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Mon, Aug-11-03, 14:45
Please help me! Before I started the Atkins diet, I never ate red meat or egg yokes or saturated fat. Now that I have been eating all that stuff for a few months, my cholesterol has gotten much worse! How can you do this diet while eating low cholesterol foods? What can I eat? I thought it was supposed to lower my cholesterol! :confused:

Fri, Aug-15-03, 20:56
Dear Summer03,

You and I appear to have similar goals -- weight and cholesterol. Good luck on your continuing weight loss. You're doing great.

Divide your HDL by your triglycerides and according to some studies that is the best indicator regarding cholesterol levels relationship to heart disease, etc. Another is to divide HDLs by LDLs. If the ration is 4.0, that's moderate and over 4 is not good. These are from articles I have read on the Internet--I am not a doctor. See other posts for some links to articles regarding this subject.

There are several studies that show that the correlation between high cholesterol and heart disease may be not be the best indicator for potential disease. Better options I read about include:

1. C-Reactive Protein is an indicator, although if you have a cold or an infection C Reactive Protein will be there and give a false reading.

2. The other is a test (PLAC) that looks for a certain enzyme that if present is a much more accurate indicator of potential heart disease, stroke, etc. This may be too new for most doctors.

3. Arterial scans can test for actual blockages or potential blockages (Prob expensive and hard to get without a justifiable reason).

Many people here have high LDLs for the first six months and then the LDLs decline.

I hope this works out for you and you find some answers in the other posts here....please let us know that you are doing all right!

Oh, by the way my triglycerides went down as did my LDLs, although less dramatically. But my HDLs went down too despite exercising more and losing weight. I was told that I was eating too little fat. (It made sense the diet (Redbook's 2-week wonder) I was on was a lowfat, lowcarb diet.)

Good luck!
