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SaphhireX Sun, May-03-09 05:49

Any Truck Drivers Out There?
I was just wondering if there were any truckers out there trying to do atkins while driving. I'm having a terrible time and could use the support. Thanks.

3shewolf8 Sun, May-03-09 08:43

I am not a trucker, but my husband is. I used to love going with him when my schedule allowed. (he isn't over the road any more) I also got really weird looks when I would order a bunch of meat and veges but would ask for no bread or potatoes. I found the easiest way to eat Atkins is to bring a bag of snacks to suppliment the meals that you eat during the day. I always took a bag or two of pork rinds, macadamia nuts, cheese cubes, jerky etc..because when he would stop off to walk around and grab a soda and a snack it is awfully tempting to eat junk from the fuel stops. He would stop off at a wal-mart or other large store that allows truck parking for a bit so I could run in and get my snacks way cheaper there than at the fuel stops. I really works. I also found out that truck stops aways have breakfast all day with that and my love for salads it made it easy for me. Even though I was only on the road with him a few weeks a year and not in the semi full time like you are, these ideas may help you.

Gypsybyrd Sun, May-03-09 19:37

This is likely to be a long post.

When I first started Atkins (early 2003 or late 2002), I was an OTR trucker. I managed Atkins very well (plus exercise) until I came off the road to go to graduate school. I lost 50ish pounds while trucking around the USA (and Canada occasionally). Even after I stopped exercising, I continued losing the weight.

First the exercise: I walked around the truck stop parking lots, then started jogging (time it so it's not busy and the lot is mostly full and keep a sharp eye out) around the lot. Then when I decided it was too muggy to do that, I got a mini stair stepper for the sleeper (a la Denise Austin's version). I also jumped rope next to the truck.

Now for food: I stuck to the basics and did not have much variety. I cooked and ate in my truck. My no-cook standbys were meats mixed with mayo and cheese. Rotisserie chicken from Wal-Mart (many allow you to park there but more and more don't so look for them close to truck stops, i.e., Oak Grove, MO - park at the truck stop and walk over) and other grocery stores. This is easier if you are on US Highways (i.e., US 54 across KS) instead of the interstates but doable either way. I also ate a lot of canned tuna (foil pouches were easier because the don't require draining. I assume you have a cooler/fridge so mayo, mustard, pickles, hard-boiled eggs, cheese, deli meats (probably not low carb but the Petro at Milton, PA on I80 has wonderful sweet bologna and Lebanon bologna), celery, cucumber, spinach, etc. should not present a problem. Eggs and steak at the truck stops are always a good bet - especially if you have points available for free meals.

As for cooking in the truck: this depends on your comfort level. The lunchbox cookers (Burton's Stove-to-Go) are probably still around and safe. They are like slow cookers but you'll need turkey bags to cook and make cleanup a snap. I had also had a butane burner stove - much quicker at cooking. That's where your comfort level comes in - carrying butane in the sleeper compartment. But I used it to fry eggs, bacon, chicken, etc. It saved time.

So here's a list of foods for ease:
*Rotisserie chicken
*Cheese - shredded or cubed for adding to cut up chicken; string cheese (watch the expiration dates on these but can be found at truck stops)
*Pre-cooked hard boiled eggs (Petro and Pilot carry these in packets, otherwise, Wal-Mart)
*Spinach (lettuce)
*Tuna (foil pouches or cans)
*Salmon (foil pouches or cans)
*Canned chicken/ham
*Splenda packets

I realize it's a limited list. However, look at what you ate on the road when you were high carbing it. How varied was that menu? I'd bet not all that varied. At least mine wasn't.

I also cut out caffeine while on the road. I didn't drink coffee but I drank a LOT of soda. I usually stopped at Flying J's for caffeine-free diet coke. I used my 32 oz mug and started mixing 3/4 reg diet coke and 1/4 caffeine-free diet coke. Eventually, after about 2 weeks, I'd decreased the amount of regular diet coke to zero and was drinking caffeine -free exclusively. Then I cut out the soda entirely. I found I didn't need the caffeine while low-carbing. I had energy to spare.

Low-carbing while trucking is not the most simple thing. It takes planning - just like low carbing while not trucking. I found it difficult at times to not resent that I couldn't just stop at Subway or Arby's or McD's. And, because I ate in the truck 8/10 meals, I was cut off from the other truckers and was a bit anti-social as a result. But the advantages - decreased weight, better skin, better hair, better mood, better energy and being able to drive up to, through and then after sundown without getting sleepy, made the difficulties worth it.

