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Candiflip Mon, Jul-15-02 15:59


Hello. The weather here has felt cool. I have been wearing sweaters all the time. It rained Yesteday. How warm is it there?

ummm.....BBQ..What did you make?

I'm sorry I'm not very chatty lately.....Not much of a buddy. :(

How have you been?


alice 2002 Tue, Jul-16-02 14:28

Hi Candice, Sorry to hear that you aren't feeling to well. I read a thread that you aren't eating. That isn't good.

I hope you feel better soon.

Take care


Candiflip Sun, Jul-21-02 18:22

Hi Alice,

I am feeling better now. I have been eating better since the 16th(?? I think that is when I forced myself) Anyhow at the begining It was little bit but now for the last 4 days I have been eating my X10 calories & 120 fat. I gained a few pounds in the begining but have lost that now. Am back to normal. I am still feeling a little bit tired, I think my body is still recovering.

I haven't stared to go back to the gym yet because I still feel a little bit weak. I plan on going on Tuesday.

Oh yeah, Through this whole thing I had been taking my vit.s and my pee was clear to very light yellow *laughing*..yes there is a point to this... And now it is back to being BRIGHT yellow. Just saying that my body isn't using the vit.s as much, using the foods I am eating again.

It has been soooooo muggy here. Horrible! How is the weather there? Does it get muggy there or is it dry?

Well I sold the joeys like a week ago the lady will pick them up on the 2nd of August. I will have to put them in their own cage pretty soon to wean them. It will be a sad sad day when they go. They are such sweet little boys.

How have you been Alice? What is for dinner?

I'm sorry for not writing in such a long time. I just wasn't up to doing much for a while there, I didn't post on any of the boards I go to...And besides I didn't feel right since I wasn't eating right. Oh yeah....I do not have an Eating Disorder, you know that. I mean I told you what was wrong & that what was making me sick.

You know what I did the other day? I went to my favorite store...Banana Republic and bought some pants that are too small for me *laughing*.. they are not the size that I want to be but at least I will have something to skrink into in a bit. You know I have always had a smaller waist than the size of my legs, so if my legs were a bit smaller than these new pants would fit. :) I am still in my size 12 pants because I don't quite fit into a 10, but the 12's are sooo baggy. Weird.


alice 2002 Sun, Jul-21-02 21:32

Hi Candice, Glad to hear you are feeling better. Talk about incentive.... buying pants too small !! Bet it will feel real nice once you fit into them.

I can imagine that it'll be a sad day to say goodbye to your joeys. They are so cute. Hope the adjust nicely to their new home.

It has been super hot here. We had a bit of a heat wave, but now back to normal hot summer days. Thank goodness it cools right down at night, so its easy to sleep. We don't normally get too muggy here, as it doesn't rain too much.

I have been eating well and exercising regularly. My Body fat went down another %. Now I am down to 44%. I so want to get to 20% one day. My weight hasn't budged and my inches haven't moved so it was nice to see something happening.

Candiflip Wed, Jul-24-02 09:19

Talking about pants that are too small...I still have size 4's in my closet that I used to wear..... I've been wanting to just thow them out because I feel like I will never be that size again.

Do you watch your salt? I stared watching my salt lately. Well I mean I was watching my salt before...just not restricting it. I stopped putting it on alot of things. I now use that Ms. Dash. It has like 1/2 carb for 1/4 tea. or something like that, anyhow it doesn't taste bad.

It will be hard to sell the joeys....but ya know what? I think Kailya is already Pregnant again. She is ready to 'get rid' of these boys *laughing* I'm not though.

I can't believe how warm it has been the last few days. But I guess it is supposted to cool down now. Like you said before, It is so hard to cook on these really hot days.

That is great about your body fat going down a %!!!! You must of been so happy. I haven't even checked mine.

oh oh oh...I got the new atkins book, the one w/ the red cover. The one that just came out THIS year. I guess it is supposted to have some things different in it eh? I ordered it from I really Like how they came to Canada. I used to order from Amazon but would have to pay broker fee's but now don't. Did we talk about this before? *laughing*...I swear somedays I am losing it.. :daze:

I've been thinking about going back to learn new things. Brush up. It is soooooo Expensive though! $30,000 for two years.

Okay well I think I will go now...Maybe I will make Sausage & Eggs for Breakfast. ummmmm...... I've been making a protein shake every morning too just so that I get enough protein in for the day. I bought a different whey than I had last time & I think I like this one MORE. It kind of taste like a Chocolate Marshmellow.. *laughing*

Have a Wonderful Day Alice! :D


alice 2002 Wed, Jul-24-02 20:34

Hi Candice, Like your new picture. Did you just get your hair cut? That style really suits you! :thup:

If I use salt, I use Sea Salt. But I usually don't use it. Some stuff like pork rinds have salt on them, but not enough to worry about. If I feel I am bloated from the salt.. I just drink extra water. I'd rather do that than cut back, I think we need salt to some extent.

