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SidPAC Fri, Apr-26-02 16:04

Long term lc'er with questions about running and weight loss (trainers?)
I've been lc'ing since April 2000. I dropped 20+ lbs within the first 6 weeks and, technically, have been stalled since. I've tweaked my eating plan (increased carbs, decreased carbs, increased water, took more vitamins, added CoQ10, watched calories, increased calories etc etc) to no end but have not been able to lose these last 10 lbs.

I ran a marathon last October. I trained for almost 6 months and lost nothing. I stuck to a lc plan but had "good" carbs before my bigger weekly runs (ex: added some beans or whole grains the day or two before). I found my preformance was related more to calories than carbs.

I'm starting to train for my next marathon. A typical week consists of 3 shorter runs a week (start at 3 miles and increase to 5) and one long run (start at 5 and increase to 20). I also do a day of cross training and try to do some abs and pilates arms exercises 3 times a week.

Now is a bad time for me to cut back on calories because of this training. I'm just looking for new ideas or a way to tweak things to jump start this loss again. Does anyone have any thoughts about speed training along with endurance for weight loss?

I'm 5'2" (small frame) and 142/122/115 and, honestly, still look like I have some chub to lose.

Thanks in advance, I'm really enjoying the site.

Sid (oh yeah, I'm a girl!)

mmoranmic Fri, Apr-26-02 17:52

Dear Sid:
I'm not a long termer but I am a long distance runner. In the last 3.5 years I've run 6 marathons, 5 fifty mile races, and I've done 100 miles in 24 hours on a track twice and 152 miles in 48 hours on a track. I've gained weight doing all of this! I recently started losing by working out with weights and exercising (sits ups, lunges, etc) Perhaps if you try the weight training and exercising that will help you.
Good Luck,

SidPAC Sun, Apr-28-02 23:17


Holy cow. You are my newest hero!!! THat's just plain awesome. It is so frustrating though isn't it? Here you are running your butt off (or so one would think) and the scale either goes up or stays put. I'm trying to lift my this time around too just to see what happens. There was a post on this board (I was told) about long distance runners not losing but those who train for speed do. Have you heard much about that? I didn't do any speedwork last summer. I mostly just wanted to make it through. This year I want to improve my time though so I'm adding a day a week of sprinting. Maybe that'll get the scale moving too. Please let me know how you are doing!


slimchance Mon, Apr-29-02 06:50

Wow!! You guys are crazy (good crazy!)! I'm just starting with a learn to run clinic and I though 5K was going to be killer!! How long did it take you both to work up to your distances?? Have you always been runners?

Great job!! Maybe someday that will be me!!

All the best!!

KC :wave:

SidPAC Mon, Apr-29-02 11:23


I'm sure it's different for everyone. I played competitive soccer up through college so running was always a part of my life.

I think there are things that we are taught that get in the way of us enjoying running though. For one, it's not a race (unless you want it to be). Go at a comfortable pace. Enjoy it. You shouldn't really be out of breath. You should be able to have a conversation with someone.

Check out the scenery. It sounds silly but it makes life much more peaceful if you run without distraction. Just check out the flowers and birds or let your mind go. The best thing I ever did was throw out the Walkman.

Get a good pair of running shoes that are fit for you by a running shoe store. It makes a world of difference.

Go to for more info on running a 5K. They have great programs to gently get you in shape for it.

Good luck and, if I can help, email me.

Steve A Wed, May-01-02 09:12

try eating less carbs and more protein and fat, you want your body to get used to using fat for fuel during the races anyway. Marathons aren't especially anerobicly taxing so lots of carbs aren't necessary (unless you go for all the BS in the running and other fitness mags).

try intervals of 800 meters up to a mile, starting with one and add one each week as you increase your base mileage. (search for "Yasso 800's") If you are shooting for a 3:30 marathon, run t800's in 3 min and 30 seconds, 4 min for a 4 hour marathon, etc.

your weight is a function of muscle too, not just fat, don't be obsessed with the scale but rather your appearance and how clothes fit.

your high mileage may also keep you in a semi-starvation mode where your body tries to hold onto everything.

Janice Wed, May-01-02 12:34

Same here!
I have also found that running has never had much of an effect on my weight.

I have been a runner for about 10 years (1/2 marathon distances), and am only just resuming my running program after taking 4 months off (due to UTTER BOREDOM FROM RUNNING TOO MUCH!).

I know my body looks better from running, but even at 40km+ a week, the scale doesn't move much for me. HOWEVER, I would like to stress that I have in the past been sucked into the carbo loading BS, gorging on pasta, bread, and rice every night, bagels and pancakes every morning.

No more, though! Maybe the scale will move as a result? The running sure feels better without all that dough on board!


SidPAC Thu, May-02-02 07:32

Steve, thanks for the input. I'll check out that website. As it stands, most of my calories come from fat/proteins rather than carbs. I try to get about 1600 cals in a day (that will go up shortly) and keep about 65/5/30% for fat/carbs/pro. I'm hoping the speed work will help with weight loss.

Janice, I think you'll find you run much better without all the "dough." I never thought that could be true but it is. I don't hit walls. I don't get very tired. It's just amazing. Now, if I could figure out the right combo to get off these stubborn lbs.... :rolleyes:

DuPont Thu, May-02-02 10:27

you've given me hope!!
I am also training for a marathon, with no weight loss. I was told by my trainer and other info. out there that I need carbs for fuel. I was concerned about starting a LC lifestyle while training, but now I am going to stick with the LC plan, and add weight training.

SidPAC Fri, May-03-02 10:52

Dupont, ask them if they've ever run without carbs. Seriously. The first week or two can be hard but it's hard no matter what exercise you do. After that, it makes running much easier. Just make sure you increase your calories. I add about 100 cals/mile for every mile over 10 that I run. Good luck!

mmoranmic Thu, May-16-02 17:25

I agree with SidPac, 100 miles for every mile over ten. I tried to run (long training run) without carbs and I bonked! I use Gu and Endurox on my long runs and just revert right back to Schwarzbein the rest of the time. Slowly, and I stress slowly, the weight is coming off. Good Luck everyone! MM

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