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mviesprite Fri, May-03-19 19:33

Day 25 - 90 days ends Jul 7
1. No cheats - on plan food only. To aid with this I am taking a small notepad with me and when I see something I think I will throw in my mouth I am going to write it down instead. :sunny: Doing ok. I am asking myself today - do I blow this today? Not easy but the answer was no. mental list insteading of writing it down: fast food places, cookies my mom requested I get for her.

Meggen Sat, May-04-19 05:48

Day 19 of 90

1. Drink 8 glasses of water a day 19/90
2. Follow my eating plan 19/90
3. Exercise everyday 19/90

Kristine: Way to go! You are doing great!!

barb712 Sat, May-04-19 06:27

Day 81 of 90

Goal: Weigh daily. Drink water. Limit dairy and artificial sweeteners.

Weight goal: Stay under 205 lb for life. Longer term weight goal: Get down under 200 lb and stay there for life.

Ate a few nachos and a small piece of corn tortilla last night with my Mexican dinner out (chicken fajitas in skillet and guacamole salad). Adding small amounts of corn in any form to my short list of occasional starchy "vegetables" as I enjoy it and it agrees with me.

Goal weight: <205
Weight at start of this challenge: 206.4
Today's weight: 204.0

thud123 Sat, May-04-19 06:42

Pattern Eating Practice session for 12 weeks.

Below is my daily tracking for the current month (link)
and below that a matrix of the pattern. See Journal.


khrussva Sat, May-04-19 07:43

Day 90 of 90

25 net carbs, 2500 calories & 20K steps. This 90 day challenge is a wrap! It went well. Although I wasn't consistent with my eating patterns throughout this challenge -- tweaking the plan a couple of times -- I did a good job most days hitting the mark for what I set out to do. For the next challenge I want to pick a plan and stick with it the whole way through. I'll take a day or two to think about it, but right now I'm thinking to stay very low carb (<20 total) - mostly plant free and low fiber. I also will look to limit protein and do higher healthy fat macros. In other words, I want to do strict keto for 90 days. I don't want to calorie count, but I really need my daily total to fall in the lower 2000 calorie range most days. I want to lose weight. Day 1 will be Monday.

Ms Arielle Sat, May-04-19 08:53

40 /90

Start DATE: 3/24/19 7+30+

A.Time of eating
1. 2 meals a day, xxx
2. between noon- 8 pm for 30 days.xxxx
B. take supplements every day
1. tyrosine 1/4 tsp TID xxxxxxxxxx
2. 3 cups of green tea yxxxxyxyy
3. bottled supplements xxxxxxx
4. min 4 oz beef xxxxxx
5. min 3 eggs x xxxxxyyxx
6. 1/2 can of sardines
C. Find probiotic with Lactobacillus helveticus, Bifidobacterium longum, Bifidobacteria infantis

x= done y= partial


mviesprite Sat, May-04-19 16:10

Day 26 - 90 days ends Jul 7
1. No cheats - on plan food only. To aid with this I am taking a small notepad with me and when I see something I think I will throw in my mouth I am going to write it down instead. :sunny: I am getting thru my day. The old propane co. disconnected my tank (they will remove it next week) and took the fittings coming out of the house - so no stove/oven or hot water today. I had an "iced vanilla latte" and no breakfast this AM before work (I wasn't really hungry anyway)... I think the landlord was coming today to hook up bigger temporary tanks until the new propane tank gets hooked up. I will update later if I need to - at a library lock-in tonight doing genealogy so dinner will be... not sure. I may have to rummage thru the fridge for something not requiring cooking. On the notepad: Last day for co-worker - DQ ice cream cake, chips, pretzels, fav fast food places, Doritos, cookies

Ken: Way to go!!! :clap: :clap: :clap: Another good round finished. See you next week 'round the thread next week :thup:

Kristine Sun, May-05-19 04:03

Hi all. Mod note: for reasons discussed a few days ago - further explanation here - we'll need to start a new thread and I'll do that later today unless Thread Creator Thud would like the honours. Feel free to jump in whenever; I'm not going to close this one for at least a few days, so you can transition on your own and/or update your thread subscriptions.

(ETA) I realized I'm going to have a busy day today, and went ahead and did it. Do PM me or post with any desired edits, Thud. ;)

Here we go, Part III

Enjoy your Sunday. :wave:

Kristine Sun, May-05-19 04:48

Originally Posted by khrussva
I don't know what it is about this 90 day challenge thing, but it does work. I guess that it is all about that little bit of extra focus that we need to walk the line.
Thanks Ken, and you're right about that bit of focus. For me, what works is that my eating - as well as my job and other lifestyle factors - are very much seasonal. I'm not doing things the same way in bitterly-cold dark February as I am in sweltering August. Finances, having SAD, being naturally disorganized (year-round :lol: ) ... it all requires some tweaks throughout the year for me. Having daily or near-daily check lists and check-ins keeps me on track.

Barb, you're lucky, I miss corn. I got away with it for a long time, but when I was linking this thread to the new one, I saw my very first post and it was my corn mourn. :tears: A belated congrats on your success, BTW. Kat is right, I definitely cheer for everyone, but I'm usually at this thread while I'm supposed to be getting ready for work at 2:00 or 3:00 am. :daze:

Kat, good luck getting your kitchen taken care of. I had no idea there were stoves that run on propane. (*insert Hank Hill .gif here*)

thud123 Sun, May-05-19 09:13

Nice work Ken. See you guys on the new thread. I posted over there and it was QUICK - but it's sunday during the morning :) Later!

Ms Arielle Tue, May-07-19 09:47

43 /90

Start DATE: 3/24/19 7+30+

A.Time of eating
1. 2 meals a day,
2. between noon- 8 pm for 30 days.
B. take supplements every day
1. tyrosine 1/4 tsp TID xx
2. 3 cups of green tea yx
3. bottled supplements x
4. min 4 oz beef x
5. min 3 eggs x
6. 1/2 can of sardines
C. Find probiotic with Lactobacillus helveticus, Bifidobacterium longum, Bifidobacteria infantis

x= done y= partial

ONE DAY AT A TIME--just keep trying!

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