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Bipley Tue, Mar-23-04 13:13

Question for those who have lost 50+ pounds
For those who have lost 50-75 pounds or more....

What does it feel like? Do you notice lots of differences? Do you feel better? The same? Does it feel different to walk? Sit? Move around in any way? What's the #1 change you have noticed that makes it all worth it OTHER than how you look? Even if you aren't done losing weight but have lost some of it, what does it feel like?

Hilary M Tue, Mar-23-04 13:19

What does it feel like? GREAT!

I do notice a big difference in the way I move, walk, etc. I love being able to cross my legs without having to hoist one up by the ankle with my hand. I feel much more ladylike this way! I feel so much better, and have noticed less heartburn and fewer back aches from dropping some extra weight.

I still have 30 pounds to lose, and I still see a lot of extra fat on my body, so I can't say I'm done yet. But when I look in the mirror and all I see is fat, I pull out some old pictures of myself and I can't believe it's the same person.

The biggest change has been in my confidence. I catch a glimpse of myself in a mirror and think "I look hot today!" and the rest of my day goes great. I get more compliments from coworkers and friends, and more admiring looks from strangers, and although that's a little weird, it feels great. I think it's a result of my newfound confidence more than even just how I look. If that makes sense.

Paris Tue, Mar-23-04 13:24

I am down 86 pounds and it feels amazing! I wake up every day and feel very small (even though I have another 30-some pounds to lose) so much so that it can be disconcerting. I can see and feel bones, muscles and tendons that I never knew were there. I lost weight in my feet, ankles, wrists, hands and fingers. My face is shaped differently - it is more oval than I ever knew.

Little things are easier. I can walk farther, run a bit, take the stairs without thinking twice, dance around with my nephews. I comptemplate activities that I never even had a spark of interest in before - kumbia dancing, rafting, soccor, hockey and sprinting - all them seem within my reach now.

There are a lot of privileges that come with being thinner too. I can go into any boutique out there and not have it thought that I am there to buy a gift. I am not stared at when I go to the grocery or gym. I am just me - not the fat lady.

HTH! :rheart: Paris

Hilary M Tue, Mar-23-04 13:29

Originally Posted by Paris
I am just me - not the fat lady.

This is so true. What a great quote!

Volgal Tue, Mar-23-04 13:37

[QUOTE=Hilary M]
being able to cross my legs ~ less heartburn ~ fewer back aches

:dazzle: :Party: Oh this is the way I feel too. :dazzle: :dazzle:

I have lost 57 pounds and am not even half-way to goal ~ however, being able to cross my legs in church (or elsewhere), no heartburn (especially waking up gagging in the middle of the night from reflux) ~ and back aches (from being so heavy),

But, I too think that the most rewarding fact is the self confidence I have gained in myself.
I KNOW that I will reach goal and I KNOW I will stay at goal when I get there.

It may not seem to be coming off as fast as
it did in the beginning, but, it is coming off for life.

Add to that ~

Being able to go into a store and actually buying clothes in the regular section rather than in the PLUS SIZES really gets the motivation going ~

Being able to actually see cheek bones in my face ~

Watching people stare at me and wondering if it is my new haircut or what that makes me look so different (they were always staring at me when I was fat and trying not to look like they were disgusted) ~

AND, I think the very best of all (with the exception of my husband calling me his HERO) :lol: :lol: is the "no comments" I am not getting from those co-workers that wish they could be losing like I am and are totally jealous!! :lol: :lol:

jedswife Tue, Mar-23-04 13:42

after having lost 65 lbs. i still probably have 20 more to lose but the difference is substantial.

when i was seriously overweight i had myself convinced that i was big boned etc. anything to try to justify the weight gain. after atkins and losing so much weight (with more to go) i realize that now i actually am PETITE. i never would have considered myself petite.

it does take some getting used to - this not being fat. people pay attention to me more now - so much so that it is unnerving - nobody gave me a second glance when i was more overweight. it is a little hard to get used to but i am managing - hee hee.

Birddog Tue, Mar-23-04 13:43

I lost 65 lbs. What I noticed most is I'm not tried all the time. I always felt exhausted. Now I get by with less sleep and feel great. I have more energy to play with my kids and to get things done. Not to mention that my self esteem has improved. I too, feel more like a lady and crossing my legs is a plus. I am still the same person I was before my weight loss, but now I'm a thinner me. I love the woe. :agree:

KIDBXRS Tue, Mar-23-04 14:10

I am a new person! I have lost 60 lb.
I love that I can cross my legs, I can wear normal size clothes now. Sears still sends me the plus size catelog and I love that I can't wear any of that now. I have so much more energy than I ever have had. I feel pretty and sexy. I never thought I could have done this I was miss no will power in the flesh. The fact that I have so much will power for this diet still evern shocks me to this day. I love it!!!!

skinnyshel Tue, Mar-23-04 14:15

I've lost 50+ lbs and have kept it off for almost a year now. Ditto what everybody said about confidence and realising that my lower back pains and knee pains and foot problems were ALL weight related! They went away when the weight did!! Yippee!!

mrschmelz Tue, Mar-23-04 14:19

Lets see.........things I can do now.

