07 09:47

Hi droppin,

I too am sorry to hear about the loss of your shop, especially if you enjoyed the work. Hopefully this change will give you the peace you need to get healthy again.

Best to you!

mike_d Fri, Aug-10-07 09:57

Originally Posted by droppin
How would you know what I Have done, It is impossible to stay on my low carb and have a ice cream shop so before you just me read what I wrote and I didnt come here to get critisized I came here for support
The sight and smells of food can cause an insulin response that will cause blood sugar to drop. When I am fasting I try not to prepare food and I stay out of the kitchen. If you do get cravings, the type of food you may eat is up to you even though the cravings are not under your control. I can understand your wanting to get out of that environment though. I avoid Cold Stone's for that reason.

JAnn Fri, Aug-10-07 10:01

Originally Posted by ElleH
Hi droppin,

I too am sorry to hear about the loss of your shop, especially if you enjoyed the work. Hopefully this change will give you the peace you need to get healthy again.

Best to you!
Ditto. I remember standing at the ice cream section at the store in tears knowing I shouldn't buy any but also remembering how much better I felt after eating it. Now it is no problem. Do what you have to do. Life's too short not to get the best out of it.

TimesTwo Fri, Aug-10-07 10:21

Originally Posted by droppin
It is impossible to stay on my low carb and have a ice cream shop
Nothing in the world makes it impossible to low-carb.

Ghoulia Fri, Aug-10-07 10:26

I'm thinkin' that maybe she owned a shop where she MADE the ice cream.... you would certainly have to taste it often if that was the case.

If it was like a Baskin Robbins or something that she owned a store of, and they just shipped buckets of ice cream in, then naughty naughty!!! No eaty the ice cream!

In any event, welcome back and good luck! We're all here for ya!


Gypsybyrd Fri, Aug-10-07 10:37

Originally Posted by Ghoulia
I'm thinkin' that maybe she owned a shop where she MADE the ice cream.... you would certainly have to taste it often if that was the case.

If it was like a Baskin Robbins or something that she owned a store of, and they just shipped buckets of ice cream in, then naughty naughty!!! No eaty the ice cream!

In any event, welcome back and good luck! We're all here for ya!


That is partly why I was curious what type of shop it was ... I thought the same thing. The other reason was pure curiosity :D

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