It is doable. I'm happy to answer any questions I can or give pointers. Just ask. Good luck! :)

SaphhireX Mon, May-04-09 16:30

Thanks for the ideas! It's hard for me because after driving 18 years OTR I have my favorite truckstops. Like I have a hard time passing the Petro in Effingham, IL cause they have this really good chilimac out there on the fuel island. lol That's just one example.

I have my truck outfitted with a cooler, a microwave, a crockpot and a hand blender thingy. I love Wal-mart too! And I would stock it with the snacks you mentioned, though I found I couldn't eat many pork rinds without gaining weight. O.o

As far as exercise goes, I'm really limited. I have a low back injury that doesn't allow me to stand or walk very far without a lot of pain. But when I drove a Freightliner Century I had room to do Leslie Sansone's Walk Away the Pounds in the truck and I could pause it and sit on the bunk if my back got to hurting too much.

Now I'm in a Kenworth T600 and there's like 1ft and half between the edge of the bed and the step up into the front. I have to squeeze and I mean squeeze! between the seats to sit down in the drivers seat.

More than anything, I guess my problem isn't so much what to eat or where to get it, it's more along the lines of how do I deal with the cravings and the temptations and little mental games where I end up talking to myself and I always end up loosing.

"I want a candy bar."
"No you don't, you've done good today."
"Yeah...but I want something sweet."
"So drink a Atkins shake."
"But they make me feel sick and icky. I want something GOOD to eat."
"But we've done so good today."
"We can start again tomorrow....."
"It sounds so good. You know...all that sweet chocolate."
" sounds good."
"And we're going to stop in a bit. We can get one then and start again tomorrow. It'll be ok. It's just this one time."
"Well...ok...Hmm...they have a restaurant there too, don't they? Mmmm.. I want spaghetti..."
"Oh yeah! I mean as long as we start again tomorrow we can have spaghetti and a candy bar, right?"
"Yeah... we'll start again tomorrow."

Sounds silly I know but I've had that conversation in my head so many times. And I always HATE myself when I give in. And then I eat something else to make myself feel better but it works in reverse and I feel even worse until I just decide to eat what I want until some other time. And I gain back all the small amount of weight I've lost.

I know that sounds weak willed but by the end of my day all I want is comfort food and I don't want to have to cook it! I'm really hoping to find someone who does Atkins on a daily basis and is an OTR driver too. I kinda feel like I'm the only one out here. And the truck stops don't help cause when they do carry low carb food it's terrible high! $1.40 for two eggs! I'm on a budget and I can't be doing that!

Am I being unreasonable? .... *sighs* Probably.....

shelbyla Mon, May-04-09 17:09

Oh, lord, I hear you on those conversations with yourself! :lol: It really seems like you are having cravings that you shouldn't be having at this point. I know that tiredness and not planning really well can make it a lot harder on me but maybe you could post some of your daily menus and see if anyone could spot some things that might be causing cravings? If I am not having cravings, it's easier for me to be "good." Just a thought...

FancyKat Mon, May-04-09 18:36

BK is good for eating out and even McDs.

I eat the burgers that don't have MSG in them and have vegie on them. The last time I stopped at BK they counter person even figured out I was doing low carb when I asked for a fork and put the meat in a salad bowl for me.

So far I am doing just fine and that is what I do mostly when I am out for the day.

Wendy's can do the same. I make my own herbal teas with tuvia and or stevia. I never use the chemical sweetners as the always make me very hungry and the one breaks.

I even eat a bit of chocolate once in a while I go to the store and out out the single small peices and that is it.

I wanted to be a trucker at one time but now my son will be when he is able to do so.


feelskinny Mon, May-04-09 19:20

Hi there! Not a truck driver but the wife of one. He's not LC but I fill his duffel with LC snacks to keep him going. Beef jerky, sausage, cheese sticks, cheese crisps etc. He really loves his sunflower seeds (not sure about carb count) but I would imagine a small amount would be safe.

Anywho, I think female truckers ROCK!
Good luck with all your journeys and keep safe!

SaphhireX Tue, May-05-09 09:38

OMG! You mean I'm not nuts? Someone else has actually had those conversations too!? Weeeeeeee! :lol: Aren't they fun? .....not....

