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wv_lady_us Wed, Mar-22-06 09:49

If you are reading the first book by the Hellers that is CAD it doesn't mention about if you go back for seconds you have to balance everything, but in the CALP it does mention this. The way Im going to do it is after I balance my RM and if I want more of a certain food (probably carb) but only want a little bit, I will only get a little of the carb and a little protein and little veggies to keep it balanced. I think thats the whole idea is keeping everything balanced. Of course, Im new to all this, but Ive read both books and remember...barb

zephyrs Thu, May-04-06 18:47

I just joined this forum and have been looking around and I love it. I just started my diet yesterday I am doing CAD. I read the book years ago and it worked well for me. Since I have had kids and injured my knee I have put on weight and have tried alot of things to try and lose the weight. I have done Atkins a million times and while it works I always quit because I hate it. LoL

I have always drank diet pop (i'm addicted to diet coke) but have been trying to cut back and drink more water. I read somewhere that if you drink 100 oz or more of water while trying to lose weight it will help your skin be more elastic and thereby preventing alot of sagging skin.

I read the CAD diet as I said years ago..but I think I might go out and purchase the new one just for a refresher course as I no longer have the book.

Edy Fri, May-05-06 06:38

Welcome (back), zephyrs!

Look for the Carbohydrate Addicts Lifespan Program (CALP)- it is more up to date and is a little different than the original CAD. It makes your reward meal more balanced and talks about exercise and options.
Glad to hear you're back on the plan! SOOO many people are returning and having success!
Good luck!
Keep posting!

zephyrs Wed, May-10-06 06:54

Hey Edy thanks for the warm welcome. I did go and get the book ... I unfortunetly was only able to get the CAD diet plan book...its the only one they had available at the time. I might eventually buy the new CALP in the future but I have read the alot of the forum and I see many of the changes that are in CALP. It all makes sense..right now I am still in the phase of enjoying my reward meals and looking forward to eating a normal meal and they aren't always as well balanced as they probably should be they are more according to the CAD diet but I can see that dwindling down soon and just having a more well balanced meal as the CALP book shows.

KateIsGrea Wed, May-10-06 07:52

Hi fellow CADers!

I just wanted to pop in and say hello. I have been stalled as far as weight loss for the past week and that is because my RMs have not been balanced (vegetables? what are vegetables?), but it is because I have been under a lot of stress and have not had the time. I will say that it is still blissful to be eating like a queen and not see the weight go up anymore! I have not overeaten in forever and even my not-so-great RMs have significantly less food than they did before. I just think this is wonderful. For the first time ever, I am not obessessing or bingeing. I know the weight loss will come when it comes. This is a petty great meal plan that lets me be so relaxed. I just thought I would share.

Love, Kate

bero48 Wed, May-10-06 13:27

Hi everyone, I am not sure which thread I am on I have written several messages but still don't know my way around. I have read alot about diet soda's I understood on the carb plan that you are suppost to give up all sugar substitues is this correct or can we have them? I also ordered the carb addition lifespan program book and in some of the recipes they call for sugar substitues. Someone who had been on the plan please help me out.


Sueoncalp Wed, May-10-06 14:29

Sngbird (((HUGS))) to you. I hear your frustration. You know what I think and this is just my opinion. I think you might be a little too low-carb for your particular body. Since you have not been losing and now gaining. Okay before I go further, make sure you are not hypothryoid. Get a TSH test at the very least. If it is over 2.5, then you need to address that first.

That out of the way, I think if you are able to stick to 20 carbs so well, you will excel on CALP, because it also requires discipline. I think you should give it a good month and see. Don't be in a hurry. Then evaluate after that month. If you do it properly and I know you will, you will at the very least not gain weight, but I think you should lose. At the end of the month you can re-evaluate. It is guaranteed to take care of doing an end-run on insulin resistance.

Those are just my thoughts. Atkins is good too, but maybe it is time for a change? You can always have some Atkins days, some fat fast days and some CALP days too, when you feel you want to mix it up - but my feeling is the very best of all is to do what Eno does - just do one thing and that is CALP and just do it each day - because the alternative is insulin resistance and inevitable weight gain. At the very least, you will not gain and then you can think about cutting calories if you are not losing. Afterall, it is still a case of energy in and energy out... ;) Also, if one does cut calories, do exercise (weight lifting, sit ups, etc. are good) because if one does not one lloses muscle and after losing weight one is then worse off. Muscle is more metabolically active and helps one to be able to eat more... :)

Edy Thu, May-11-06 06:04

Just some helpful thoughts:
-If you can't find a book at a store, check your library.
-The taste of artificial sweetners triggers your sensitive body to release insulin as it would with regular sugar (why we don't drink sodas or eat deli meats outside of RM)- you'll end up craving, eating, and gaining weight
-I try to make one-dish meals for RMs (spinach & sausage lasagna, chicken stirfry with noodles, etc.) to include, meat, carb, and vegs. I like to put coleslaw on my hamburger or bbq sandwich! I also will make a single serving of spinach and cream cheese or cauliflower and cheddar- pick your favorite CM veggie and prepare it 500 different ways!
- I have battled long and hard with the RM salad. It's won. I now eat half a "bag" of salad with some sort of cheese, nut, and dressing. It really makes a difference in how much I eat and how much I've lost!

