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need2burn Tue, Jul-10-01 08:22

Okay...I am stalled at 163 lbs fa over a week now. I fall of the wagon once and maybe it does this to me...or maybe theres other reason to it...I dont know.. I AM NOT GIVIN UP!! Sumtim really really makes me stick to this WOE is that I know one day the whoosh fairy will come visit me ..and I hope it be soon.
Sorry I hafta use this site to let go of my frustrations.....well,,I hafta talk to sumone. I know ya guys out there fa me...
I need sum comforting hugs.;) till that whoosh fairy comes.


Karen Tue, Jul-10-01 10:12

{{{Hugs}}} Anne!

You're not stalled, you're just regrouping!

I know that everyone is different, but the same thing happened to me many times during my most rapid period of weight loss. I was losing inches though, which was most definitely weird.

I can't remember, but did you take your measurements?

Repeat to yourself: I will not obsess on the scales, I will not obsess on the scales! ;)


doreen T Tue, Jul-10-01 10:33

{{{big hugs}}} being sent cyber-express!
Anne, I hear ya on the frustration and discouragement. Sometimes it can be more than a little depressing to know you're doing everything right ... and the miraculous results everyone else seems to be reporting ... remain as elusive as that Whoosh fairy can be!

My own weight loss has been very slow, and anything but steady ... I lost the first 20 lbs over 3 months, then took me 2 months to lose the next 10, and 2 more months to lose 5 more bs. Then, for 6 weeks in December/January I took a medication that packed 12 lbs back on me :eek: ... and for the next 5 months, I struggled .... yo-yo, plateau, gain, lose, gain it back again ... Yet I never once thought of abandoning lowcarb, because I KNEW that I'd end up back at 210 lbs .... probably more! ... if I went back to my old way of eating. Plus, my tastebuds have changed too ... a lot of foods I used to love no longer hold any appeal .... I simply adore meat and vegetables.

Since June this year it seems the scales are "co-operating" again, and the number is slowly, slowly moving downward, but even so there's been no whoosh ... I lose a lb, then plateau for a long time before I lose a little more. And that's ok. I have lost some inches ... I'm able to do more walking and exercise these days ... and almost down to the weight I was at in December, before the medication, which will have me half-way to my goal.

Someone once said to me, "You CAN have it all, you just can't have it all NOW."

And so maybe that's what we need to say to ourselves here ... the weight loss WILL happen, it just isn't all going to happen NOW. Perhaps the peace of mind that follows ... will be all the stimulus needed for that Whoosh Fairy to visit ;) ..

love and hugs from Doreen

r.mines Tue, Jul-10-01 22:45

Hi, Anne. I can't say it better than Doreen just did; I just want to add that you have the right attitude, and it WILL happen. Sometimes we just have to be patient and let our bodies proceed at their own pace. We didn't gain the weight overnight, and it'll take time to come off, too; but it will happen!


shelley Wed, Jul-11-01 01:30

Sometimes I swear my scale is possessed, :eek: hate those stall demons......I always give in to temptation when I don't see my weight dropping.

doreen T Wed, Jul-11-01 07:50

[......I always give in to temptation when I don't see my weight dropping.
I used to do that too, until one day I realised what was happening ..... I was angry at the scales, but I was punishing ME ... :(

Scales, and ketone strips and measuring tapes are inanimate, senseless objects. They're incapable of feelings or emotions. Yet we give them so much power over us. Time to take the power back into our own hands. If something's making you feel bad about yourself, stay away from it for a while .. :)

Anne, you know you feel better when you come here to visit us. Why not start your own journal in the Bootcamp/Journal forum?? I know you won't get the chance to post an entry every day, but it will do you some good, and while you're there, check out everyone else's journal too ... sometimes you will have something to add or some precious insight of your own that will help another ... and I can tell you from personal experience, THAT is an excellent way to keep you on the path... ;)

Look forward to hearing from you again,


need2burn Sun, Jul-15-01 20:45

The reason being ya guys havent heard from me fa a while is that I haf been surfin around the net and readin and do more readin on this WOL. Each time I came here to read I am getting calmer and steady in me thoughts and boy oh boy..ya dont believe this....those warm hugs really helps me and keep me smilin and gigglin knowin i haf terrrific friends across me planet to support me with this WOL knowin I am not alone :). Dunno how to thank yall..I cant find the right word fa it.