Ok so you got me curious. A menu? O.o I need a menu? I just eat what sounds goods. Most times when I wake up, I'm not hungry but I do need to start driving so I keep an Atkins shake next to me. And then by the time I'm actually hungry I don't have time to stop and make anything so that's when I snack. Egg salad, cheese chunks, another shake. It's at this point I start having problems.

The snacks don't satisfy and the conversations start. I'm not a big meat eater to start with (was raised vegetarian), so I keep chicken breast in the cooler. O.O I've lost track of the times it's gone bad. Ugh! The smell!

I like Wendy's. Perhaps a little too much. Again I go in with good intentions. "Ok, self. We're getting JUST a salad. Got it?" and come out with a Taco Salad with extra chili. "Well it's a salad! And I promise not to put the chips on it and the chili only has beans in it. That's not bad."

BK... I unfortunately can't go in there without bad memories. Got food poisoning once, years ago from on of their chicken sandwhichs. No BK. And I've done McD's. *nodnod* I like their grilled chicken no bun. The only fast food place that actually still carries lc things on their menu is Hardee's. *drools* omg... their breakfast bowls. But I don't run across many of them and never, it seems, when I'm having a problem. *heavy sigh*

And I'd kill for chocolate most days. I don't know how you limit yourself to one small piece, Barb! O.O

I know this sounds like I'm whining and throwing up excuses and blocks to all the wonderful suggestions. I know it does. I'm really not. I'm trying not to give up but I've given up before and I don't want to give up this time.

I've been on this site since '03 off and on but I never really did the whole 'community/posting/helping' thingy. I'm sorry to say all I ever used the site for was the recipes. So I'm hoping you all don't get annoyed with me while I work this out.

Anyway, thanks again for the great ideas!

*goes to figure out how to make a menu as she stares at the McD's across the parking lot*

shelbyla Tue, May-05-09 14:13

Hehe! You're funny! :) I think one issue here is lack of planning. That's another thing that consistently derails me. I need to really plan what I am eating ahead of time or like you, I fall prey to the "whatever is easy" which devolves into the "it's the best choice here at Wendy's" (also love it, btw) which usually ends up being something like "I'll just have the SMALL frosty--and restart tomorrow." I'm not sure how much time you have to plan. It seems like you have breakfast down (sort of) and you know approximately where you will be at lunch time or dinner time (maybe?). Can you decide the night before what to have for lunch and dinner and make sure you either have it on hand or have a PLAN when you go into the restaurants? Then (obviously) stick to the plan. Maybe something like

Breakfast - shake (it's better to make your own than to use the precanned ones and should be pretty easy to do in the truck--the prepackaged can cuase cravings), HB egg

Lunch - cold chicken breast (lunchmeat, cheese, veggie burger, etc.), cherry tomatoes, lettuce in a LC tortilla
or - HB eggs, cheese, lettuce, mushrooms, ranch dressing salad
or - (eating at a diner) 3 egg omelet with cheese & veggies, tomatoes on the side

Dinner - (these are all eating at a restaurant) grilled veggie burger with cheese, side salad, sauteed vegetables
or - grilled salmon, sauteed spinach, vegetable soup (watch out for potatoes and carrots but normally pretty low-carb)
or - seafood skewers with vegetables

I'm even trying to take your no-meat sensibilities into account! :) Might not always be doable but at least it gets your mind going in the right direction. Then if you decide to not follow your plan for the day, you will at least have some thoughts on WHAT is LC that might be on the menu.

Good luck. (I think Gypsybird has some great ideas and will really be able to help.)

edited to say: I used to work at Wendy's. If you would like, I will tell you how the chili is made and you will NEVER eat it again! :lol:

FancyKat Tue, May-05-09 17:24

I can limit it becuase I know I can get kidney failure and the doc will put me back on BP meds if I don't. I was so sick I was starting to die on the meds.

So I allow myself something sometimes becuase if I don't I will go like you have.

If you say something is not allowed you will always want it. So I no longer play that game. You might not go down as fast but it seems to be working for me.

I don't like paying to eat out when I shop. I am often too tired to cook anything to carry.

Today I bought wraps that have a high fiber content so is lower carb. I probaly will not get them again for a while.

It is hard as I can't eat milk, MSG either.

I want to do my art and if I eat high carb I can't do my art and I will be on meds that can kill me.

That is incentive enough for me.


Gypsybyrd Tue, May-05-09 18:19

If you want sweet and can have dairy - keep a can of Redi Whip in the cooler and shoot a mouthful when you are craving sweets. The sugar in it is minimal (if you stop at one mouthful) and the fat in it will help stop the cravings. Increasing your fat intake will help stop the cravings - at least those that are physical versus mental.