I know how frustrating it can beto be patient (believe me), but you will be so proud of yourself when you begin to see how you CAN do it right and stay on track! Keep it up! :thup:
Good luck!

mirielle Wed, Jul-05-06 12:00

Edy, I totally agree about the 2 cup salad beginning the RM. I am a CALP fanatic when it comes to 1/3,1/3,1/3 and find that I like to mix my carbs a bit so we once in awhile can have a little dessert, such as regular cheesecake or icecream, along with a more healthy carb. I have nothing against sugar per se. I am ok with it as long as it is part of my RM.

I also eschew the diet soda. It is just lethal for me. I also limit my caffeine. I like a couple gourmet cups of coffee but I make them half decaf. I had to do that when I quit smoking. Mostly I drink cold water. Once in awhile I will have tea. I use no artificial sweetener, even Splenda, or gum. My body senses those things ase sugar and sends out insulin.

I realize that on Heller's plan that lowcarb veges, proteins and fats are my buddies.

I would say to anyone beginning this program to not restrict themselves to small portions at first. Don't cheat by drinking soda or chewing gum. You can have an extra high protein snack with lc veg too. The important thing is to get that insulin level down and it takes a few days for it to really start falling.

hopeo Tue, Sep-26-06 17:29

I am new here, but I would just like to say you guys are so nice and helpful, I read most of the post and I don't know if I am posting in the right way , but I just what to say thank you, I am getting better at it I think? I like my salads and i think that i am eating less with having them first,
i find that for the last 3 days doing this way of life, that i have not had any lunch, i look forward to my rm and have it around 4 30pm, and then i try not to eat, now last night i did have to eat a bit , but i t was low carb,
i feel good so far, and i have not lost any weight to speke of , i always go up and down a few pounds each week, but i am staying at the same weight. which is good with all the rm food that most of the time on atkins would make me gain, so i am doing ok, would realy like to see the weight come off, i dont what to lose to much just what i put on last year, which was 6 pounds ,i would be very happy to get back to 155. i will keep at it .agian a big thanks .

prudencemm Sat, Sep-30-06 15:53

hello fellow CAD'ers, I have only been doing this way of eating for a short while and am feeling sooo good.
I have learned alot from reading the whole of this thread especially the list at the beginning.
As I am in England and have different food to most of you lot, can you tell me if kippers are allowed, I have just bought some for breakfast tomorrow and now cant't find them on any list for a CM. They are smoked herring and are delicious.
Please keep writing lots as I am learning so much
love and cuddles prumm :lol:

Zuleikaa Tue, Oct-03-06 11:13

Originally Posted by prudencemm
hello fellow CAD'ers, I have only been doing this way of eating for a short while and am feeling sooo good.
I have learned alot from reading the whole of this thread especially the list at the beginning.
As I am in England and have different food to most of you lot, can you tell me if kippers are allowed, I have just bought some for breakfast tomorrow and now cant't find them on any list for a CM. They are smoked herring and are delicious.
Please keep writing lots as I am learning so much
love and cuddles prumm :lol:
Kippers are allowed.

sheilaraye Sat, Mar-10-07 16:06

At the risk of having eggs thrown at me, I wouldn't waste any money on the CALP book. It's full of unnecessary rules, IMO. The regular CAD book is the best---I promise!


SummerSlim Tue, Apr-17-07 08:02

Sheila -
I use the original book too. I have read CALP.

Saraswati Sat, Jan-19-08 06:54

CAD ain't working and I'm really sad about it.
I lost nearly 40 pounds on CAD about a decade ago and kept it off for over a year. Something happened along the way, not exactly sure what, but most of the weight came back. I think I got sick of the discipline, and started allowing myself weekly "free days" and that started my trend back up. Probably the underlying issues were related to stress. Looking back, I think if I had a support group like this, I would have weathered whatever was causing me to lose my focus. Since then, I have been up and down. Last year I lost 15 pounds on Atkins, (after trying CAD first and gained) but started a new job and zip, here I go again. I decided to give CAD another try because I had great results originally. I'm a lot older now (50) with bad cholesterol and higher blood pressure, hypothyroid (though I was before as well), hypoglycemic... many of you probably know the drill. I did a short Atkins induction on the New Year, lost a couple of pounds. But on CAD, I'm up two pounds, not losing, just like before. Could it be possible that there are some people that are not cut out for CAD/CALP? That would make me very sad. I am pulling out all the stops - eating only twice a day, careful CMs, balanced RMs, no cheese, one cup of coffee w/cream for 15 mins, etc. Any older CADders out there? Think age has something to do with it?

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