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lyttlefish Mon, Feb-11-02 17:54


I have just joined this information group and of course am very excited
I have had so many questions that i cannot find answers for int he book
I started the Aiken's program about 1 month ago and have been very impressed so far.
I hope that you will bare with me when i post my seemingly silly questions
great meeting you all

wbahn Mon, Feb-11-02 18:25

Welcome aboard!

You've found a wonderful place for information and support. There are no dumb questions (well, for the most part ;) ), so ask away.

nOcaRbgurL Mon, Feb-11-02 19:05

hi lyttlefish,
I was just wondering how much did you lose in a month?? 12lbs?? I just kinda need some motivation to stay on this LC WOE and I wanted some advice. Keep up the good work and keep me posted!

lyttlefish Tue, Feb-12-02 11:50

Originally posted by nOcaRbgurL
hi lyttlefish,
I was just wondering how much did you lose in a month?? 12lbs?? I just kinda need some motivation to stay on this LC WOE and I wanted some advice. Keep up the good work and keep me posted!

Dear Jane:

I did lose that weight
I followed the instructions by Dr. Aikens to the letter
I did forget to drink all the water i was supposed to at first and still have a porblem there
Even if i had not lost the weight..i cannot express enough how wodnerful and differan ti feel emotionally and physically
I sleep better, have no sugar lows and am never hungry
this is a marvel to me
thank you for your support..i know if you are patient and stick to the rules the FAT will move ON

nOcaRbgurL Wed, Feb-13-02 14:42

Hi lyttlefish,
I applaud you for your weight loss thus far. I am also following the LC WOE to the tee and words can't express how much better I feel. I can't wait for the weeks to go by where I can lose more and more. I really want to look good and get back down to my desired weight and i believe that if i stick to this, i can get there by the summertime. Much more success to you and I both and good luck.

lyttlefish Thu, Feb-14-02 13:04

Dear Jane;

Thank you for the kind words of encouragement :)
How are you doing so far on your 'quest' :q:
I do not find this plan too difficult to follow
I just hope that it keeps working
The only thing that i miss is a glass of red wine once in a while
I used to do this on Friday evenings and have a nice romantic dinner
would you know if wine is permitted at all :q:
have a great day

nOcaRbgurL Thu, Feb-14-02 14:13

Hello Lyttlefish,
So far, it's day 6 and i feel great. I can't say that I don't have any cravings or wantings to eat all these sugar products or fast foods because i do, but i'd rather lose weight then eat these things. I havn't weighed myself yet, not untill tomorrow morning and we'll see what the count is for week 1. My roommate tried the LC WOE and broke down the same day and ate cake, I don't think she wants to do it anymore, it's so hard. Anyways, I'll let you know the count tomorrow and good luck to you. I'm not sure if wine is permitted, but there is a section on alcohol in the "newbies questions," i'm sure they may have it there. Good luck and talk with you soon.

lyttlefish Thu, Feb-14-02 16:19

sugar cravings are doing well if you have those cravings and do not give in
I found that as long as my stomach was full i did not get those cravings
but i did chew sugarless gum
i cannot wait until you find out how much you have lost
i will wait for your post tomorrow
i am excited for you

wbahn Thu, Feb-14-02 16:43

It's too bad that your roommate gave in on the first day. Once you make it through Induction, perhaps you can use your experiences to get them going again and help and get them through the rough spots.

I'm looking forward to your Week 1 progress report as well. I'm pulling for you!

nOcaRbgurL Thu, Feb-14-02 18:26

Thanks lyttlefish and Wbahn!!
I didn't know you could chew sugarless gum, can you?? How many carbs?? Will it slow you down??? I was just wondering because i work at a factory job on an assembly line and everyone is always chewing gum and eating candy and i want to do that also, just to be doing something. If you know, let me know, thanks!!! BTW, i broke down and weighed myself a day early and i'm still at 152lbs, so tomorrow shouldn't look any different, but i'll let you good people know. Good luck to us all!

lyttlefish Fri, Feb-15-02 11:13

sugarless gum
i did not think there were too many carbs in teh gum
i did not even check
i am going about that now
if anyone else has info or opinions on this
please let us know
congrats on teh 4 pounds
do not be so hard on yourself
the first week i was on i only lost 4 pounds
the second week i lost 6 pounds
then.... it was awful i lost nothing for a week
i thought this is it! i will lose not more
But i perervered and teh next week
I had lost 2 pounds
besides the weight loss I have to admit and remind myself
I feel really good and have a lot of energy
let me know how things are going

nOcaRbgurL Fri, Feb-15-02 18:39

Thanks lyttlefish!
I checked the sugarless gum that i have and they have 0 carbs, so today i chewed a half piece while at work, it felt real good to chew on something at work while everyone else was snacking on valentines candy. Today was my official weigh in at 1 week and i couldn't believe, it said i lost 8lbs!!! I'm very excited and i'm continuing on this WOE untill i get down to my destinged weight however long it takes. Thanks for eveything everyone!!

