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PilotGal Wed, Nov-26-03 01:43

Hi Xena! Come on and get sweaty with me!!!! LOL
Hey MsDad! yup, parent here. daughter 20, son 11. My little universe. Having a gay parent has taught both of them to be more tolerant, and less prejudice. It's been a mission of mine to stop prejudice in this world... One person at a time.

PilotGal Wed, Nov-26-03 01:46

P.S. wanted to share something with you "older" folks... I incorporated free weights in my walking routine to work my upper body. I can feel arthritis settling into my right shoulder cuff. Using the weights and walking and stretching that socket has made a big difference in that nagging pain. Any of you have something like this, i think i'm onto something good! stay tuned!

Lessara Wed, Nov-26-03 08:46

Hi Xena! I'm Bi too and oh my mother hasn't stopped telling me that I am wrong to think of a female relationship since I told her a year ago. ;) I decided to stop letting people know for the reactions are almost always negative, except here on this tread. :)
I wanted to wish all of you a Happy Thanksgiving.
*Hugs* :wave:

PilotGal Thu, Nov-27-03 06:36

I wanted to wish you all a happy and safe thanksgiving, and I also wanted to tell you that since i've started losing weight and inches, and walking now..... I've noticed that my normal gait of walking has speeded up, and I seem to be lighter on my feet. Feels good to be losing all these inches.... I don't EVEN want to look at the scale right now.. I'm in too good a mood! happy holidays everyone!

Xena2005 Thu, Nov-27-03 13:44

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

PilotGal Sun, Nov-30-03 18:56

I seem to have lost our gay and lesbian thread..... so i started another one....
i've screwed up my eating habits this weekend.... I'm hoping to get back on track... I went to the store and bought some food for the week..
and i am cooking up my turkey bones now as i type this...... making the house smell soooooooooooooooooooooooo good... I'm putting in escarole and tofu instead of noodles or rice in my soup.... should make it a nice low carb soup.
I'm slacking in my walking....... didn't walk today, and only 30 minutes yesterday... holidays are going to be rough, i can see it.
i would like more than anything to lose a few more pounds by xmas, but it might not happen.... not sure.... i'm more interested in the loss of inches.. i would like to get into a pr of leather pants, (size 10) that i haven't worn in like 4 yrs.... so inches are my main concern...
how is everyone else doing? are you finding the holidays are more difficult to stay in line with?
what are you doing to avoid the sweets and the abundant food?
would love to hear your ideas.
be well!
The PilotGal

JYounginer Mon, Dec-01-03 12:54

Post-Thanksgiving/Vacation Update
Ok, so honesty is the best policy right? So here it is. Charity and I fell off the wagon last Friday and have been VERY VERY BAD GIRLS since then. But today, yes today, is a new day and we are back on our WOL and happier than ever. I'm not even going to go on and on about everything that I've cheated on in the past week, but I will say this, the cajun food in New Orleans as well as thier mixed drinks cannot be beat!

Yes, vacation was fun, but we are very happy to be back home. Although, while in New Orleans we joked about turning in some apps to businesses. It was such a fabulous city, I already miss it.

I've read all the posts in here and just wanted to say, I'm so jealous of you guys with kids. Charity and I want to do the "family" thing so bad. It's unfortunate because of our lifestyle that it costs so much to get pregnant. And being in Arkansas, we have no chance of adopting. Although, we have thought about looking into it and seeing what we could get done. It's just the question of if you really want to be on the front of the Little Rock newspaper as the "Lesbian Couple" trying to change the adoption laws in Arkansas. Living here has been such a change of pace for me, being from Atlanta and all. In Atlanta, I would have had alot less fear about something like that. But being here, I'd almost fear for my life. It's pretty bad here for real. When we first moved here, I had a pride sticker on the back of my car and as a result was chased down in traffic or ran off the road on 3 differant occasions. Freaking rednecks!

Anyways... I hope that all of you had a great Thanksgiving (Low carb or not) and are all doing well on your WOL this week. Cheat free challenge till Christmas? ha ha.

Much love,

MsDad Mon, Dec-01-03 16:28

True confessions time, huh? Well, I didn't do so hot myself last week. In fact, I made myself sick on Thursday. :Puke: I actually think it's because I ate a bunch of sugary stuff, and I hadn't eaten hardly any sugar at all in 2 months. But back on the wagon today!

Joni, don't give up on starting a family. If you want to, PM me and I'll give you my e-mail address...maybe I can give you some ideas. :idea: You never know what's out there until you look around...

PilotGal Mon, Dec-01-03 17:04

Today was a bad day for life. Had to stand in two different lines for 2 hrs each.... first of the month is always a killer.

