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KimD66 Fri, Oct-10-03 09:37

For me, I got pictures back of my vacation from NYC. UGH! WHO IS THAT IN THOSE PICTURES??? When did I get SO heavy?? What a wake up call! My friend who went to NYC with me got her pix back and had the same reaction! We both started Atkins 1 month ago! We're BOTH loving the results.

LorynJohn Fri, Oct-10-03 09:56

Turned 40! OMG! Dont want to be fat and 40!! Just 40 is all I can take!! LOL

mntnear Fri, Oct-10-03 10:09

My Doctor kept bugging me to call a stomach bypass surgeon. I got mad and started exercising/lo-fat for 6 weeks ... didn't lose a pound.

I switched to Atkins (I knew the diet but was reticent to try it again since in '74 when I did it I got a bladder infection ... not enough water...) and in the next 6 weeks I lost 30lbs

Now just cruisin enjoying this WOL and this Forum which I visit daily ... thanks all for your indirect help and encouragement ... I don't post often but i find the postings here actually answer many questions I don't ask ... thanks again!

madmike Wed, Jan-21-04 18:44

For the newbies, bringing back this post

Shannonp Wed, Jan-21-04 19:28

Mine was stepping on the scale and seeing I was at an all time high - even more than I ever weighed when I was pregnant, and I've had 3 children. I dont want to be the fat mom anymore.

Sccuffy Wed, Jan-21-04 19:41

I have been up and down in weight since I was 15, usually in 6 year cycles, when I reached my heaviest weight every at 225 lbs I new it was time to take things into my own hands, my friend at work had been raving about how her best friend had lost 30 lbs in 3 months on Atkins so I decied to take a look at this diet.

If it can work for a mother of 4 childrens two under the age of 2, then it must be able to work for me.

Before just to loose twenty pounds I would take on a near vegitarian diet and play on three softballs teams and one soccer team, so I would be spending approx every Sat / Sun playing in ball tourneyments, playing evening games 2 - 3 times a week, as well as going to 2 soccer practices and playing a soccer game every Sunday. I only lost about 15 - 29 pounds with all this activity and diet change. Then when I stopped because I snapped my Patealla tendon, I took a break and gain about 29 lbs in 4 weeks.

I did not find the resolve to tackle this problem untill I found this site and all the wonderfull people.

Thank you everyone.


orchidday Wed, Jan-21-04 21:14

For me, it took actual physical pain to get me BACK on Atkins. Last October, I had to travel for business so I made two roundtrips from Orlando. One to Seattle and one to Colorado Springs. On my first flight out of Orlando I STOLE the seat extender because it was so humiliating to ask for that I didn't want to do it another eight times. I just slipped it into my purse, and would whip it out on each flight.

The humilation and look of dread in other passenger's faces (the oh I hope SHE isn't going to be seated by me and who can blame them) was bad enough. But the WORST part is that the seat hurt me and because it was too small, it hurt my back. I just hated it.

I realized that one of the things I love best is travel. I have always enjoyed flying. And now my weight was keeping me from flying for recreation.

On my last flight home, I left the STOLEN seat extender on that plane, and decided right then and there that I KNEW ATkins worked for me and I was not going to live like this. Now I am down 11 pounds and it is just the beginning of a big job. I am happy to be back! Orchid

petcrazed Wed, Jan-21-04 21:22

for me it was reaching the 200 pound mark and my size 16 ( real size 18 since they were from lane bryant) jeans were getting tight. and i look at my wedding pictures from a year ago and see how fat i look in them and i never want to look that way again.

Galadriell Wed, Jan-21-04 21:32

Sleepless nights... All my life I could sleep as a baby - deep, long sleeps. Then suddenly (after gaining 35 lbs in two years, but not experiencing any other problem) 4 nights waking up in every hour... On the 5th day I was in action:-)))

judyr Wed, Jan-21-04 22:45

Last January I was video taping lesson for work on my master's degree. When I played back the tape, I was horrified. I knew Atkins worked because I had used it back in the '70s. I went out and bought the book. In April I hit a stall that last until I gave up in June. Gained back 5 pounds over the summer. I started back on in Sept. Hit a stall 3 weeks later and find this site. It has helped me with slow loss and stalls. I love this site.

