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red1cutie Wed, Apr-16-03 05:53

Wednesday's Workout Journal:
20 minutes cardio---treadmill

red1cutie Sat, Apr-19-03 15:17

Thursday Workout Journal

Lower Body Workout

front legs:
squat set 1: 12 reps 5lbs each
set 2: 10 reps 8lbs each
set 3: 8 reps 10lbs each
set 4: 6 reps 12lbs each
set 5: 12 reps 10lbs each
step-ups set 6: 12 reps 3lbs each

back legs
deadlifts set 1: 12 reps 5lbs each
set 2: 10 reps 8lbs each
set 3: 8 reps 10lbs each
set 4: 6 reps 12lbs each
set 5: 12 reps 10lbs each
lunges set 6: 12 reps dumbells 3lbs each

calf raises set 1: 12 reps
set 2: 10 reps
set 3: 8 reps
set 4: 6 reps
set 5: 12 reps
calf raises-calves in set 6: 12 reps

ab crunch set 1: 12 reps
set 2: 10 reps
set 3: 8 reps
set 4: 6 reps
set 5: 12 reps
reverse crunches set 6: 12 reps

Tough workout...felt great after!!!!

red1cutie Sat, Apr-19-03 15:20

Saturday's Workout Journal

Upper Body Workout:

chest Press: set 1 3 lbs x 12
chest Press: set 2 5 lbs x 10
chest Press: set 3 8 lbs x 8
chest Press: set 4 10 lbs x 6
chest Press: set 5 8 lbs x 12
flyes: set 6 3 lbs x 12

shoulder Press: set 1 3 lbs x 12
shoulder Press: set 2 5 lbs x 10
shoulder Press: set 3 8 lbs x 8
shoulder Press: set 4 10 lbs x 6
shoulder Press: set 5 8 lbs x 12
side raises: set 6 3 lbs x 12

rows: set 1 5 lbs x 12
rows: set 2 8 lbs x 10
rows: set 3 10 lbs x 8
rows: set 4 12 lbs x 6
rows: set 5 10 lbs x 12
bentover rows: set 6 3 lbs x 12

kickbacks: set 1 3 lbs x 12
kickbacks: set 2 5 lbs x 10
kickbacks: set 3 8 lbs x 8
kickbacks: set 4 10 lbs x 6
kickbacks: set 5 8 lbs x 12
overhead extensions: set 6 10 lbs x 12

bicep curls: set 1 3 lbs x 12
bicep curls: set 2 5 lbs x 10
bicep curls: set 3 8 lbs x 8
bicep curls: set 4 10 lbs x 6
bicep curls: set 5 8 lbs x 12
hammer curls: set 6 3 lbs x 12

Great workout :D

red1cutie Mon, Apr-21-03 14:54

Monday's Workout Journal

Lower Body Workout

front legs:
squat set 1: 12 reps 5lbs each
set 2: 10 reps 8lbs each
set 3: 8 reps 10lbs each
set 4: 6 reps 12lbs each
set 5: 12 reps 10lbs each
step-ups set 6: 12 reps 3lbs each

back legs
deadlifts set 1: 12 reps 5lbs each
set 2: 10 reps 8lbs each
set 3: 8 reps 10lbs each
set 4: 6 reps 12lbs each
set 5: 12 reps 10lbs each
lunges set 6: 12 reps dumbells 3lbs each

calf raises set 1: 12 reps
set 2: 10 reps
set 3: 8 reps
set 4: 6 reps
set 5: 12 reps
calf raises-calves in set 6: 12 reps

abs: w/ 5lb weight on chest
ab crunch set 1 : 12 reps
set 2: 10 reps
set 3: 8 reps
set 4: 6 reps
set 5: 12 reps
reverse crunches set 6: 12 reps

For some reason I love doing lower body workout even know this one is the most painful. Okay I was in a rush to meet my Dad so I didn't do the all required rests b'tween sets. It was tough workout but I felt great after. My legs were still sore from the last leg workout.

After I worked out I had an isopure shake, with 4 ozs strawberries, my glutamine and 3 tablespoons olive oil and my vitamins

Optimist Mon, Aug-11-03 13:40

Can you believe I just noticed the little 'gym log' icon below posts? I'm so slow!

GREAT workout today!! Think I may start listing my workouts as you do once I get over the whining phase.

hairpin Wed, Sep-03-03 14:32

Hey there! I just dropped by from the "lose 20 in 2 months" forum. I've started a gym log as well.

So, what are you working out with lately? I only do DVD's at home, which are mostly aerobics, weight training with dumbells, and some pilates.

red1cutie Mon, May-24-04 11:50

Originally Posted by Built
I start everyone on this lifting program when I first bring them to the gym. I am NOT a trainer. This is the program I started on, so I just pass it along.

