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Wed, Dec-23-09, 18:49
I was wondering if any of you have had a vbac? I am not currently pregnant, but when it happens, I will be going for a vba3c. .......No, I am not interested in your opinions on whether or not this is a good choice. If you are not going to be positive then please don't post.......
What I am interested in is hearing others experiences with vbac, also lc while pregnant ( whether or not you have had a vbac).......I don't want to start a big debate on whether lc is safe while preg. I believe it is and nothing you say will change my mind. I will definitely be low carbing throughout my next pregnancy.

So, if I haven't scared all readers away. :lol: Any vbac (or lcing) mommas out there?

:wave: Nina

Sun, Dec-27-09, 13:14
Hello Nina, I have had 5 VBACs very successfully, and am willing to answer any questions you may have. And I think low carb (adequate protein and fat) strengthens your tissues and decreased rupture risk. Of course, that is just my educated guess.

Sun, Dec-27-09, 18:55
algts, I am so happy to hear from you! I was afraid everyone would jump all over me when I said I was after a vbac. ;)

Did you low carb during any of your pregnancies? I know with my first two pregnancies I ate whatever I craved :rolleyes: and my bp was high.....etc..... My last pregnancy I lced (except I did have some treats on the weekends) and my bp was down, I had a great pregnancy. My midwife was hoping keeping the sugar down would help my baby not be big. I had an 8lb2oz and 8lb 3oz. But baby #3 was 9lb4oz. :lol: I don't think her size was the problem though. She was posterior and I don't think I was in good labor.....don't get me wrong I was in HARD labor but she just didn't turn or come down. grrrr.... Anyway. I really want a vba3c. Any tips? I ideas? do you have your birth stories posted? I'd love to hear them. Thanks for taking the time to encourage me!

Sun, Dec-27-09, 19:08
I didn't have a VBAC but I think your best chance of having one if you are in the US is to go with a homebirth midwife who will allow and encourage you to labor at your own pace. I can tell you about my three homebirths if you are interested in this option. My kids were big - 8lbs6oz, 9lbs2oz, 10lbs10oz - and were all delivered safely with not even one tear or need for stitches. I really feel for women attemptin VBAC - it's hard to go against the system but so worth it, from all the stories I have heard. No matter what you end up doing, I wish you a lot of luck!

Sun, Dec-27-09, 19:14
I was going to on my second pregnancy, but when we discovered there were two in there, he opted out and said NO WAY. It worked out though because Baby a was breech and of course Baby b was transverse.

Mon, Dec-28-09, 18:17
jschwab, I would love to read your birth stories. I did attempt a home birth with my last. She was posterior and I was at 3cm after 42 hrs of labor. Now I realize most of that was not real labor at all. Very painful but only intermittent.

Fri, Jan-01-10, 20:58
Sorry it has taken me so long to reply! I have been working a few extra days and then the parties, laundry, etc, and I have hardly had a minute.
Only my last 2 pregnancies were close to low carb. I didn't really know about it for the others. My fifth was 10 lb 11 oz and for the first time, I did not tear (nor for my last in Aug 2009). I think it must have been that my doctor, a new one for the last 2 births, did not rush me. He has been an OB doctor since before I was born, so he has great experience.

I personally would not want to do a home birth with a VBAC, because even though the risk is very small, it is still there, and time is of the essence if a rupture occurs. I think low carb/adequate protein helps tissues to be stronger. Look up the Brewer medical diet for pregnancy.

My first was my c-section. My water broke before labor started and he was posterior. He could never get turned. A good midwife or experience doctor (mine was on-call and a new MD) probably could have turned him. I was in labor for 27 hours and finally consented to the c-section because he never descended even though I was fully dilated. Hope this is not TMI! I can answer more, too. Dinner time...

Fri, Jan-01-10, 21:57
I'm in my 70's and never had a cesarean birth, so I'm in no position to be helpful but I'm hoping cnmLisa will chime in here. She's a hospital-based Certified Nurse Midwife and I believe she had a few mothers near term right now, so she's probably on call and fully occupied!

I know she'll have some very good advice for you. From others of her posts I know she favours a low-carb diet although possibly closer to maintenance rather than induction levels right through pregnancy and into breast-feeding.

