View Full Version : Fat-kins diet?!

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Mon, Sep-06-04, 11:36
I have just found this link, I cannot clearly understand (too fast and lots of words I could not catch....) I know there are some rude words in it, sorry to post but I am very curious what do you guys think about it!
the fatkins diet (http://www.illwillpress.com/fatkins.html)
Sorry if it is too weird.....

Mon, Sep-06-04, 12:01
I have seen this before, good for a laugh, escpecially the little weasly squirle and his high voice.

Mon, Sep-06-04, 12:07
I actually thought that was pretty funny.... And I agree if you don't like what I look like f**k off....
As for your brain needing carbs their has been lots posted on that. Can't remember the specifics but it is a falicy.

Thanks for the laugh.

Mon, Sep-06-04, 19:42
that was very funny lol hilarious :lol:

Thu, Sep-09-04, 07:38
i am a huge fan of FOAMY (check out my avatar - FOAMY in the flesh). the cartoons are hillarious. he has alot of offensive opinions on a wide range of topics (check out the DATING TIPs toon and the STAR-CRAPS rants :lol: ). his Fat-kins rant is representative of the lack of knowledge average folk have about the low-carb lifestyle. it is still hillarious.

your brain does need carbs to function. this fact is the backbone of any ketogenic diet. when you don't consume enough carbs to feed the brain, your body goes into the back up mode and produces ketones from fat and protein - which the brain can use INSTEAD of carbs to operate. i imagine this system evolved so that humans could survive when we did not have access to carbs (think innuit in the north - no farming, short summers).


Fri, Oct-08-04, 15:37
that was the funniest thing i've seen in a long time.

Fri, Oct-08-04, 16:55
Thanks for sharing!! HILARIOUS! :lol:

Fri, Oct-08-04, 19:26
I love that clip. :D I think there's another link over in the "Lighter Side" forum somewhere. I like the "Starschmuk's" one best... I don't like Starbucks. ;)

Sun, Oct-10-04, 08:33
Did Foamy get hate mail from any of US???


Lisa N
Sun, Oct-10-04, 09:22
As for your brain needing carbs their has been lots posted on that. Can't remember the specifics but it is a falicy.

It is a fallicy. A small portion of the brain can only use glucose (not carbs) for energy. Carbs are broken down into glucose through digestion but the body can also generate glucose via gluconeogenesis making carb intake (for the purpose of energy..vitamins and minerals are another matter) unnecessary for most people since the majority of cells in the body can use ketone bodies for energy without a problem and the remaining few can be supplied with glucose through gluconeogenesis.

Tue, Nov-23-04, 13:25
That was really funny... (...In a SouthPark kind of way) Thanks for sharing!

Tue, Nov-23-04, 13:29
I've seen this before, I think it's freaking hilarious. :lol:

Thu, Nov-25-04, 09:51

if our brains NEED all the carbs to function...what does that make all of US??????? seems to me all these naysayers are saying the LC lifestyle will make us all stupid.....hmmmmmmmm

hee, just an observation