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Tue, Feb-10-04, 21:42
I've done so well for the last 3 weeks. But just today I ate 2 Atkins bars, felt like I could eat everything in the pantry (even though I'm really not hungry) and I was irritated for no reason in particular. Any thoughts or suggestions?

Jeanne Sch
Tue, Feb-10-04, 21:54
You may have an allergy to something in the bar or you had a reaction to the sugar alcohols.
Sounds like something you need to avoid for now. You can try them again in a few months to see how you tolerate. Much changes in your system in a few months.
I couldn't tolerate dairy or almonds when I started this WOE and now I'm fine with both.

Tue, Feb-10-04, 22:16
Hi Lovelife.

I remember when I was on induction and I tried eating the odd Advantage bar as a meal supliment, my weightloss would stall and I would crave anything and everything (carbs and sugar mostly though). I think you just have to give your body time. I started eating them maybe once-twice a week, and I do fine now. It's best to just stay away from them during induction and the first bit of WOE imo... Just because they say "Atkins" on them doesn't mean they're going to ensure weight-loss. Stick with natural foods for the time being, they're much more satisfying in the long run anyways I think =)

Best of luck,

Wed, Feb-11-04, 10:28
Thank you for your response and encouragement. I stuck to my eating plan and slept real well last night. I had to address some emotional difficulties....I'm thinking that was half the problem. Thank you again! Have a great day!

Wed, Feb-11-04, 10:28
ps: I think you are right about the bars too. Thanks.