Sat, Jan-02-10, 17:52
I suppose I should give ya'll a bit of history so you know where I am at in my journey.

I have had 3 miscarriages and 3 children, born c/s. My last birth I tried for a vba2c. I fully intend to try a vba3c. I believe studies support the safety of it, and I believe it is the right choice for me. I also intend to do a home birth. Again, I don't want to cause a bid home birth/hospital debate. My last pregnancy I lced, at induction levels during the week, and on the weekends ate pretty much whatever I wanted. :nono: I always have trouble being good on the weekends pregnant or not. :rolleyes: My midwife was supportive of me lcing, and wasn't concerned about ketones, as long as there weren't other signs of trouble. My baby was almost 9 1/2 lbs. Now that I look at things, that is big, but not huge by any means. I lced induction levels while bfing dd, just weaned her this month. My milk supply was on the low end, but that is normal for me. :confused:

algts, no not too much info! I am so glad you were able to have your vbacs. :) LOL was yo 10lber one of the ones that was semi-lc? Im thinking lower carb doesn't mean smaller babies necessarily. ;)

Sun, Jan-03-10, 13:06
Yes, she was a semi-low carb baby--I think it's genetic, since my dh was 10lb by birth and large-boned.

So sorry for your miscarriages. :there:

I like the idea of homebirth, just not comfortable for me. Good luck!

Sun, Jan-03-10, 14:36
I don't know why mine tend to be large, I am 5'3" and I was 5lb 3oz full term, and none of my siblings were over 7. Hubby was 7 as were all his siblings. I always test negative for GD. I do have a proportionally long torso, so maybe I just have more room for babies. lol.

Thanks for sharing the info algts. :)

back to me
Mon, Jan-04-10, 12:14
I've not personally had experience with c-sections, but I have lots of friends who have done vbac's and said they would never have another section!

I say go for it - so long as your docs/midwife are all ok with it!

I can't say I LC'd thru my pregnanices either, but I wish I had... with my last, I gained 45lbs (not a lot for some, but on my frame, it was too much) and I gained it all from carbs... hence why I started Atkins again - I was sick of carrying around the excess weight that never "fell off with breastfeeding".

I'd encourage anyone to eat sensibly low carb while pregnant - I think it's smart and can only help! Really, can eating well during your pregnancy be a bad thing?

Mon, Jan-04-10, 13:27
Hi back to me. I know what your friends are talking about. I have never had a vaginal birth but there are times I would rather adopt than have another c/s! I know some women think they are great, but I had good c/s experiences and I will never do it again if I can help it!

I agree with you about healthy eating while pregnant. LC just makes sense. :agree:

Thanks for the input.

Mon, Jan-04-10, 14:27
I had a vbac after 1 emergency csec... with a midwife/doula team. I also had an obgyn sitting in the background because I was concerned with emergencies and did not want to be unprepared.

Thu, Apr-29-10, 11:45
I had a vbac. I think that every pregnancy is different, as are the reasons for the method of delivery.

If I had to do it all over again, I wouldn't have gone through with the vbac, but it had nothing to do with the fact that it was a vbac. It was just a crappy delivery.

However, it was my insistence on a vbac during my second pregnancy that caused the drs to push harder than they would've and take risks that they didn't normally take at the time of my son's birth.

The only advice I have for any woman considering a vbac is to go in with an open mind and the attitude, "I will do whatever is best for myself and my baby regardless of what that is." Don't obssess over vbac.

For me, the reason vbac was so important was because I somehow felt like "less of a woman" with the c-section. I wanted to experience natural childbirth. Now that I've had it both ways, I realize what a ridiculous attitude I was carrying.

A v birth isn't necessarily natural and apparently I can't experience a purely natural childbirth anyway.

I don't feel like less of a mother for either method of giving birth. I'm just grateful to have two healthy kids and sorry that I let my stubborn attitude risk my and my son's well being.

There's nothing wrong with a vbac, per se. If it goes well, great. But it's not the most important thing in the world.

Sun, May-02-10, 11:31
I work in labor & delivery, vbacs most of the time are successful...they'll just watch you extra close, obviously.

You might want to check ahead as not all hospitals and/or doctors will do vbacs. Our hospital does, so we get a lot of patients from the neighboring hospital that don't.