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Hallyth Tue, Jan-02-18 12:12

Hi blueowl, welcome, I'm in england, started on Atkinson a few years back, lost weight to where I felt comfy, maintained it about 3 years effortlessly on paleo. Started caring for mum 24/6, comfort ate, put weight back on, starting over again!

Blueowl54 Wed, Jan-03-18 17:10

Thanks Hallyth!! Great to have company along the way. And also to share knowledge on who sells what that is good for our chosen WOE. Alas we don't have Morrisons over here, or Aldi, just dear mr Tesco or Lidls (as mentioned). I've just realised that I hoyed the remains of the lamb leg in the food recycle container and had meant to keep it for making a broth... oh well, next time! Ah, my fellow comfort eater.. its a bummer isn't it. I think we can blame the cortisol/stress for throwing us off. Can't remember all the science of it but I believe that being under stress releases cortisol which in turn makes us crave fat and sugar and if, like me, you have a sugar addiction, then that sends you on a downward spiral like a shot pigeon. Pretty much how it works. As a seasoned long term yo yo dieter I have a head full of useless info but no results to show for it. Will be good having a travelling companion. Will have a look at paleo to see how that works too. Am comfortable enough with keto/lc but will be adding IF as well along the way to help things along. Really HATE taking blood pressure meds so that it part of the goal - get rid of them asap.

Ambulo Sun, Jan-14-18 08:44

Happy New Year everyone. I just discovered that Iceland sell frozen avocado halves (not bad!) and frozen fillets of WILD pink salmon.

Hallyth Sun, Jan-14-18 09:21

Frozen abocado??? Not sure I can imagine that! Use able to just eat as normal, or just good for guacamole type things?

Blueowl54 Tue, Jan-16-18 15:18

Sounds an interesting concept, will perhaps have a look at them. Thanks for the tip.

Ambulo Wed, Feb-07-18 07:37

Aldi are having a limited stock offer on organic cold-pressed extra virgin coconut oil, £3.99 for a 500 ml jar.

SugarSpike Tue, Feb-27-18 14:04

Hi All :wave:

Wow nice to see all the replies, how's everyone getting on?

I've had my ups and downs, still don't have any real life support, most people think I'm mad for eating fat!

Been plodding along with following blogs, youtube, twitter etc. Have a few low carb GP's I follow on twitter, a previous poster mentioned a few earlier in the thread, which is it not all American! Unfortunately none of them are local to me. Dr Unwin has been recently tweeting the effects certain foods have on his blood sugar, which has been interesting.

Ive been alternating between Tesco, Ocado and Lidl for shooping as they each otffer good things. I get my almond flour from Ocado, its still £9.99 but better than the Holland and Barrett one which 'may contain gluten' and it does last a while, I only really use it to make almond bread and pancakes every so often.

I think low carb is becoming alot more talked about as more and more doctors are coming out saying we have been told the wrong advice for so long.

I'd love to go to some of these low carb cruises/conferences!

yorkramble Mon, Mar-05-18 14:17

Local Groups?
Hi, I am wondering if there are any local groups or networks of people? I am in North Yorkshire and know one other person in the area ... how about everyone else? Is there a network or can we get one going?

Hallyth Tue, Mar-06-18 03:02

I'm in leicestershire, though born in yorkshire & schooled in north yorkshire.

Blueowl54 Wed, Mar-07-18 04:31

Hi Yorkramble... i'm over in N Ireland but lived in the Dales in Grinton (nr Richmond) for 9 years. I'm guessing you are over towards York more from you name? You're right though... we are few and far between at the moment although they are slowing coming round. Was listening to Dr Jason Fung last night on Fasting and thinking how crazy it is that we could be sorted so easily and quickly on the diabetes front by doing either a full fast or IF for a while. It costs nothing - we save money too lol. But people are still being given all the wrong information. Good to meet you though. I think this is probably the best network for the moment however.

Ambulo Mon, Apr-02-18 07:10

Are we leading the world in low carb Easter?

Spotted in Booths supermarket, a Cheaster egg, an oval shaped mature cheddar. And DH found a Blacksticks, blue cheese Easter egg, but this came with chutney and crackers.

Shykins Mon, Apr-16-18 07:02

Thanks ambulo for the link

I have been a low carber since 2004, at my lowest I had lost 7 stone, unfortunately due to the dreaded menopause (and life) I gained back about 2 stone but am reasonably ok with that. Tho what woman wouldn’t want to lose a stone lol

Nice to meet you all

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