Dean4Prez Thu, Jan-22-04 00:33

I was oblivious to insults. What triggered my doing Atkins the first time was watching a coworker lose about 60 lbs. He was no intellectual (former college football player), so I knew I could read the book and follow the diet if he could. I lost about 40 pounds, decided to try CAD, then stopped low-carbing altogether -- and gained back 35. When I hit 225 again, I decided to go with what worked before.

niudog Thu, Jan-22-04 06:29

4 key things for me. . .
1. When my doctor started using the term "pre-diabetic".
2. When coworkers called me and my friend "The Twins". (I was about 260 and he was over 300 el bees).
3. Tired of always being the fat dad helping out at baseball practice.
4. Seeing how FAT I was in the pictures on my Cub Scout packs web site.

patigayle Thu, Jan-22-04 06:52

Me and my hubby ride a Harley. Last month we were going for a ride and when I got on behind him he was left with very little room because I had a huge spare tire taking up all of it. I felt so embarrassed.I told him to enjoy his pillow while he could because it was fixing to be HISTORY !


Volgal Thu, Jan-22-04 08:32

Easy question ~ my wake-up call was when I was declined by my insurance company for gastric by-pass surgery and decided to do this on my own ~ started on October 27th of 2003 and as of 1/22, I am down 39 pounds with 86 to go!!

Bugspit Thu, Jan-22-04 08:57

My moment was pretty recent and for some reason hit me pretty hard. I play in a co-ed soccer league and I have always been pretty atheltic. One game I said something to a player on the other team, just making chit chat and he responded back by saying, "shut the *!~# up fat boy". That was very upsetting to me and was on my mine for a while.

FrecklFluf Thu, Jan-22-04 09:22

I'm 32, and I've been overweight since about age seven. Since my little sister and I had the same activity level when we were kids even though she ate much more than I did (I've never been a really big eater, and she could easily down six pieces of cinnamon toast as an after-school snack), I just accepted it as genetics and tried to eat "healthy."

Fast forward to 2003 ... I'm 32 years old, 196.5 pounds, and my knees have been hurting for about three years (sharp pains, especially when going down stairs or stepping down wrong). Also, my husband could stand to lose about 120 pounds, and I knew he'd had previous success with a high-protein regimen combined with circuit training. I wanted to support him and help him. A friend of mine who is currently pregnant but had previously lost a lot of weight on Atkins (and plans to go back to induction after breast-feeding) loaned me DANDR and a few other books. I read DANDR and learned a few things.

1. Dr. Atkins was not a quack. He was a brave, smart man. It takes courage to stand up and disagree with the consensus. The theories of Copernicus, Pasteur, and Lister weren't accepted at first either.

2. I am not destined to be fat. I can control it. (Wow, typing that made me tear up, which I normally don't do. Guess being fat bothered me more than I thought.)

3. For whatever reason, some people ARE more sensitive to carbs. It will always be easier for my little sister to be thin than it will be for me. That's okay; she has her crosses to bear too. Like Cherry Valance said, "Things are tough all over."

So far, I've lost 28 pounds, and I'm one and a half pound away from being as small as I've ever been as an adult. And my knees have pretty much stopped hurting. I'm beginning to suspect that I actually may make it to my goal weight.

Now if I could only get my husband to do it ...

scorpio381 Thu, Jan-22-04 12:33

All of your stories are very inspiring and really touched my heart.


cheeze Thu, Jan-22-04 12:43

It was a combination of 3 things for me. One was the day I got on the scale and saw I weighed exactly twice as much as I did when I met my husband, I could barely fit into my size 18 clothes and I could not get my wedding ring on.

perbain Thu, Jan-22-04 12:55

I saw my graduation pictures and saw for myself what I looked like. It was just a shock. Then I started to notice things like my pants were so small, I would have to unfasten the button to breath. I started to realize that absolutely everything I did was centered around food. My girl friend is having a baby, and she said,"I wonder who will gain more-you or me?" That just really got to me, and a light just came on :rolleyes: I decided to do something. It took a while to decide which one I wanted to do, so I read everything and made the decision to do Atkins for life. I just want to be healthy and not hate what I see in the mirror. :yay:

Ohio Kim Thu, Jan-22-04 13:04

I got married last winter and spent a week in Mexico. When I got the pictures back, I couldn't believe how HUGE I was. I didn't want to show anyone my beautiful pictures because I didn't want them to see ME in them..

