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CUBBYPOO Thu, Jun-08-06 20:31

i really needed to read that. i was doing so well on my woe but today i lost it. i went bananas. lets just say i'll know better next time then to trust myself to pick up hot, fresh, sweet, glazed doughnuts for my son's 3rd grade graduation again. and not just any doughnuts( if i may add) but krispy kreme! but i'm over it now. i am back on the band wagon again. thank heavens. but i had a hard time coming up with an excuse for why the dozen was short 2 doughnuts. later i confessed to my fiance' . plus nobody bought the story of it just coming that way.

beck2132 Fri, Jul-14-06 13:54

Work Food
So here at work one of the guys retired and what goes along with that...cake and ice cream. I wasn't planning on going but then I got roped in from some co-workers. i eneded up eating a piece of cake and feel horrible about it now. How do I avoid these situations in the furture so they don't interputt my weight loss plans? I am only in the 14 day induction. So if I can't make it through that how am I ever going to shed the lbs? :o

227 Sat, Nov-17-07 10:18

I'm so glad the ladies are suffering with TOM!
I found a half eaten box of Roses Chocolates (£10 in money, $20's worth). I ate almost half a tin, the day before TOM. That's a vast amount of chocolate!! An bathtub full of it to be honest!

So far.. Weight stayed stable, (phew).
I'm still in shock that I'd eaten lbs and lbs of the stuff! Good grief!!

callieprim Sun, Jul-27-08 22:15

I've been in Phase 2 for a little over a month and binged on chips and salsa today. I've had the most horrible diarrea and stomach cramps. Has anyone else had this problem after carb binging? or do I have a stomach virus?

jgd1208 Tue, Sep-23-08 11:45

ugh.... we had FRESH OUT OF THE OVEN pear/apple cobbler in the office this morning right behind me. I have such a horrible stomach ache from eating 4 pieces. ahhhhhhhhhh! My head is throbbing and my gut feels like it's going to explode. My body is telling me it's not happy with my decision.

The first few bites were like heaven... then I just kept shoveling it in and getting more... ahhhhhhh. CALGON... TAKE ME AWAY! Won't do that again. I'm carbatose

Thanks for letting me vent

Thump Mon, Oct-06-08 10:10

I've been cheating for about a month. I've just moved to Oxford and have almost no money so I've been skipping meals and then having a sandwich or Cornish pasties when I can't bear the hunger anymore. I've tried to be good but I don't want to cook most of the time, I have no money for variety.

I've been drinking a LOT of milk. It's one of my favorite things. Also, bread, because it's cheap. One slice is 9g carbs and I usually have two with some marmite. I try to eat a good portion of cheese with it hoping it will slow down the carbs but I know I'm just kidding myself.

I'm hungry all the time and LC friendly foods are too expensive >_< I'm the slimest I have been in a long time, I don't want to ruin it.

Melesana Wed, Dec-24-08 17:53

Yes, I get diarrhea and stomach cramps too when I cheat, Callieprim. I don't do it often, and it's always planned and purposeful, and wonderful while it's happening. Then I pay for it.

Two days ago, I ate several ounces of chocolate. No effects at all until about 24 hours later. I was actually disappointed, because if it was that easy, why not do it more often? For the past 24 hours, I've been reminded why not. Cramps and diarrhea, can't hardly even drink water.

Teaches you - well, teaches me - to think more carefully.


catcookie Fri, Apr-17-09 14:32

I'm glad I found this thread. I cheated yesterday with left over easter candy someone brought into work. I ate hershey's
kisses. I lot of them! like about 9 or 10 and had a really bad
headache afterwards. then I was craving tacos but I didn't give in! my tummy is poking out now I hope it's only water

