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margot Wed, Mar-10-10 18:32

me personally: dairy

I cannot do plant foods and I eat limited cheese (only because I am not a huge fan..), but heavy cream in my coffee or butter have never caused me any issues.

Vegetables are another matter altogether for me, it only took eliminating 5-10 carbs a day of those to lose this last 40lbs I could not shake otherwise. I was VLC for 8 months before I was ZC.

suzanneyea Wed, Mar-10-10 18:40

when I was VLC, I had some cream in my coffee and spices. I also used mayo. And some lettuce in my tuna salad. I also ate lettuce with mayo, loved that. So, it was a combo of a few things.

JoAnn.Fit Wed, Mar-10-10 19:38

Just finished day 10 of ZC. Meat, 3 eggs and water and still loving it!! :agree:

PilotGal Wed, Mar-10-10 19:46

when i ended up at an Outback one night, i ordered their 20 oz prime rib and asked for my side to be bacon...
(veggies went to dinner companion)

and while in CA, went to a little Mexican joint and ordered their "pork by the pound, Carnitas" and couldn't resist the homemade salsa, pico de gallo and freshly chopped cilantro.

so it's really easy to eat out.
(i can't resist homemade salsa)

capmikee Wed, Mar-10-10 22:15

Originally Posted by Satya13
Thanks, Mike. Where do you find this?

I ordered the Szechuan peppers from my local food coop, and I think they got them from a local nut distributor. I've also got some from Asian grocery stores and specialty spice stores, but both of those sold them with the seeds still in.

capmikee Wed, Mar-10-10 22:16

Originally Posted by saratea
for VLC what would you prefer to eat:
salad veggies or dairy?

For me dairy is a no-go. I eat salad about once a month, and sauerkraut a couple times a week.

capmikee Wed, Mar-10-10 22:29

Originally Posted by Water Lily
1. Do you eat organic or grass-fed meat, and free-roam chickens, and wild-caught fish, or do you buy your meat/fish in a regular grocery store.

I do a mix. Last month I got about 20 pounds of grass-fed chuck roast because it was on sale. It's really good in the crock pot. I've slowly grown to prefer grass-fed hamburger, although I usually eat it with homemade mayonnaise to increase the fat.

I have a nagging feeling that poultry gives me diarrhea. I don't want to confront the possibility because my chicken-fat mayonnaise is the best I've ever made. But I wonder if the main problem is that wheat is included in most "higher-quality" poultry feed. In theory, I'm not sure if it makes a difference, but it might explain why pastured poultry makes me feel even worse.

Originally Posted by Water Lily
2. If you eat conventional meat, are you concerned about getting an unbalance of Omega 6 to Omega 3 Fatty Acids from eating feedlot beef/confined chickens/eggs/farmed fish, which are totally different from animals raised before 1930? Do you take Omega 3 Fish Oil Supplements? Other supplements?

Yeah, I'm concerned about it, but I'm not sure how much difference it makes. I've tried a couple fish oil supplements, but all they seem to do is upset my stomach, so all I take now is Vitamin D.

3. How is your general health? Is it fine, or do you have any ongoing issues?

I've had ongoing issues for years, even though I've been GF and low-carbing for 4 years, and never went above Atkins induction levels. The worst is stomach gas - I have bouts of burping every day and often get mild cramps from the gas. I seem to get glutened every month or two from the tiniest possible exposure. It's easy to focus on these little things, but I have to remind myself of all the big improvements I've experienced too. Even though they're mostly a matter of degree, they are significant.

beefrunner Thu, Mar-11-10 00:58

Originally Posted by capmikee
I do a mix. Last month I got about 20 pounds of grass-fed chuck roast because it was on sale. It's really good in the crock pot. I've slowly grown to prefer grass-fed hamburger, although I usually eat it with homemade mayonnaise to increase the fat.

I have a nagging feeling that poultry gives me diarrhea. I don't want to confront the possibility because my chicken-fat mayonnaise is the best I've ever made. But I wonder if the main problem is that wheat is included in most "higher-quality" poultry feed. In theory, I'm not sure if it makes a difference, but it might explain why pastured poultry makes me feel even worse.

Yeah, I'm concerned about it, but I'm not sure how much difference it makes. I've tried a couple fish oil supplements, but all they seem to do is upset my stomach, so all I take now is Vitamin D.

I've had ongoing issues for years, even though I've been GF and low-carbing for 4 years, and never went above Atkins induction levels. The worst is stomach gas - I have bouts of burping every day and often get mild cramps from the gas. I seem to get glutened every month or two from the tiniest possible exposure. It's easy to focus on these little things, but I have to remind myself of all the big improvements I've experienced too. Even though they're mostly a matter of degree, they are significant.

Is it possible you get the stomach gas from the sauerkraut?

Have you ever tried to do zc with no plant foods at all for an extended period of time?

Sometimes when we burp we get a certain taste, last eaten food, in our mouth. Have you been able to pin point the burps to a taste?

Sorry if it sounds gross :(

beefrunner Thu, Mar-11-10 01:05

I also wondered about the grass-fed meat versus the conventional meat

I am torn between the two. Grass-fed organic meat is very very expensive. For comparison:
I can buy 1.25kg (5 to 6 pieces) of chicken legs in Aldi for 8.99 and if I buy 2 organic chicken legs, I pay around 10.00. Shame isn't it?

