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wbahn Wed, Sep-24-14 18:29

Got in the 11k route in 2:03:05, five minutes slower than last time. I think the culprit is the shoes I bought. They are crap and are showing major wear after less than 15 miles. So I'll see if I can exchange them. None-the-less, I got in the walk and burned the calories.

wbahn Thu, Sep-25-14 07:50

Day 25 - AWO #11
EXERCISE: Stationary Bike
TIME: 20 min
SPEED: 13.3 mph
DISTANCE: 4.44 miles
CALORIES: 132 kcal
PEAK HR: 188 bpm

Again, a very good workout. I tried to keep the pace closer to 13 mph today. I still hit the 10s, but possibly not quite as hard. My peak HR was back down below 190 bpm.

wbahn Fri, Sep-26-14 07:59

Day 26 - LBWO #6
Reps / Planned Weight (lb) : Actual Reps / Actual Weight (lb) (Intensity)


    DB Squats
    1. 12/15 : 12/15 (5)
    2. 10/20 : 10/20 (7)
    3. 8/25 : 8/25 (7)
    4. 6/30 : 6/30 (8)
    5. 12/25: 12/25 (9)

    DB Squats (until I can get stands for Barbell Squats)
    1. 12/25 : 12/25 (10)

    Straight Leg Deadlift
    1. 12/10 : 12/10 (5)
    2. 10/15 : 10/15 (6)
    3. 8/20 : 8/20 (7)
    4. 6/30 : 6/30 (8)
    5. 12/25 : 12/25 (9)

    Dumbbell Lunges
    1. 12/0 : 12/0 (10)

    Angled Calf Rise
    1. 12/20 : 12/20 (5)
    2. 10/25 : 10/25 (6)
    3. 8/30 : 8/30 (7)
    4. 6/35 : 6/35 (7)
    5. 12/30 : 12/30 (9)

    One Leg Calf Rise
    1. 12/0 : 12/0 (10)
  • ABS

    Bent Knee Leg Raises
    1. 8 : 12 (7)
    2. 7 : 10 (8)
    3. 8 : 8 (9)
    4. 6 : 6 (8)
    5. 10 : 9 (10)

    Floor Crunches
    1. 12 : 12 (8)

Backing down to 0 lb on the One-Leg Calf Raises was a good idea. I'm still not completing them well, but much closer.

wbahn Sat, Sep-27-14 12:22

Walked the 11k course yesterday evening. The uphill initial half was a new low at 58:46, but my feet were really starting to hurt because the shoes I was trying were a size too big and so my total time was 1:01:11.

wbahn Sat, Sep-27-14 12:23

Day 27 - AWO #12
EXERCISE: Stationary Bike
TIME: 20 min
SPEED: 13.5 mph
DISTANCE: 4.50 miles
CALORIES: 136 kcal
PEAK HR: 182 bpm

Mama Sebo Sun, Sep-28-14 03:20

Reading through your endeavors here is inspiring me, I had a long walk this morning, 9,000 steps. Committed to minimum 30 minutes of something as the only way to keep BG down...see you in the journals...

wbahn Sun, Sep-28-14 09:24

I'm so glad to hear that. Now if only I could inspire Phoebes to start exercising. Last night she did give me permission to TRY to talk her into it, so that's a start.

wbahn Sun, Sep-28-14 12:15

Body Measurements

Took new body measurements today. Probably should put these over in my Gym Log, too.

Date ... 05 SEP . 15 SEP . 21 SEP . 28 SEP
Weight .. 252 .... 242 .... 239 .... 232
Neck ..... 16 ..... 16 ..... 16 ..... 16
Chest .... 48 ..... 47 ..... 46 ..... 46
Waist .... 50 ..... 48 ..... 47 ..... 47
Hips ..... 44 ..... 42 ..... 42 ..... 42
Thigh .... 25 ..... 24 ..... 24 ..... 24
Calf ..... 18 ..... 17 ..... 17.5 ... 17
Biceps ... 13 ..... 14 ..... 14 ..... 14
Wrist ..... 7 ...... 7 ...... 7 ...... 7

For comparison, here are stats from back in 2009

Date ... 15 MAR
Weight .. 340
Neck ..... 18
Chest .... 54
Waist .... 58.5
Hips ..... 51.5
Thigh .... 31
Calf ..... 19
Biceps ... 17
Wrist ..... 7.5