I think I'm not eating enough calories. I better confess right now... I am on prozac and prozac has killed my desire to eat. I know that may be a good thing, but that's not all it's killed... (catch my drift)

But today, all i had was some taco mix and some jello and a pepsi...
And i'm not hungry.
I finished my soup today... going to have a bowl of that. But that doesn't have enough calories either... I'm not sure what I'm going to do.. It sucks not having any appetite.

Oh well, I'm going to keep on trying... There's no way i'm giving up now... in 2mo, i've lost 3 inches on the waist.. That's commendable. That's my push to stay clean off simple carbs.

Just wanted to add this..... As I'm trying to regroup.

hellraiser Mon, Dec-01-03 17:52

Just curious... by Pilot Gal does it mean that you are an airplane pilot?

Nancee Tue, Dec-02-03 08:02

Another South Floridian here...New to this site
Hello everyone!
My friend from another forum gave me a link to this site. I THINK it's PilotGal. PiltoGal, are you LD from the GG room? If so, thanks for sharing this site with me! It looks like it might be helpful. I am a 45 year old, very petite (5' tall) small boned SINGLE <winkwink> woman who is about 30 lbs overweight. It's messing BIG TIME with my confidence and my emotional health. I quit smoking a year and a half ago and have now gained all this weight. I quit smoking to FEEL better and now I FEEL as if I LOOK like sh* me, anyway. Can I win this battle? I know that I won't lose the weight by smoking again... that's not an option...
Okay...that's all for now... I'm in South Florida too...Keys...

Lessara Tue, Dec-02-03 22:39

I was totally good thru Thanksgiving, it was the Saturday after that gave me grief. We were so tired of traveling, I order Pizza for dinner... what was I thinking?! I've been mostly good for the last two days but I could do better, and you all know what I mean ;)

Thanksgiving was great, had a blast with my parents and sisters... let alone nephews and neices :D

happygrrl Tue, Dec-02-03 23:40

Hello everyone, It is nice to see some fellow family low carbers on here...I have been doing this for 2 weeks 3 days all alone...My g/f is 5"6' and only weighs 122-125 so I am about 100 lbs bigger than her..she wants to gain and I want to lose if I could only suck out 20lbs and get it injected into her we would both be a little happier...She is supporting me completly and she feels guilty for eating high carb food around me but there is noway she could do this because she hates all vegetables except corn so she just supports me and I cook her and my son food and whatever meat I cook I eat that and a salad. Salad are getting old though...Well just wanted to stop in and say hello.

PilotGal Wed, Dec-03-03 04:10

Hellooooooooooooooooooooooo Nancee!! Bout time you joined us.. Yes, tis I. You will get a ton of support from this forum and any questions you have, you will get an answer as well. Check out recipes so boredom doesn't hit, and make sure you have food prepared in advance, in the fridge for foraging when hunger hits. Good Luck! See you in GG.

PilotGal Wed, Dec-03-03 05:09

:wave: :wave: Helloooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo Everyone :wave:

Lessara, glad you enjoyed spending time with your family! That's a good thing!

My family is getting old and crotchety and dinner was a little bland... You know how old people like bland food... That was a good thing, cause I hardly ate anything!

Hellooooooooooo Hppygrrl! Good to see you've joined us.

Yesteray, I grabbed my weights and took a nice 65 minute walk and I noticed I was practically speed walking.. And I drank my 80 oz of water.. I haven't weighed myself since before Tday, but I was in my size 12 jeans all day yesterday and they are loose in the waist.. Yeeehawwww!!!

My g/f, fortunately, is low carbing with me. She's 5'7 and weighs 135 and doesn't need to lose any, but she says she's trying to get rid of her little "pooch" in the belly. But having her eat the same way as me, sure makes life easier! I tell ya!

The trick to all this is dicipline. You have to have dicipline in order to succeed with this WOL. All there is to it. If you don't dicipline yourself and eat accordingly, you're going to see saw, get discouraged and go back to bad habits. But the reason we're here is to change all that... Behavior Modification! taaadaaaaa!! ..getting off soapbox now.

So my lifestyle change has been this: walk everyday briskly for 30-60 minutes, with my hand held weights, drink at least 80 oz of water per day, and to have low carb food all ready prepared and in the fridge for my foraging time. If you guys check out the dips recipes, you'll find my ranch dip in there.. I can't live without that! That's been my salvation. Check it out, I incorporate tofu in it.

And another thing... I don't think I would have stayed as diciplined if it weren't
this forum and you people. Where else can you sit in your jammies, with your coffee, and have group therapy for your weight reduction? I think its marvelous!!!!!! My little internet family of low carbers!!!!!!

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