View Full Version : Full fat Greek yogurt?

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Sun, Sep-19-10, 10:57
How does full fat Greek yogurt fit into Paleo? Allowed? Not? :help:

Sun, Sep-19-10, 14:59
I don't really think any dairy fits into the true paleo lifestyle since they weren't milking animals, but if you are able to have dairy without digestive problems, I would say go for it. I loved my full fat greek yogurt with some berries. Unfortunately, dairy binds me up so I can no longer have it.

Sun, Sep-19-10, 16:57
How does full fat Greek yogurt fit into Paleo? Allowed? Not? :help:
Not allowed, it's dairy.

Tue, Sep-21-10, 07:07
Ah, I see. Thank you so much, people! :) I had a paleo book by Elizabeth somebody and I loaned it out, never to be seen again, LOL. That makes sense, though. Doh. ;) Not milking animals that far back in history, I mean.