Measurements were essentially unchanged from a week ago.

wbahn Mon, Sep-29-14 08:13

Day 29 - UBWO #7
Reps / Planned Weight (lb) : Actual Reps / Actual Weight (lb) (Intensity)

  • Chest

    DB Press
    1. 12/10 : 12/10 (5)
    2. 10/15 : 10/15 (6)
    3. 8/20 : 8/20 (7)
    4. 6/25 : 6/25 (8)
    5. 12/20 : 12/20 (9)

    DB Flies
    1. 12/10 : 12/10 (9)
  • Shoulders

    Side Raises
    1. 12/5 : 12/5 (6)
    2. 10/5 : 10/5 (7)
    3. 8/10 : 8/10 (9)
    4. 6/10 : 6/10 (8)
    5. 12/5 : 12/5 (9)

    Bent-over Raises
    1. 12/5 : 12/5 (9)
  • Back

    One Arm DB Rows
    1. 12/10 : 12/10 (5)
    2. 10/20 : 10/20 (7)
    3. 8/25 : 8/25 (8)
    4. 6/30 : 6/30 (8)
    5. 12/25 : 12/25 (10)

    DB Pullovers
    1. 12/20 : 12/20 (9)
  • Triceps

    Lying DB Extensions
    1. 12/5 : 12/5 (5)
    2. 10/5 : 7/5 (7)
    3. 8/5 : 8/5 (8)
    4. 6/10 : 6/10 (9)
    5. 12/5 : 12/5 (9)

    DB Extensions
    1. 12/15 : 12/15 (10)
  • Biceps

    Seated DB Curls
    1. 12/10 : 12/10 (5)
    2. 10/10 : 10/10 (6)
    3. 8/15 : 8/15 (10)
    4. 6/15 : 5/15 (10)
    5. 12/10 : 12/10 (10)

    Hammer Curls
    1. 12/10 : 10/10 (10)

Initially I thought that this wasn't as good as the last time, but in comparing it directly I see that it is actually a tad bit better.

wbahn Tue, Sep-30-14 09:49

Day 30 - AWO #13
EXERCISE: Stationary Bike
TIME: 20 min
SPEED: 13.3 mph
DISTANCE: 4.44 miles
CALORIES: 135 kcal
PEAK HR: 196 bpm

Started with a resistance level of 4 instead of 2 and ended with a resistance level of 6 instead of 4. Peak heart rate was noticeably higher, even though I tried to keep the speed down close to 13 mph. It might be because of the lack of calories over the last week or perhaps I am overtraining a bit. We'll see what develops.

wbahn Wed, Oct-01-14 09:01

Day 31 - LBWO #7
Reps / Planned Weight (lb) : Actual Reps / Actual Weight (lb) (Intensity)


    DB Squats
    1. 12/15 : 12/15 (5)
    2. 10/20 : 10/20 (6)
    3. 8/25 : 8/25 (8)
    4. 6/30 : 6/30 (8)
    5. 12/25: 12/25 (8)

    DB Squats (until I can get stands for Barbell Squats)
    1. 12/25 : 12/25 (9)

    Straight Leg Deadlift
    1. 12/10 : 12/15 (5)
    2. 10/15 : 10/20 (7)
    3. 8/20 : 8/25 (7)
    4. 6/30 : 6/30 (8)
    5. 12/25 : 12/25 (9)

    Dumbbell Lunges
    1. 12/0 : 12/0 (10)

    Angled Calf Rise
    1. 12/20 : 12/20 (5)
    2. 10/25 : 10/25 (6)
    3. 8/30 : 8/30 (7)
    4. 6/35 : 6/35 (7)
    5. 12/30 : 12/30 (8)

    One Leg Calf Rise
    1. 12/0 : 12/0 (10)
  • ABS

    Bent Knee Leg Raises
    1. 12 : 12 (7)
    2. 10 : 10 (8)
    3. 8 : 8 (8)
    4. 6 : 6 (9)
    5. 12 : 10 (10)

    Floor Crunches
    1. 12 : 12 (8)

Coached Phoebe on her first workout, so the timings were well off and, as a result, I didn't break a sweat today whereas normally the LBWO gets me a moderate sweat.

