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JEY100 Sun, May-07-17 08:01

While waiting for Publication, now only two days away, check out another new book by Andrew Weil, MD. Mind over Meds: Know When Drugs Are Necessary, When Alternatives Are Better – and When to Let Your Body Heal on Its Own

It does just what the title says in 18 chapters: statins, GERD, antibiotics, Sleep Aids, etc. etc.

A Washington Post article this morning:
How I almost killed my mom with a simple anti-itch pill

Most important piece of Info I learned about in the whole book: The Beers List

Potentially Harmful Drugs in the Elderly: Beers List

In 1991, Dr. Mark Beers published a methods paper describing the development of a consensus list of medicines considered to be inappropriate for long-term care facility residents.1 The Beers criteria or “Beers list” is now in its fourth permutation.2 The latest version is intended for use by clinicians in outpatient as well as inpatient settings to improve the care of patients age 65 years and older. The new version includes medications that should be used with extra caution, as well as medications that should be avoided, either in all elderly or in certain populations.2 An additional tool for improving prescribing in the elderly is the START and STOPP criteria. Neither has been convincingly shown to reduce morbidity, mortality, or cost but are often used by organizations as measures of the quality of prescribing. Use these criteria to identify red flags that might require intervention or close monitoring, not the final word on medication appropriateness. Prescribing decisions must be individualized.
2 The following chart summarizes the updated Beers list and provides potential therapeutic alternatives and other considerations.

bluesinger Sun, May-07-17 09:51

Since I deal with allergies year round, I searched for a list.
"Anticholinergic Drugs:
People taking anticholinergic drugs over a long period of time may be at greater risk of developing dementia." Here is one list.

I never think of myself as falling into this category, but that's dangerous.

Vigilance, Grasshopper.

Thanks for the post.

Didy Sun, May-07-17 22:31

Originally Posted by bkloots
A dear friend is trying to find a solution to chronic back pain--spinal stenosis and other stuff. She's already had a surgery that "might or might not help." Didn't. Now she's being advised to do surgery again. She might. Her rationale? Medicare will pay for it, but not for, say, acupuncture (which is worth a try, if only to interfere with the pain pathways her system has worked up.) She fears opioid addiction. But what if she couldn't get them at all because a lot of people (what a surprise!) are addicted? It's a very troubling world for patients and doctors alike.

What a heart break! Acupuncture has been amazing for upper back pain for me, but if she has had a fusion of any kind, I have read that acupuncture will not be effective. The criminal aspect of fusions is that once you have a portion fused, you will eventually need the surrounding vertabrae fused as well! So evil!

bluesinger Mon, May-08-17 06:20

Originally Posted by WereBear
Discovered his Cureality site and I'm really impressed with the scope of his vision and his committment.

Thanks for that. I've found the site, but seems I must pay to read? That's disappointing. DH has atrial fibrillation and I'd love to see what doctor has to say about it. Anybody a member?

cotonpal Mon, May-08-17 06:55

Originally Posted by Didy
What a heart break! Acupuncture has been amazing for upper back pain for me, but if she has had a fusion of any kind, I have read that acupuncture will not be effective. The criminal aspect of fusions is that once you have a portion fused, you will eventually need the surrounding vertabrae fused as well! So evil!

This is not always true. I had a spinal fusion in 2001 and I'm doing great, no back problems at all. It's true that some people need further surgery after a fusion and anyone going into a fusion should do so with a lot of caution but it's not always evil, at least for me it solved a problem and didn't create any new ones.


cotonpal Wed, May-10-17 04:00

I got "Undoctored" yesterday and have read the first few chapters. It is a strong indictment of the "healthcare" industry. Dr Davis does not mince words laying bare the greed and arrogance that fuels our health care system. Although he writes as if this information will surprise people I suspect that most of us here will not be surprised at all and are in fact familiar with much if not most of what he says. Still I find it a powerful summary of all we have come to know, which is not to say that I did not learn a few things along the way. He sets out to convince people but I am already convinced. I have not yet read his eating/lifestyle program for "undoctoring" oneself so I don't know whether there will be anything new in there. He is also careful to say that there are some things that our current system does well, acute care particularly, and cautions against throwing the baby out with the bath water (that's how I am putting it, not his words). I am glad I bought the book although given my current situation with a granddaughter receiving what I hope will be life saving care for cancer it is a more difficult read than it would otherwise have been. He does mention early on that childhood cancer is one of those things which can not be treated by his undoctoring approach.