H6l5y Thu, Jan-22-04 15:36

My moment was on November 1st, 2003. I was on my first week of induction when, unnfortunately, our house caught on fire while I was away for about 30 minutes. When I came home I ran to my neighbors and a couple of guys came over to help try to put the fire out. While we were waiting on the Fire Dept I kept trying to yell for my cat from the front door to see if he was still alive and could come out of the house but my neighbor (a guy) grabbed me and said that I shouldn't be breathing the smoke in especially since I was PREGNANT! Well guess what........I wasn't pregnant! I have to say that his comment was the final straw for me and even in the midst of my chaotic life living out of a hotel room for the next couple weeks and the never ending restoration of our house I have been able to stick to my new WOE and have managed to lose 22 lbs so far. As much as I would have loved to smack that guy right upside the head I have to admit that if he hadn't said that I might not have been so determined and probably would have given in to emotional eating as a result of the fire. I still think he is a bonehead though!

nikkil Thu, Jan-22-04 17:04

Okay, I've read this entire thread and I cannot believe the insensitivity and cruelty of some people!

I have my own 'cruelty' thing to add...

My son's birthday party Nov 1st, my middle son (12) bumped into me and knocked me off balance a bit (staggered). My BIL comments, "Wow, you should be a professional hockey player if you can knock HER off balance!"--nice, huh??? Also, I'm the biggest person at all of the family get-togethers on my husband's side and I'm sick of it! He has 2 brothers and both of their spouses are very slim and wear fashionable clothes and bathing suits in the summer (neither has had kids, mind you, and I've had 3 but that's beside the point). I'm tired of always being self conscious when I eat in front of anybody and being embarassed all the time about my size. I hate it!!! I've just been laid off from my job (ends in April) and will be going to job interviews and I don't kid myself that there's discrimination out there.

My MIL is always commenting on weight things. She serves me second helpings of food without me asking for them, snide remarks constantly...yet she's not small at all--go figure :rolleyes:

At my highest I weighed a few pounds more than my 6'5" husband :rolleyes:

I weighed the same weight as I did when I gave birth to my 3rd son--9 months pregnant with a 9 1/2 pound baby!!! He turned 6 at the party I mentioned above.

Nearly passing out from doing up my shoes, aches and pains and only 32, trouble sleeping, heart palps, out of breath walking....take kids swimming and NEVER go in the pool (I LOVE swimming!), not participating.


Binging in secret, when by myself, hiding wrappers deep in the garbage, lying about when and what I ate...

and lastly, feeling like I'm wasting my life waiting to do things 'when I'm thinner'--not swimming with the kids, bike riding, roller blading, ice skating, going to fun stuff because I didn't want to be the 'cow' looking stupid...

RD64 Thu, Jan-22-04 17:11

For me it was me realizing that at 40 my body was breaking down more and diabetes runs in my family. I was having major backaches and hip pain on and off so I went on the atkins diet after the first of the year and I have felt great ever since. Pains have subsided. I just don't want to end up like my parents taking insulin shots and pills every day.

cmiskinnis Thu, Jan-22-04 17:17

I was motivated by a couple of events. One was when my daughter's friend, who hadn't seen me since the weight gain, remarked at how different I looked and that she almost didn't recognize me. The second thing was when I realized that men didn't look at me anymore. I used to get lots of attention and now I'm invisible! I can't remember the last time I got complimented or flirted with. I was spoiled I guess. I'm too young to be ignored by the opposite sex, darnit.

lizwhip Mon, Feb-16-04 22:51

I had three things happen in one week - I was on the phone with an old friend whom I hadn't seen in years. We used to ride horses together. She asked my why I didn't ride any more and I had to admit it was because I was afraid I would hurt the horse because of my weight.