wbahn Thu, Oct-02-14 08:20

Day 32 - AWO #14
EXERCISE: Stationary Bike
TIME: 20 min
SPEED: 12.1 mph
DISTANCE: 4.04 miles
CALORIES: 125 kcal
PEAK HR: 177 bpm

Slowed the target speed to 12 mph but raised the floors of the intervals from resistance level 4 to 6 to partially compensate. Was primarily interested to see what it did for my heart rate. As expected, it dropped somewhat and was lower than when I started at this speed but a lower resistance level floor, so I call that progress.

wbahn Fri, Oct-03-14 08:46

Day 33 - UBWO #8
Reps / Planned Weight (lb) : Actual Reps / Actual Weight (lb) (Intensity)

  • Chest

    DB Press
    1. 12/10 : 12/10 (5)
    2. 10/15 : 10/15 (6)
    3. 8/20 : 8/20 (7)
    4. 6/25 : 6/25 (8)
    5. 12/20 : 12/20 (9)

    DB Flies
    1. 12/10 : 12/10 (9)
  • Shoulders

    Side Raises
    1. 12/5 : 12/5 (6)
    2. 10/5 : 10/5 (7)
    3. 8/10 : 8/10 (8)
    4. 6/10 : 6/10 (8)
    5. 12/5 : 12/5 (9)

    Bent-over Raises
    1. 12/5 : 12/5 (9)
  • Back

    One Arm DB Rows
    1. 12/10 : 12/10 (5)
    2. 10/20 : 10/20 (6)
    3. 8/25 : 8/25 (7)
    4. 6/30 : 6/30 (8)
    5. 12/25 : 12/25 (9)

    DB Pullovers
    1. 12/20 : 12/20 (9)
  • Triceps

    Lying DB Extensions
    1. 12/5 : 12/5 (6)
    2. 10/5 : 7/5 (7)
    3. 8/5 : 8/5 (7)
    4. 6/10 : 6/10 (8)
    5. 12/5 : 12/5 (9)

    DB Extensions
    1. 12/15 : 12/15 (10)
  • Biceps

    Seated DB Curls
    1. 12/10 : 12/10 (5)
    2. 10/10 : 10/10 (6)
    3. 8/15 : 8/15 (8)
    4. 6/15 : 5/15 (9)
    5. 12/10 : 12/10 (8)

    Hammer Curls
    1. 12/10 : 12/10 (10)

Overall, this is an improvement. I don't think I'll change anything yet, though.

wbahn Sat, Oct-04-14 10:53

Day 34 - AWO #15
EXERCISE: Stationary Bike
TIME: 20 min
SPEED: 12.8 mph
DISTANCE: 4.24 miles
CALORIES: 137 kcal
PEAK HR: 181 bpm

My natural pace was up at or above 13 mph most of the time, so I just went with it. I increased the intensity on the ramp-up of each interval just a bit.

wbahn Mon, Oct-06-14 08:07

Week #5 Measurements
Body Measurements

Took new body measurements today. Probably should put these over in my Gym Log, too.

Date ... 05 SEP . 15 SEP . 21 SEP . 28 SEP . 05 OCT
Weight .. 252 .... 242 .... 239 .... 232 .... 236
Neck ..... 16 ..... 16 ..... 16 ..... 16 ..... 16
Chest .... 48 ..... 47 ..... 46 ..... 46 ..... 46
Waist .... 50 ..... 48 ..... 47 ..... 47 ..... 47
Hips ..... 44 ..... 42 ..... 42 ..... 42 ..... 42
Thigh .... 25 ..... 24 ..... 24 ..... 24 ..... 24
Calf ..... 18 ..... 17 ..... 17.5 ... 17 ..... 17
Biceps ... 13 ..... 14 ..... 14 ..... 14 ..... 14
Wrist ..... 7 ...... 7 ...... 7 ...... 7 ...... 7

For comparison, here are stats from back in 2009

Date ... 15 MAR
Weight .. 340
Neck ..... 18
Chest .... 54
Waist .... 58.5
Hips ..... 51.5
Thigh .... 31
Calf ..... 19
Biceps ... 17
Wrist ..... 7.5

Absolutely no change from a week ago.

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