JEY100 Wed, May-10-17 04:09

Thank you for your review Jean!
Here's Tom Naughton's:

cotonpal Wed, May-10-17 04:25

Just to add - I agree with Tom Naughton, Dr Davis shouldn't spend any time in dark alleys. He has really put himself out there and, I am sure, has angered a lot of powerful people along the way. It takes courage to write a book such as he has written.


bluesinger Wed, May-10-17 06:18

If I were a realistic artist, I would depict the Earth as a ball of rotting fruit. Humankind has replaced the natural with the unnatural and the decomposition is in every aspect. If I were the Earth, I would shake us off as the murderously dangerous parasites we are.

IMO, if it weren't for the Internet, we would all still live in ignorance, with only a few books written by voices in the wilderness. Lucky for us, we can see who and what is destroying us and choose alternatives. We can see who has our best interests at heart.

The Doctor should remain safe, as there are so many bigger fish to attack. :)
BTW, Tom's review is in depth and amazing.

WereBear, thanks for The Egoscue Method of Health Through Motion. I want to look into it. I believe part of my own healing began when I started my walking therapy.

WereBear Wed, May-10-17 17:02

Originally Posted by bluesinger
WereBear, thanks for The Egoscue Method of Health Through Motion. I want to look into it. I believe part of my own healing began when I started my walking therapy.

You are very welcome. I will be looking at Undoctored soon, I pre-ordered it.

Merpig Thu, May-11-17 16:49

I got my copy two days ago also, but I was halfway through a library book that needs to get returned, so I'm trying to finish that up before I start Undoctored. Maybe tomorrow!

bkloots Fri, May-12-17 06:22

Good thing I subscribed to this thread. I forgot I had pre-ordered the book. Checked my Kindle--and there it is! :lol: I'll get on with reading it soon.

bkloots Fri, May-12-17 06:35

P. S. I have an appt. with my primary care doc for my "annual physical." We've been getting acquainted for the last couple of years, and I think we are on the way to trusting each other. I suspect we'd both consider this visit a waste of time and money.

We've used online communications not long ago to secure data and a prescription for my thyroid support. There's nothing "wrong" with me, but I'm half afraid that the doc's checklist from the gov't and the insurance company will force him to prescribe a statin, a colonoscopy, a heart calcium scan (oh...did that already!) or some other procedure just in case. I'll say no, and he'll make a note of it. Done.

Maybe he'll be happy to spend the allotted 10 minutes with a healthy, cheerful person who takes full responsibility for her own body.

JEY100 Fri, May-12-17 07:36

Jimmy's podcast with Dr Davis:
Evan Brand and other interviewers also have had him on their shows.

Just picked up a copy from only comment so far is Dang! That is a small font size! :lol: either I need new readers, or they were trying to cram too much info into a normal size print run and save money.

JEY100 Sat, Aug-05-17 03:33

Realized did not update this thread. After I adjusted to the small print :) Dr Davis went off on his usual hyperbolic rants about many topics in medicine, but he is also ahead of even LC doctors in new ways to take control of your health. You can keep track of what he is doing with the "UnDoctored" concept on his FB page...taking "UnDoctored" into new areas of self-testing, managing diet, eliminating medications, all far from his training as a intervention cardiologist.

He posted yesterday a possible result arising from new functions on Apple Watch and other continuous glucose monitoring. Interesting aspect of being UnDoctored!

If/when this continuous glucose monitoring watch hits the mainstream, the drug market for type 2 diabetes will be decimated because people will start to recognize how awful foods like oatmeal and whole grains really are for blood sugar, then cut back or remove them.
In a non-diabetic, for instance, a bowl of organic, unsweetened oatmeal typically sends blood sugar to 160-180 mg/dl. In a diabetic, oatmeal will send blood sugar to 300-500 mg/dl--terrifying levels.
This device will be a game-changer for health and for those of us interested in personal self-empowerment in health to free us from the tyranny of a corrupt and predatory healthcare system.
Can you say "Farxiga ready"?…/apple-ceo-ti...t-drove-glucos…
#undoctored #lowcarb #grainfree #wheatbelly

That "tyranny of a corrupt and predatory healthcare system" rhetoric pervades the UnDoctored book. If you agree with that sentiment anyway...UnDoctored covers many ways the US system has damaged the health of its citizens and how to take back control of chronic diseases. Others have been put off by these rants.

The InnerCircle of UnDoctored, an on-line community, is part of his mission: "The self-directed, health-empowering, cost-saving program that helps you achieve ideal health - and can help liberate you from doctors and drugs."

It's $9.95/mo, intro rate $6.65.

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