I ate a organic pork cutlet yesterday and it was so delicious. The conventional ones do not taste that good.

beefrunner Thu, Mar-11-10 01:16

I also have another question

what kind of meat cuts do you usually eat? do you go for the fast easy in the fry pan cooking or the long roast in the oven?

I noticed lately that the smell of red meat is kind of repulsive to me, but only in it's raw state. You know, I take the meat out of the freezer, say ground beef, unwrap it and the smell of that meat just turns me off.

I am totally into bacon right now. Either the thinly sliced breakfast bacon (rashers) but also the bacon rips which are the same as spare rips but with the bones removed. I have it sliced about 1cm to 2cm thick and grill it in the oven in a cast iron pan. Yum.

tova185 Thu, Mar-11-10 05:24

hi all

new to this thread !!

has everyone lost their weight in a short amt. of time w/ abs. NO veggies at all? as i know everybody is different ive been trying to tweek the low carb, as it is coming off slowly i feel (12 lbs. since 1-4-10) getting very frustrated. i do have an insulin issue thats making it diff. to lose , but feel i should be trying something else... also does anyone drink alcohol? i like to have a few vodka w/ waters couple times a week...


semmens Thu, Mar-11-10 05:36

I think losing over a pound a week is great.

I lost about half my weight on VLC and half on ZC. ZC is just much easier for me; on VLC I was always looking to see what else would fit in my carb count.

I don't drink because I lost my taste for alcohol.

suzanneyea Thu, Mar-11-10 05:57

I do not drink any alcohol, but that is also a personal choice for me. Not only a zc choice.
I also lost all my weight eating vlc, including mayo, some lettuce, and cream in my coffee.
Now? I can say in all honesty, no vegetables for me, ever again. They give me gas and make me bloated.

PilotGal Thu, Mar-11-10 06:55

Originally Posted by beefrunner
Have you ever tried to do zc with no plant foods at all for an extended period of time?
ZC is no plant foods. VLC would be with plant foods.

meat: most of us that have been doing this for years are buying mostly sub primal pieces of meat, aging them and cutting off what they intend to eat at each meal.. most of us don't buy organic grass fed meat as it's on the costly side and most of us have families we feed. those with no budgets buy as they shop.

i don't have a balcony or a BBQ area at my condo building so pan cooking is the norm. i use cast iron cookware.

alcohol: as your body gets accustomed to clean eating, tolerance for alcohol drops. there's nothing in our body to absorb the stuff and therefore, it's easy to get really sick on alcohol. (this is a great thing for an alcoholic that wants to get clean)

(trying to answer all the questions here)
does one miss plant matter?
does one miss other food sources?

most people say it takes a good long time to finally kick the sugar habit. i've read at other forums that some people finally lick the sugar addiction after 2 yrs.... (just read this yesterday at ZIOH by a long standing member)..... sugar is one of the hardest addictions to kick. ice cream comes to mind.
if you have the will power to do what's right, you will succeed. if you constantly have to feed your addiction, it will be a very difficult addiction to kick.
i still fight it. i will probably always fight it. i'm not immortal! :lol:

which cuts of meat do i like:
the fattier pieces of meat have the most flavor and therefore i eat those. the leaner cuts of meat, like filet mignon... i haven't touched that in nearly a decade. it has no flavor for me unless i wrap it in tons of bacon.

now this is one of those subjects that we all like to talk about. maybe because of the sweet/salty taste?
many of us have walked away from bacon and eat pork belly which is bacon that is uncured and doesn't have all that crap in it..
roasted pork belly is eaten with eggs nearly every morning in my house.

family: does the rest of the family eat this way? yes.
if i'm doing the cooking, the rest of the family eats this way.
if they want something other than good food, they can go out and buy their own food and cook it or eat it at a restaurant. i don't bother with bringing in other foods.
now... i live with my 18 yr old son. i do keep brown rice in the fridge for him because he requires a lot more daily calories than i do....
and besides, there's no gluten in brown rice.

on a recent trip to CA, i picked dandelion greens as i walked a park..
i brought them back to the hostel and wilted them on top of the pork chops i cooked for us.. why did i do it? who knows... because i could?

PMS symptoms. they disappeared when i became a PURE Carnivore.
lately, since i've been putting cream in my morning coffee, i'm finding that breast tenderness is coming back with the menses i thought was disappearing with my age... (age 55 yrs), but obviously my menses is back and my body is acting like a 30 yr old again.. but hey.... why complain because age is reversing????? i'm certainly not going to start. don't we all wish to stop the aging process?

good luck with Zero Carb. there are 2 more threads before this one that has so many questions answered and so much information... the secret to learning this WOE is to read. learn. apply. :thup:

Monique723 Thu, Mar-11-10 07:05

Originally Posted by capmikee
I've had ongoing issues for years, even though I've been GF and low-carbing for 4 years, and never went above Atkins induction levels. The worst is stomach gas - I have bouts of burping every day and often get mild cramps from the gas. I seem to get glutened every month or two from the tiniest possible exposure. It's easy to focus on these little things, but I have to remind myself of all the big improvements I've experienced too. Even though they're mostly a matter of degree, they are significant.

I found adding 2-3 teaspoons of raw apple cider vinegar to a cup of water really aids digestion either before or after a meal. I found this out by googling online, its a natural remedy. Its helped me out tremendously with indigestion and burping. I think as we get older our stomachs are not producing enough acid to digest food.

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