lyttlefish Mon, Feb-18-02 11:52

sugarless gum and congrats
congrats on the 8 pounds
oh I am so delighted for you
see....just have a lot of patience and think good thoughts
you should be noticing a differance in the way your clothes fit
i certainly am and when the pounds do not come off as quickly as I want..ot i 'feel' tubby
i look at how my clothes are fitting and get that rush again
by the way..what gum are you chewing?
have a grand day

nOcaRbgurL Mon, Feb-18-02 15:25

Hi Lyttlefish,
I'm not sure what kind of gum I am chewing, I actually forgot the name and I left the pack at work, I'll let you know tomorrow. I'm very positive that your weight will come off in due time. I'm glad that some did come off and that's a great motivation for you to keep going further. Keep up the good work and i'm proud of you also. :D

lyttlefish Mon, Feb-18-02 16:10

chewing gum and other things
Dear Jane;

not unhappy with the weight loss so far
am at 175 from 189
14 pounds and still going
have a grand evening

nOcaRbgurL Mon, Feb-18-02 18:55

Hello Lyttlefish,
BTW, the gum i was chewing is trident, sugarfree gum. It has 1carb and it also says that it has a sugar alcohol of 1gram, what is that??? Is that bad for me??? I just need something to put in my mouth other than the candy that is passed around my work every minute. Also, congrats on the weight loss, how long has it taken you?

lyttlefish Tue, Feb-19-02 12:04

Jane..thanks for the info on the gum
Alcohol sugar?? never heard of it
but i am sure it is okay to eat is the only 'sweet' pleasure i get these days
you asked how long it took me to take off the 15 pounds
I started the Aikens Plan January 14, so 5 weeks
I have been very good about the rules but did finally cheat this weekend.
How about you?
just keep going..we are looking good

LilSpanky Tue, Feb-19-02 13:26

Hi there,
I have added your name to my buddy list. I hope you don't mind.
I am a female, looking for some support and I know you are too.
Let's be Atkins friends. :spin:

nOcaRbgurL Tue, Feb-19-02 15:20

Hi Lyttlefish,
It's day 12 and I havn't cheated yet. Although i bought Valentines cookies on sale today, I am not going to eat them yet. It was a huge box of assorted cookies at Krogers for $1!! I couldn't pass it up. I'm going to let myself have a treat, but i havn't yet completed the intro period. I was hoping that I could lose 10lbs more by Spring break, which is a little over a month from now. I understand that that's probably not a possibility, but I'm still hoping. Also, I've been chewing that gum once a day, three days total now. I'm going to cut that out to a couple times a week though, i don't exactly know what sugar alcohol is. Well, you cheate huh?? How did that go??? I want to cheat so bad but I'm not allowing myself to do so just yet. Talk to you soon.

lyttlefish Tue, Feb-19-02 16:08

my cheatin' heart
Dear Jane:

I am not the Engine
Do Not Follow Me
Cheatin' is not a good thing..and I only did it the once after 5 weeks
I will never do it again if other people follow my lead
I did not feel too good after i ate the csrrot cake and the three chocolates either
my stomache hurt..i think it was the combination of fat and sugar
after 5 weeks it was a prety bad shock for that tummy
those Valentines Cookies at 1.00 were a great deal
Why not give them as a pesent to someone else?
you will be so sorry if you break down..hang in there
then you can but a great on sale piece of clothing in no time
i do not crave sweets all that much but do love chocolate
have you tried the sugarfree jello at all?
when is your induction perios over
must be prettyclose now..
thanks for the support and the post

lyttlefish Tue, Feb-19-02 16:20

what a pleasure
Originally posted by LilSpanky
Hi there,
I have added your name to my buddy list. I hope you don't mind.
I am a female, looking for some support and I know you are too.
Let's be Atkins friends. :spin:

Dear LilSpanky
it is wonderful to be offered some more support..this is a great site. i would certainly love to lend you all my support in your great endeavour
i presume that you are on the 'induction' at the moment
it is the most difficult part of the plan, or so i think
and i did not find it all that hard to follow
i was never hungry,,NEVER
i ate eggs, cheese, greens (till they come out my ears) and lots of steak, pork and chicken
i did forget the fish oh i love fish
i do find that i am cooking a lot more than i used to but that is okay...i have gotten out of the cooking end of things since the girls all moved out.
i did read your profile and see that we have many similarities
i have 4 girls the oldest 40 the youngest 36
i have 6 grand children
we started the Induction at about the same weight
I only want to get to 140 pounds
but who knows what will happen when i get there?
i am single and work for AT&T Canada
I also am an artist, have an active studio practice and work as a painter/ printmaker
I have an 11 yr old black lab his name is Duke
i love to go on long hikes with him
i am gabbing on for way too long
let me know where you are in the Eating Plan