Walk up a flight of stairs without huffing. I can run a mile in about 9 minutes(I had never even been able to run a whole mile in my life before this year). The best thing? #When my best friend was giving me a hug one day and she said "I can get my arms all the way around you now". Before that I never realized I was so big that people couldn't get their arms all the way around me.

There are some downsides though that you fight through. As you get closer and closer to your goal weight you obviously start to slow down on losing weight. That can be VERY frustrating because it's very easy to forget where you came from and only see how you are right now. At times I have found myself being very upset because I am still "fat" and forgetting that at New years of last year I was 340 lbs of lard that couldn't really stand up more than 15 minutes at a time without getting tired. I got really far off track toward the end of last year and really made no progress. But this year I have started a pretty strict exercise routine that thus far I have been sticking to........the goal is to hit that 225 mark by years end :)

Justjen72 Tue, Mar-23-04 14:20

I have lost 64 lbs and made it to goal. I love the being noticed. I swear before no one would look me in the eye. It seems like I was invisible. :( Now people I don't even know are smiling at me and waving. It is a strange feeling.

I like that I am able to go out more. Before I was too embarrassed to go out on a date with my husband. Now I am lining up the babysitters at least once a month. :)

I also love that most clothes are too big now. I have to look hard for the size 4s.

I definatly have a lot more self confidence. It feels pretty darn good.

mel92 Tue, Mar-23-04 15:14

Originally Posted by Bipley
For those who have lost 50-75 pounds or more....

What does it feel like? Do you notice lots of differences? Do you feel better? The same? Does it feel different to walk? Sit? Move around in any way? What's the #1 change you have noticed that makes it all worth it OTHER than how you look? Even if you aren't done losing weight but have lost some of it, what does it feel like?

Well, I'm not sure really. I lost 70lbs and to me, the changes were pretty subtle. It wasn't like I would drop a size overnight, but slowly felt clothes get looser till they were almost falling off me. I definately feel better! Yes it does feel different to walk, almost like theres a bounce in my step and I'm walking taller than before. Sitting is pretty awesome, I can actually cross my legs comfortably, and my foot doesn't stick way out into other peoples paths. I love the fact that exercising and bending down to pick things up is easier. The #1 change that I've noticed that makes it all worth it is all the wonderful compliments I've gotten (not to mention flirtations :lol: ) and stamina I have.


ebsf1 Tue, Mar-23-04 15:25

I've lost about 80 pounds and the change in my life has been fantastic.

I have a hell of a lot more energy and doing little things no longer tires me out. My self confidence is sooooo much higher now.

The weight loss didn't happen overnight either. It's been 18 months of going to the gym most mornings, watching what I eat etc. I've learnt discipline and the benefits of that have spilled over into other aspects of my life as well.

I still have about 20 pounds or so to go but I already feel great. I can go into shops and buy clothes that normal people wear...damn that feels good. I used to hate clothes shopping as I could never find clothes that fit.

And the great thing about Atkins is that I still eat well. I don't have sugary snacks etc. but I wouldn't be able to be eating those on a low fat diet either. I've found that being on Atkins I have no real inclination to cheat...whereas with low fat I was cheating a lot cos I was so hungry most of the time.

I'd say that the biggest benefit of the loss has been my acceptance of myself. I am a much happier person now than I was before. I used to hate myself for being so big. Now I realize that I can do something about it and I am. Damn life is good. ;)

Scarlet 96 Tue, Mar-23-04 15:31

Thanks for this thread everyone. I really needed some inspiration today and sure enough, there you all were. You have all done such a wonderful job.

lynneuk Tue, Mar-23-04 15:40

I have lost almost 50lbs so far and still have a long way to go. However, there are significant changes to my life already. I can now fit into some 14's so I can shop anywhere! I actually feel nervous going into some of the stores at the mall I've been going to for the past 9 years, as I've never been in most of the stores before!
I love that I don't really stick out from the crowd and I'm not always the fattest person anymore.
I feel comfortable meeting new people and don't assume they're judging me by my size.
In general, I just feel healthier, fitter from all the working out I now do and optimistic that I can do this and never go back to the darkside!!
Good luck on your LC journey.

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