A couple of days later I got on a plane and couldnt put the tray table down because my stomach was in the way.

Later that day I saw a guy I hadnt seen since I was a teenager, he came up to say hi to me - great! - but he thought I was MY MOTHER.

Quite an eye-opening week.

rosey1 Sun, Feb-22-04 00:10

i went in the hospital in october for gall bladder surgery. the doctor told me "you may be 28, but you have the heart of a 40 yr old" that was all i needed to hear. it did take me a few months to get started. i wanted to heal first, so i could put my all into my new WOE. I'm looking forward to going on a roller coaster with my kid, and not having to worry if the seatbelt will fit!

Keisha Sun, Feb-22-04 02:48

I started having dreams, and in them I was always slim with a flat stomach, and able to wear a lovely dress. This happened so often I figured myself was trying to tell me something ! Then.... the photos of Christmas came back from being developed.....gheeese thats telling, when you look at the photos and the person that IS you is just not the person you see inside your head, or imagine you look like ( is this making sense? ) soooooooo..... DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT !! So I did, and I have, and it"s working brilliantly. I am a Born Again Atkinser !!! :yay: :agree: :yay:

One other YUKKY experience is the mirrors in changing rooms ( in shops), don't know what it is about them but they really seem super unflattering...( at least everthing I try on looks so horrible I don't spend any money!!) (Will do in a few months though!) :p

AFwife Sun, Feb-22-04 04:18

My kickstart was when I need an extension on my airplane seat belt this past August when we moved to England. I felt horrible and DH just didn't know what to say, he felt bad for me. He tried to make me feel better by saying all seatbelts are different. I went to bathroom in plane and cried.

Then a week later while walking around in these beautiful towns in England, I was waiting to cross the street and a guy in a car passed me by and said to my butt cause it was facing the street, I'll have 4 double cheeseburgers please and drove away laughing.

I pretended I didn't hear him but went home to look in the mirror and started to cry. How could I let myself get like this.

Well, I've lost 32 pounds since November 2003 and I'm proud of myself and more determined now more then ever to go the whole distance. I love this new WOE and I thank God for this support group.

Lily :)

CherylAust Sun, Feb-22-04 08:33

There where a few things within a few days that could have set me off. First my darling :bash: mother-inlaw took one look at us when we arrive, there was no hello, just "you both are fat". It got my dh's goat, I'm used to it. She does it to me all the time usually not in front of him, even though she has a daughter who larger than me, MIL told me she gets upset when she mentions anything about her weight.
Then I went shopping for swimming costumes, enough said.

The final straw was on my birthday, DH bought me some tshirts, not one of them fit. That day I took them back and got some exercise wear instead and an exercise dvd. Not long afterwards I started leaving the sugar out of my coffee and a couple of days after that decided to go the whole hog and get back onto Atkins.

dahliameow Thu, Feb-26-04 14:37

What did it for me....
Well, I have always been overweight.. and always wanted to lose.. just never did. I would always stick around 200 sometimes a little less, sometimes a little more.
My mother and I play "dress-up" sometimes (yes, were both grown) and take pictures of each other. When the pictures came back the last time around last March I decided I was going to do something. I was horrified at the way I looked. Ill post some of those pics soon, I want to put the before and afters up at the same time.... not yet.. Anyway, I went on a diet for about a month, lost 15 lbs then quit and gained it all back. I was around 210 at this time.

Then close to Christmas time my best friend and I were talking on the phone and she was telling me about what her boyfriend said about me. He told her that he didnt want to set me up with any of his friends (I was single at the time) becuase I had such a pretty face, but my body was awful. She didnt mean to hurt me by telling me this... but my goodness did it ever hurt!

Later that night after a good cry, and a lot of soul searching.... I jumped on the scale and to my suprise I was at 223. I am only 5'4. I decided to start low carbing at the first of the year. I did and I am now at 57 cheat free days, and 20 lbs lighter....


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