I suggest that you NEVER do cardio before you lift, because if you do it AFTER, you will burn more fat and build more muscle. The other way around, you'll just get tired and hungry. You'll also risk poor form, because you'll be tired when you lift. EITHER do about 20 minutes of moderate cardio (fast walking) right after lifting, or do it on alternate days.

I like to have a little bit of something sweet (dextrose, or an orange or half a banana) just before I lift, and a whey shake (20-35g protein) AFTER, with 5 g glutamine in it. Real food about 2 hours later. When you first start, this won't matter as much, but as you get stronger, you'll likely find it helpful. Trainerdan SWEARS by BCAAs (branched chain amino acids), which I will be looking into this weekend.

This program can be performed 3 or 4 days a week. So, Monday, Wednesday, Friday could be workout 1 2 1 the first week, and 2 1 2 the second week.

Start with the lightest weights possible, and work your way up. Once you can do three sets of 8 and not feel anything/much the next day, increase the weight and drop the reps to 3 sets of 6. Work it back up to 3 sets of 8, and repeat.

Squats - first time you do them, NO WEIGHT, and only do 2 sets of 4. If you can still walk the next day, increase it gradually until you can do 3 sets of 10 before adding on any weight. You should eventually expect to squat with what you weigh on your shoulders (!), but this can take over a year, so don't rush. It took me 3 months before I could squat the bar (45 pounds)

Have fun!

- Built

abs 2-3 minutes
stretches make sure you stretch quads

squats 3 sets of 8-10

seated leg extensions (quads) 3 sets of 8-10

seated back cable rows 3 sets of 8-10

front lat pull downs 3 sets of 8-10

shrugs 3 sets of 8-10

seated alternating dumbbell curls (sit, with back support) 3 sets of 8-10

drag curls 3 sets of 8-10 like a barbell curl, but drag it up the front of your body and back down again. Works like a preacher curl, but works better.


abs 2-3 minutes
stretches make sure you stretch quads and hams

split squats (stationary lunges): these are basically lunges, but do all one side for one set, and then switch. I don't put my foot up on a bench, so ignore that part of the movie. Take a step, and stay there. Now do 8 squats in this position, then switch sides. 3 sets of 8-10 each side

lying leg curls (hamstrings) 3 sets of 8-10

Dumbbell lateral raises (imagine you are pouring really full pots of tea) 3 sets of 8-10

dumbbell shoulder (military) press 3 sets of 8-10

incline dumbbell flys (do it on the slant bench, or flat if you prefer) 3 sets of 8-10

incline dumbbell press (squeeze chest at top) 3 sets of 8-10

overhead tricep extensions, (I hold ONE dumbbell with both hands, hold it overhead, drop it down to elbows at 90 degrees, then raise it straight up) 3 sets of 8-10

standing tricep cable pull-downs, using rope 3 sets of 8-10 keep elbows glued to your sides, hold the rope ends, push straight down, then back up to 90 degrees. Your hands end up at your sides because the rope will open up and let you.

I copied this from another thread. Decisions, decisions.

red1cutie Wed, May-26-04 10:04

Quote: If you want to build muscle and eat atkins, i suggest you give the NHE a go. it's not that much different than atkins in some respects but just a teency bit carbier (30g). high fat actually increases natural testosterone levels so your body might really respond and build... BUT you also need to eat 1.5x bodyweight in protein and OVER your daily maintenance calories within your ratios of 65f 30p 5c.

As for ab work--do it 2x a week but not in a row (let them heal and grow).

red1cutie Sun, May-30-04 12:03

The Plan--NHE

Nutrition Plan:
Day 1-Day 7 Induction 20g carbs
Day, 8, 9 30g carbs
Day 10 Carb Up Meal Day 40g carbs MINIMUM, protein less than 20g, fat less than 20g (less than 30% of total calories from fat
Carb up should take place after workout--preferably meal after workout, preferably last meal of day
Other meals prior to the carb up meal must add up to less than 30g
Day 11 30g carbs
Day 12 30g carbs
Day 13 30g carbs
Day 14 30g carbs
Day 15 30g carbs
Day 16 30g carbs
Day 17 Carb Up Meal Day

Workout Plan:
Day 1-weights, then moderate cardio
Day 2-HIIT
Day 3-weights, then moderate cardio
Day 4-HIIT
Day 5-weights, then moderate cardio
Day 6-HIIT
Day 7-Day Off (no workout)
Day 1-weights, then moderate cardio
Day 2-HIIT
Day 3-weights, then moderate cardio--Carb Up (Day 10)
Day 4-HIIT
Day 5-weights, then moderate cardio
Day 6-HIIT
Day 7-Day Off
Day 1-weights, then moderate cardio
Day 2-HIIT
Day 3-weights, then moderate cardio--Carb Up Day (Day 17)
Day 4-HIIT
Day 5-weights, then moderate cardio
Day 6-HIIT
Day 7-Day Off

red1cutie Sun, May-30-04 16:04

Today was a baby workout. I did arms and abs but I'm officially starting tomorrow.

