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Angvamp Thu, Nov-14-02 22:12

HI Everyone
Just wondering if anyone else was taking Topomax and how it had effected your weight. I've had quite a bit of success with it.

Lillysmom Sun, Nov-17-02 19:29

Hi Angvamp :D

I take lamitcal - but Dr. it talking about changing me to Topamax. I gained 8 lbs with lamictal - and have to watch it . I found out last week just by being in this forum and having to write 'stuff' down in my journal - that when I take my afternoon med - within 20- 30 mins. I 'have ' to eat - so I have now tried to eat at same time I take the pill -

I have heard from my friend that Topamax helps her with her weight - is that true --- Also does it make you sleepy?

Hope all is going well with you and wol -

Nice chatting with you about this -

Lillysmom - :wave:

Angvamp Mon, Nov-18-02 06:44

HI Lillysmom
I've been on Topamax for over a year and it has really helped me get my weight down along with LCing.

I was on Lithium for years and years and when I went to my current dr for the first time (who happens to also be an eating disorder specialist unbeknownst to me at the time but an added bonus) the first thing she said was we have got to get you off of Lithium! After sitting down and talking with her for awhile it came to my attention that alot of my weight gain could have come from the Lithium and the Prozac I was also taking.

When I started on Topamax the first thing I noticed was I didn't have an appetite and my energy levels were higher. I lost 30lbs rather quickly. Then when I started LCing with low-fat I noticed the weight was still coming off at a steady rate. When I was taking Lithium I used to fight and fight for every pound. As far as making me sleepy I dont notice that as much.

Let me know how things turn out.

Take care, good luck and thanks for responding.


Lillysmom Mon, Nov-18-02 09:26

Hello again Ang :wave:

I am assuming here that you are bi/polar? I am also -- aint it fun?!!! :eek: what more can I say - well , as you know - I could say alot but will not .

I was always afraid of lithium - I do not know why - it was just an idea of mine - this goes way back into my 30's - am now 59 -- I know -- I am old, old old -- but hey - I am still here -WOWSER??!!! what an oddity? I never , ever thought I would be. For one thing I, at that age - late 20's and early 30's never believed the Dr.s in their diagnosis -- I still find it hard to believe them - however, when I look back -- I know they are and were right - but in 'today' - thats when I find it hard -- its only the accumilative past that convinces me -- of course - I have read and heard that it is a sympton of the disease also -- so I guess I am bonafide -

Another question - did your Dr. eliminate the Prozac also? are you now on only Topomax?

One thing I have noticed - on lcarbing I tend to get a little more manic - but feel better - always feel better manic , however , behaviour is a little 'weird' and hard on family and friends - even tho I think I am better.

Hoping you have a great day - do you have a journal ? I'll go see now - its so nice to talk to you --- Life can be grand sometimes!!! :daizy: talk to you later ---

Angvamp Tue, Nov-19-02 06:46

HI Lillysmom

Yes I am "blessed" with being bi-polar :daze: I was diagnosed in my teens, Im in my 30's now.

I guess I never thought about LCing making me any more manic than usual....that is definately something to think about. This people on this board have brought so much to my attention in the few days since I have joined, its great. Having only joined last week I haven't started a journal yet, maybe when I get a little more time I will sit down and do one.

My dr did take me off of Prozac we are trying Paxil and Depakote, seems to be working so far. Well I am late for work as usual :roll: so I better go have a good day


meigg Tue, Nov-19-02 20:06

Hey - I am bipolar also! I take depakote and seroquel. I have taken topomax in the past, but haven't filled the rx lately. How many milligrams are you taking?

Angvamp Tue, Nov-19-02 21:03

Hi Meigg
Nice of you to join us. I am currently taking 200mg of Topamax daily. Did you take it for a long period of time? Did you have any side effects? I am curious to talk to someone that has taken it.
Hope to hear back from you.

meigg Tue, Nov-19-02 21:15

I took 250 mgs a day (i built up to it) from August to about February a few years ago. I lost some weight, but it was hard to gauge how much. I lost my taste for coffee, and it changed the taste of carbonated beverages, making them intolorable. the WORST was the tingling sensation in my feet. Pins and Needles. I do think it helped though. What has been your experience?

Angvamp Wed, Nov-20-02 06:24

I've heard that alot of people lose their taste for carbonated beverages, I've never been much of a soda drinker myself. I can definately relate with the tingling in the feet though but I notice that it isn't as bad if I drink more water. Have had some problems with memory, which for me is good and bad :) . Had some stomach pains while I was working up to the 200mgs but they eventually subsided.

Thats about it for me. Are you going to go back on it or are you looking for something else?

meigg Wed, Nov-20-02 17:09

Well, I had some blurred vision, but then I realized it was probably just my eyes getting bad - not the side effect of blurred vision/glaucoma. Had my eyes all checked out and they are fine. I am just trying to figure out what to do next.

Candiflip Mon, Nov-25-02 02:05

I've been on Topomax for about a year now. I am on 450mg a day w/ wellbutrin & Risperdal. I am also bipolar.
I don't really know about weight loss because I have been lowcarbing, would like to think that it was all my hard work that make me lose weight ya know, and to tell you the truth I can't really remember if I had a big or small appetite..and if it decreased it. The medication really messes with my head. I don't remember anything, can't think straight, blurred vision bad. I know those are the side effects so I just try to live with them. Sometimes I can't remember what I ate for dinner the night before. I didn't have this problem before Topomax, except durring and after mania. I keep taking it because it works about 1/2 the time. Thats more than any of my other drugs did. I have also had alot of stomach problems...which they never really found out what it was caused from.. Could of be meds. I dunno.

Thank you

Angvamp Mon, Nov-25-02 07:54

HI Candice
Sounds like you have had some similar experiences on Topamax. I don't talk about the fact I can't remember anything because noone believes me and they just make little jokes. I do think I have done much better on Topamax than on Lithium. Well I am on my way to California for the holidays and I better get going. Take care and I will hopefully hear from you again and be able to write more when I have more time.


smilin2day Wed, Dec-04-02 22:36

Just read your post on Topamax. I started it one week ago. Only taking 25 mg at night to start. It made me sleepy at first, a bit better now. I'll probably up it to 50 mg soon. My MD also told me I could lose weight on this, as well as help my depression.
My question- What did you notice about your appetite? And,
How long did it take to lose the 30# I am very hopeful. Like many others, my medicines contributed to my 50# weight gain (I helped, too, I must admit). I've been lo-carbing a couple months. My mood is better already, more even, and more energy. Thanks for your post.

Angvamp Thu, Dec-05-02 06:32

Hi Smilin2day

I hope your induction to Topamax goes better than mine did, without the stomach pains that is. I started noticing within the first week or two a significant decrease in my appetite. I also lost my taste for carbonated drinks. It took me about 2-1/2-3 months to lose the first 30lbs. Unfortunately we can rely on the meds to do all the work...<sigh>
I'm trying to quit smoking now ( 11 days now !!) and the scale doesn't seem to like that either. Maybe my dr will up my dose for the new year and I can be smoke-free by then too. I could use a boost I think.
Good Luck!

smilin2day Thu, Dec-05-02 22:43

I so appreciate your quick response. I felt a bit nauseous at first, but it's gone. I'm going up to 50 mg tomorrow.
I am so proud of your 11 smoke-free days. Wow! You are really headed towards health, aren't you? What does your doc say about the patch?

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