Terrific that you got the newest Atkins Book. That will definately be an asset to this Way of Eating.

So the mama Kailya may be expecting again? Wow... I can imagine you missing the joeys... they were so cute.

I have a pair of pants in my closet, that I had when I was 112 pounds. Not that I will ever fit in them again (laugh) but it is a memory I am not ready to get rid of yet. :daze:

Wow, that's a lot of money to go back to school. My goodness. But hey, if that is what you want to do, more power to you!!!! I always like to continue to learn things.. I often take correspondance courses on a variety of things.

Hope you had a good day

Candiflip Sat, Aug-03-02 11:32

Hi Alice,

I know I know........It took me FOREVER to write back..... I'm sorry...

Yes I did get my hair cut. It's okay, it needs to be thinned out a little bit more but I will just wait till I go back. Thank you for the compliment.

Guess what?....

Okay I will tell you *laughing*. The pants that I bought fit me. I didn't try them on when I bought them cuz I just thought that, Hey they woudn't I am still too fat. So I went back to Banana Republic yesterday and bought another pair of pants didn't try them on still...Oh but when I was in the store the sales lady came up and asked me if I wanted to try them on? I said No, That's okay they don't fit me yet. She goes, Ohhhhhhhhhh(seriously it was this long extended oh :daze: ), and says, You know I have these pants that you can wear for PJ's or out side that have a drawstring waist, are you interested? I said NO, What you think I am so fat I have to wear PJ's out of the house?
DAMN! Just cuz she was like a size 0 doesen't make me a cow ya know! I guess you had to be there to hear the tone in her voice when she was saying it. *sigh*
Anyhow, so this morning I was putting on my size 12's and they were just too big on the waist, so I thought I would just see how much longer till I can wear the 10's so I wanted to try them on.
THEY FIT! :D I was so happy when I put them on. No struggle with the zipper, ya know no stuggle when you have to get them over your thighs *laughing* It was great! So I guess I should start buying 8's?

How are you doing? How is the weather up there? It has been cooler down here.

Have a great Day Alice!!


alice 2002 Thu, Aug-08-02 08:19

Hi Candice, Glad to hear from you!!

That is terrific about the pants. Best way to measure your weight lose. Don't worry about what other people think. They are just expressing their own fears of themselves anyway.

I am now down to 177, with a 42% body fat. (was 47%) so that is awesome for me.

It is so cold now... I have to put my gas fireplace on in the mornings. THis is not normal August weather. Brrrrr. I hope that doesn't mean we will have an early snow fall. We had winter start in the middle of October one year, and we ended up with 17 feet of snow that season.

Keep up the great work!!!
Take Care

Candiflip Tue, Aug-20-02 02:27

Congradulation at reaching 177.....I am sure you are lower has taken me 12 days to write you back :(

How have you been Alice? What have you been eating?

I've been okay. I always want to know what you are eating to get ideas *laughing* I was BAD BAD BAD the last few days. Made Low carb peanut butter cookies & Low carb Peanut butter cups and couldn't stop eating the darn things.. I swear I could hear them calling my name..So it wasn't my fault. :) Towards the end of the batch of cookies though I found a really good way to eat them. I mix up one in my chocolate mousse....mmmmmmmm... (just crunch it over like a topping) It is sooo good! Can't be eating like that every day.

It sure did warm up didn't it for a while there? Kinda cooling down now.
I'm already shopping for winter. Never to early in B.C. I went to Edward Chapman's when they were having a sale and picked up 2 cashmere sweaters & a Burberry Trench coatI had to pick up the Burberry coat cuz they are not going to make the classic style anymore. You won't be able to find them anywhere. Just the single breasted & short coats w/ hoods.

I haven't been to the gym for a week now. I swear I only go once a week. Why did I even join??? *sigh* I try to get my husband to take me but he always says he is so tired & I don't like to go by myself. I still don't drive my own car up here in B.C. Oh well....

Well I sold both of the joeys. One went to a lady here in B.C. and I drove the other over the border to Seattle. They are adjusting to their new homes very well. My husband is missing is little boy so much. I don't think he wanted me to sell the boy that he played w/ all the time. He called the buyes "Baby stealers". And he cried when they came to pick him up. It was really sad.

Well I hope you have a good day tomorrow Alice

Talk to you soon


alice 2002 Wed, Aug-21-02 08:19

Hi Candice, its been a while, we have been very very busy at the motel. Glad, as its our bread and butter.

Haven't lost past 177, but I am happy, I am a very slow loser because of years of yoyo dieting.

We have had two very light frosts here, so yes it has cooled down. Even the trees are changing into their fall colors. Summer left us far too soon.

Hope all is well with you.

Take care

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