Tomorrow will be legs and 20 minutes of cardio after. Not sure what yet.
Thinking of leg press and extensions, curls and deadlifts and then something for calves. :cool:

doogieb Mon, May-31-04 00:45

Hey red,

My current workout basically(!) follows the BFL pyramid....


12,10,8,6,12 Dumbell bench press
12 Dumbell flyes

12,10,8,6,12 Side raises
12 Bent over side raises

12,10,8,6,12 Wide grip pulldowns
12 Reverse grip pulldowns

12,10,8,6,12 Two hand seated dumbell pull overs
12 Dumbell extensions

12,10,8 Hammer curls
Drop set of dumbell curls


12,10,8,6,12 Squats or Leg press (depending on whether squat rack is broken or not!)
12 Leg extensions

12,10,8,6 Lying leg curls
Drop set Lying leg curls

12,10,8,6,12 Standing calf raises
12 Sitting calf raises

Abs/ core
12 Lying face down on swiss ball at waist, feet at bottom of wall, sort of reverse curl for lower back
12 each side Side crunches lying sideways on swiss ball at waist, feet at bottom of wall
12 Lying on floor with feet up on swiss ball to do decline crunches

Sometimes I do 1, 2 or 3 sets of the ab work..... depends how much time I have, whether I really need to pee, or whether the fire alarm goes off, all of which have happened recently! :)

I'd like to change the hamstrings to include deadlifts which I will probably do from next LBWO or the one after, just scared of injury which I've heard about for deadlifts, but I'm probably just being a big chicken ;) I started off doing dumbell lunges for hams as well but I really sucked at them and my grip sucks so was just asking for injury.

Hope that was useful :)

red1cutie Mon, May-31-04 18:48

Day 1 Workout-PM

Leg press weight: 50 12 reps
Leg press weight: 70 12 reps
Leg press weight: 90 12 reps
Leg press weight: 90 12 reps

Think will stick with weight 90

Leg extensions weight: 15 12 reps
Leg extensions weight: 30 8 reps
Leg extensions weight: 50 12 reps
Leg extensions weight: 50 12 reps

Will stick with weight 30 but increase reps to 12

Straight Deadlists w/ dumbells
Deadlifts weight (2 10lb dumbells) 12 reps
Deadlifts weight (2 12lb dumbells) 12 reps
Deadlifts weight (2 12lb dumbells) 12 reps
Deadlifts weight (2 12lb dumbells) 12 reps

Seated leg curls weight 45 12 reps
Seated leg curls weight 45 12 reps
Seated leg curls weight 45 12 reps
Seated leg curls weight 45 12 reps

Standing calf raises weight none reps 12
Standing calf raises weight (2 10lb dumbells) 12 reps
machine was free so then:
Calf raise machine weight 20 12 reps
Calf raise machine weight 20 12 reps
Calf raise machine weight 20 12 reps

Hanging Ab pull knees to chest 3 sets 15 reps

20 minute treadmill
3 mins level 5, 1 min level 6, 1 min level 7, 1 min level 8, 1 min level 9, 1 min level 6, 1 min level 7, 1 min level 8, 1 min level 9, 1 min level 6, 1 min level 7, 1 min level 8, 1 min level 9, 1 min level 6, 1 min level 7, 1 min level 8, 1 min level 9, 1 min level 10, 1 min level 5


Crunches 3 sets 20 reps

Done! :yay:


doogieb Tue, Jun-01-04 00:18

Hi Red, looks like you had a good workout!

I physically wouldn't be able to do 20 mins on a treadmill after legs day, but my leg press on Sunday was 530lbs.... still hurting from it now :D :D :D

Drop sets means you start with one weight, do it till you can't do it any more (failure), then drop down the weight and do that until failure, then drop again. Because I've only been doing lying leg curls for hamstrings until I start deadlifts, I finish up with approx 24 which is supposed to be 2 sets of 12 at an intensity of 9 and 10..... I currently start at 30kg, do that as much as I can , drop it to 25kg, do as much as I can then drop to 20kg then do it till I can't do any more.... I've been getting to about 21 before I have to quit :)

doogieb Tue, Jun-01-04 08:13

Hey Red,

I hope your measurements are in lbs, because when I was done with the leg press at 240kg (530lbs), I did leg extensions at 45kg (99lbs) and I was almost crying like a baby :D If you're doing leg extensions at 50kg then I need to pull my finger out! ;)

doogieb Tue, Jun-01-04 08:16

Yeah, the whole point of drop sets is so that they're tough :D I found that I felt I got a better workout doing drops on my hamstrings and biceps to make sure I got a really hard fail out of them.

When I change hams to deadlifts I will probably just do the pyramid in full.

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