I am really really motivated by 2 web-pages that I bumped long experiece of 2 inspirational peeps :-

One thing I gained from them sites that really supports all the advice and the guides ya guys put it here `nothen really comes that easy except fa the weights and it really pays off when ya determined to change ya WOL'. Most of us on Low Carb just cant be the `Normal' ppl who can swallow everythin in them guts....I can now except that I cant enjoy butterscotch candies, and rich converted white rice like the rest.............NOT EVER....NOT EVEN A LITTLE BIT (still dunno if I am rite...but I will take it as that till I reach me target weight).

For believin in meself...I weight 3lbs down weighing 160lbs today :) ..hope it stays off and am still countin..lost another 1" at me mid section pants gettin loose and i think I needta punch a hole to me belt coz i can pull it way after the last hole..Isnt that great???


p.s. (lol)

I bought a new weighin scale...:D the previous one was too old and thinkin it might be possessed by demons at Elm's Street only to find out its not...weighed same on both scale. I feel better with a second opinion tho..hahaha

doreen T Mon, Jul-16-01 23:14

....i haf terrrific friends across me planet to support me with this WOL knowin I am not alone :). Dunno how to thank yall..I cant find the right word fa it.
Tama? ;)
..... Most of us on Low Carb just cant be the `Normal' ppl who can swallow everythin in them guts....
Anne, I think the problem that got us to this fat place is that we DID put everything in our guts!!
For believin in meself...I weight 3lbs down weighing 160lbs today :) ..hope it stays off and am still countin..lost another 1" at me mid section pants gettin loose and i think I needta punch a hole to me belt coz i can pull it way after the last hole..Isnt that great???
Awesome! Ya gotta love that Whoosh fairy.
LOVE YA GUYS!!!:) :) :)

I can't wait to read about your 150 numbers!!


doreen T Mon, Jul-16-01 23:20

about your signature line
Chew Slowly,Passionately and Erotically

Now, slow and passionate ....... that's cool. But chewing erotically????? Huh????

I just can't get turned on to the notion of teeth being erotic ... big clunky molars, grinding and crushing .... half-rounded bicuspids, just sitting there taking up space, with no real purpose except to snag floss .... and fanglike incisors, ripping and tearing at hot meat and flesh and .... wait a minute, now THAT'S erotic .. :D


need2burn Tue, Jul-17-01 00:38

Do...just love ya sense of humour !!..try rollin ya eyes and shoulders when ya molars grindin especially when the meat is tougher...moan and groan at the same time coz ya jaws starts achin of chewin..:D

I didnt know the whoosh fairy actually visited me...thawt it be like off 6lbs or more when she comes...probably i am just being visited by a trainee fairy..but that will do...fa now.,,i am still greatful. :p Hope to keep that fairy fa a while. I am down another 1 lb today weighin 159 lbs..still pensive to record that till I am really sure its stayin off.

BTW...I am still waitin fa the Atkins book to be any day now. I cant wait to get me hands on it and start readin.


doreen T Tue, Jul-17-01 09:27

Do...just love ya sense of humour !!..try rollin ya eyes and shoulders when ya molars grindin especially when the meat is tougher...moan and groan at the same time coz ya jaws starts achin of chewin..:D
Sounds like my experiences a month ago with an infected tooth!! :eek:

On the size of a whoosh ... perhaps my expectations have lowered over time ... for me, I'm grateful when ONE lb disappears .. A 6 lb whoosh would be the result of SURGERY .. :p


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