Equinox Wed, May-06-09 04:47

Here's what I would do. I see you have a microwave in the truck.

Whenever you have a weekend, a day, or just some hours off, I'd make some chicken breasts, cook (in whatever fashion), slice and put in the fridge, excess in the freezer. Buy and slice up a lot of veggies, celery, tomatoes (I usually seed 'em), cucumber, rocket (keep in fridge with water in a tight container, but used within a few days, max is maybe 5 with luck), salad leaves / spinach, spring onions or leeks, you name it.

Then when you're leaving, spend two minutes grabbing a plastic box and fill it with a quick chicken salad from the pre-cut, ready veggies. Slather with Caesar or ranch dressing, and put in cooler.

Another thing, make a HUGE curry of some kind, and freeze it in portion packets in plastic containers. MAke it a whole meal, with all the veggies inside, none as a side meal. Put in cooler only if you're gong to eat it that day, warm in the microwave and done.

These are only really good for when you're going to eat them the same day, so they take care of the first meal or two when you leave home, but if you have to stay elsewhere, then you have the diners and maybe pick up some jerky or other tough items.

I would also seriously consider dropping the shakes, and getting a low carb pure protein shake from a health food or sport nutrition store. Bring along some coconut oil, because believe me you will go crazy on this with no added fat. After the shake, just put some coconut oil either on a spoon and let it melt in your mouth, or put some in your coffee, but that takes some getting used to.

I hope some of these help, they're strategies I developed to eat well in college. Do as much as possible beforehand is the main principle. And, since you can cook the curries in a crockpot, that leaves your day off for other things you might like to do when you're home...

Good luck!

SaphhireX Wed, May-06-09 15:05

*whips out her pen and paper and begins to furiously take notes*


What the devil is curry? O.o *goes to find a recipe* Hmmm.....

You guys are the encouragement I need! Thank you so much from the bottom of my heart! I'm trying to make a menu. Try being the operative word. :lol: It's rather more involved than I thought it would be.

And I'll admit to being curious, why do you not think I should drink the Atkins shakes? I'd never heard they set off cravings. Personally, I can't drink more than half without feeling a bit sick to my stomach which means I don't eat things. And that's good, right? And what kind of protein shake? And where do I get coconut oil? Is it sweet? O.O *looks all hopeful and stuff*

I don't get to the house except once every 3 weeks so I depend on my cooler in the truck. It's a thermoelectric thing that keeps things roughly 40 degrees. So nothing really lasts as long as it would in a fridge. I'm saving to buy a real fridge/freezer for the truck but they're over $650.

I like the wraps for breakfast. *nodnod* I wanted to do a 'clean' Induction with no extras so I didn't get any. And I've seen mention of 85% chocolate...what is that? Sorry...chocoholic. What kind of art do you do, Barb?

You wrote "grilled veggie burger" and my mouth watered! :lol: Next time I get home I may have to stock up the truck on some 'veggie meat'! *makes 'nomming' noises*

I'm rambling, I know it. Sorry about that. I've never been very good at focusing. What is rocket? Is that lettuce? And I hate to say this, but all seafood for me is cat food. *hides so she doesn't get her fingers smacked and whispers*....It so smells like catfood!

So a bit more advice... O.o

Other than eating out, which costs about $18 a meal in a truck stop when you order low carb way. Or at least...the way I order. Does anyone have any suggestions for "quick-throw-it-in-a-bowl-and-nuke-it-till-it-screams" type things to fix for supper? Cause to be honest, the very last thing I even want to think about is fixing, preparing or cooking food at the end of a day. I've been known to take a swig of cream and call it good.

Gypsybyrd Wed, May-06-09 17:57

Originally Posted by SaphhireX

And I'll admit to being curious, why do you not think I should drink the Atkins shakes? I'd never heard they set off cravings. Personally, I can't drink more than half without feeling a bit sick to my stomach which means I don't eat things. And that's good, right?

Because the shakes are full of crap.

And no, it's not good if you don't eat. It's especially not good if you do not eat because you feel sick from Atkins shakes. You should be eating protein and fat, emphasis on the fat. Fat is what fills you up. Fat is what stops cravings and helps you resist the high carb stuff. Pick up some string cheese and eat those in the morning. Cheese is loads better than the shakes.

SaphhireX Wed, May-06-09 18:02

*nods* String cheese, got it. :D Thanks!

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