lowcarb47 Sun, Nov-15-09 14:07

Too much to eat
Well it's confession time. All week I've been eyeing my sons corn chips, but never gave in, untill last night around midnight. Well needless to say, my eating schedule was thrown off yesterday because I'd gotten up late. And all my meals were pushed up. So I'd decided to have a very small dinner. But around midnight, I was soo hungry that those chip kept coming to my mind. So I decided to have some. And then some more, and then some more, and then I started looking for something else with carbs. And then crackers and then peanuts. I must have been nuts. But afterwards, I felt like why did I do that! I felt guilty of course, but didn't beat myself up too much. I just did what I would tell a friend. Get up, dust yourself off, start again, and keeping going. And that I did when I got up this morning. I did have a minor case of heartburn. But that was to be expected. I am proud of myself because in the past, I would have given up and thrown in the towel. But this time, I've come farther then I've ever by losing 95 lbs. And that's just too much hard work to let go down the drain. I've lose and gained so many times, that I know what would happen if I give in. So this time is totally different. I'm back on track. So thanks for this site to just confess my indulgence. :D

shrl Wed, Feb-10-10 19:51

I have been cheating and I am sick of it. I am going low carb cheat free, and I mean it, feel bloated and awful.

celebrex Mon, May-17-10 19:21

cake and ice cream are my faves...don't seem to be losing that extra weight any time soon

SusanGail Tue, Jun-08-10 22:53

I've been out of control the past two weeks. I realized that someone I thought I could trust had just been using me, in a very personal way, and I had been blind the whole time. When I realized this about two weeks ago, I lost it. I hadn't had sugar (not even fruit) in two months and I ended up eating straight ice cream. And it seems like I haven't stopped eating since.

On the brighter side, I didn't binge today. I had a lot of fruit to combat the refined sugar cravings, but no binges (and no refined sugar). My stomach is definitely feeling the effects of all the fruit now, but I keep telling myself that it will get better.

This thread is a godsend. I have a very guilty conscience. The guilt gets me every time and sends me on a bingeing cycle. But I just need to remember to forgive myself. I am not a terrible person just because I binged. I CAN get healthy. This too shall pass.

Thanks for this thread :)

bhghatesyo Wed, Sep-22-10 10:11

I am guilty of having a binge night last night. we are very low on funds these past weeks and for the forseeable future. i do have a good cheap butcher but i am having trouble getting there before they close(out where i live every business seems to make up their own hours) so these last few days i have been cheating. i have been teetering on the edge the past few days. having a great lc day and then going home and eating something thats like 40-50carbs. then last night i fell off the cliff completly. i was staaarving. and my husband ( who isnt doing lc) comes home with chocolate chip cookies, french bread pizzas, and tortilla chips. when i tallied this up today it came to like 200 carbs. i felt like crying. while i am eating i am not really enjoying it even. i know i am cheating and i feel bad. it really sucks when i dont have a choice about what i can eat. somedays for me its either carbs or nothing and i cant eat nothing. I will say tho that the day after i eat a lot of carbs i get really sick. the last couple of times i have actually thrown up the next day. i thought i was ill but then i did a perfect carb day and i felt sooo much better. Tomorrow is payday and i am going to get to the butcher if it kills me.

moni1968 Thu, Sep-23-10 04:37

Cheating, treating yourself? I have alway's failed at diets because once I cheated I thought it was all over and continued to sabatoge myself.
This time however I've realized that a cheat or a treat does not mean it is all over. I have many time's went out for dinner and had something that wasnt on my accpetable list but know that I can't do it all the time.
I do know that after having that cupcake, pie, noodle ect... my body craves it for a few days after and make's me crave the carbs.
So now I tend to really be careful with the treats and cheats cause I really dont want to feel crappy for the next few days and somehow that make's me turn down all the sugary oh so yummy carbs that are available eveywhere we go!
Dont beat yourself up for a cheat just note how that cheat made you physically feel the next few days after and that may help you pass up the next craving.

IvannaBFit Thu, Oct-28-10 20:47

I had PMS, got bad news at work, bank fees this month made us short on our mortgage, my friends are annoyed with me today, my DH is moody, my house is a mess. Its a bad day. I had five cookies a piece of bread and a McD meal!!!!

Ive been doing so well... Broke a stall recently, and then BAM! It hits!!!

Today sucks!

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