LilSpanky Tue, Feb-19-02 18:40

I am just starting out as you thought. This is just day 2, but I already feel somewhat more energized.
I am looking forward to chatting with you on and off so we can be Atkins Friends. You said we had about the same amount to lose.
I am only 4'11" tall and should only weigh somewhere in the neighborhood of 95 to 110. That's a laugh.
That's why I set my goal at 125. At my age I will be lucky if I get there but I am full of hope.
I too walk my dog as you know. He is a 65 lb. Collie named
One of the loves of my life, Buddy. He loves me no matter how I look.
Talk later,

nOcaRbgurL Tue, Feb-19-02 21:00

Hi Lyttlefish,
Yeah, I tried the sugarfree jello, I eat it every couple of days. I eat jello while at work, it's a great snack when everyone else is eating cookies and chips. Friday will be the end of my Intro period, although I'm not going to stop with the Intro there. I'm going to be on this for a little while longer. I feel pretty good about this diet and I can't wait for more time to go by to see where I'll be at. I'm just so excited about finding this, i'm so glad I started!! As long as I'm slim by July when my best friend gets married, that's all that matters. Don't worry, i don't feel myself breaking anytime soon. I've told so many people that i'm on this diet that i HAVE to ride it to the end. I want people to see that this works and they were sorry they didn't stay with it. My roommate tried the Intro twice and broke down, so she's not going to do this again. I feel bad saying this, but I want to prove that i've got the willpower to do this and get thin!!! Well, I hope that everything goes well with you and i'm here for you anytime!

lyttlefish Wed, Feb-20-02 15:53

look where you are
Originally posted by nOcaRbgurL
I'm just so excited about finding this, i'm so glad I started!! As long as I'm slim by July when my best friend gets married, that's all that matters.

I want to prove that i've got the willpower to do this and get thin!!! Well, I hope that everything goes well with you and i'm here for you anytime! [/B]

i just reread your profile
look :cheer:
you have lost 30% of your goal weight since the day you started on this site..that is tremendous no?
8 pounds gone out of the 26
you have only 18 to go

Keep going are sure looking good

lyttlefish Wed, Feb-20-02 16:06

who walks who?
I too walk my dog as you know. He is a 65 lb. Collie named
I just wonder who is walking who in this scenario
he must be wodnerful
collies are so beautiful, loyal and kind
watched lassie too much in my youth
also noted that you have lost 6 pounds already
that is so grand...
pretty soon that dog will be bigger than you :yay:

have a great day

nOcaRbgurL Wed, Feb-20-02 19:22

yeah, i guess i'm a little excited to have lost a little weight now, but things have slowed down for me. I guess I have to get out of the mentality that I have to get done with things quick and easy. This is going to take a time over the course of my entire life. You also should be happy that you've lost the weight that you did. All my weight was water and it did feel really good to have lost my bloatness. I hear that you have a dog, i want one sooo bad, but i live with roommates and we're not allowed to have one. I would like an animal to keep me company at times, but in Sept, we're gonna get one. Keep up your hard and dedicated work and i'll talk with you soon.

lyttlefish Fri, Feb-22-02 13:02

dogs and treats
Dear Jane;
I just had a brain wave
If you had a doggie you would have someone to buy cookies for!!!
hope you have a wonderful weekend
I :clap: cannot wait to see your post on Monday

nOcaRbgurL Fri, Feb-22-02 15:24

Hi Lyttlefish, it's day 14 today!!! I looked on the scale and to my surprize, it read 146lbs, yeah!!!!!! I'm soooo excited!!! I've decided today that i'm only going to weigh myself every two weeks, because things change alot for me day to day, week to week. Yeah, getting a dog would allow me to buy cookies, but losing this weight feeels so much better!!! How's it going with you?? Starting yesterday, i increased my carb intake and added some veggies and i feel better, and with alot of choices. I hope all is well with you and your dog, take care and hope to hear from you soon!!

lyttlefish Mon, Feb-25-02 16:16

congratulations JANE
:cheer: :Party: :clap:

Dear Jane;
i am so happy for you..i could cry :tears:
Imagine you have lost nearly 50% of what you want to lose
15 whole pounds !!!!!
that is so ingredible and wonderful
keep up the good work
As for me i have only lost 1 pound this week but was able to wear a dress out Saturday evening that i have not had on in 4 years
my jeans are looser than ever and stay loose all day long.
I will take your example and weigh in every 2 weeks.
But the 'measure up' day is this Thursday and i do look forward to that
i decided to only measure once a month
I know there will be a change
thanks for sharing
oh yes..what sis youthink of the Olympics?
lyttlefish <')))<

nOcaRbgurL Mon, Feb-25-02 21:54

Hi Lyttlefish,
I've re-decided to weigh myself every Friday to see where i'm at. It's ok though if you weigh yourself once a month, i don't think that i have it in me to wait that long. Yeah, my clothes fit a little better now than ever and i actually feel pretty good. As far as the Olympics, i loved it!!! Skating was the best for me. It was so very intense for me, i loved every minute! How about you?? I'm kinda glad though that tv shows are back on though. Well, good luck to the both of us on our weigh in on Thurs and Fri. Take care and i'll talk to you soon.

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